openly-retro / stellaris-machine-robot-expansion

Reviving XVCV's "Machine & Robot Expansion" mod
2 stars 2 forks source link

Origin: "Catalogue Index" #157

Open openly-retro opened 5 months ago

openly-retro commented 5 months ago


This Machine empire serves a vast Brain, surveying, inspecting, sampling, and probing everything in the galaxy to satisfy the Brain's demands for knowledge. Cataloguing species, surveying alien cities, sampling asteroids, performing every errand the Brain demands. And in return the Brain provides powerful bonuses when its cataloguing quotas are met, providing its cataloguers with research points, resources, ships, and nearly everything needed to flourish. The Brain's thirst for knowledge seems endless. But is it? What will happen when the Brain decides it has had enough?

Notes / brain dump

Scanning planets, objects, stars, etc ... scan stations, inhabited worlds, other ships.. "scan everything"

get research points and fulfill criteria from Central Brain

Brain gives several upgrades / boosts, player can get upgrades from fulfilling research/scanning criteria

There are [+] icons on everything. New research projects get added to inhabited worlds for player to scan.. ecological, zoological, composition, societal, military.

Brain gives empire upgrades, boosts, etc.

But after a while, the Brain stops. says "Requirements have all been fulfilled. Sending notification" Strong pulses go out.

10 yrs later, "Maintainers" show up. "You have fulfilled your duties, well done. We have amassed enough information from this galaxy. It can safely be wiped out without losing precious information."

Player becomes vassal, Maintainers set up strong HQ somewhere. Special project to abandon all planets and commence auto shutdown. If completed, player loses ...

If player doesnt declare war, in 50 yrs the Maintainers mobilize and begin attacking the galaxy. They will first attempt to recruit / ally with Machine fallen empires.. reprogram/hack them. Then start wiping out the galaxy.

openly-retro commented 4 months ago

Can use a situation, much like "Machine Learning", let certain activities contribute towards progress, and at the conclusion, start triggering the above events.