By default the councilor traits are mainly put in the core-intelligence-modifying feature, because for gestalt empires all the council positions are locked.
A player can pick the "Mind Separation" perk and become a non-gestalt dictatorship, thus changing the government to allow councilor assignments.
But there won't be leader-building options where the player can create leaders with councilor traits.. because by default the leader-making and core-modifying features are designed with gestalts in mind.
So, the challenge is, how to give players access to the leader builder functionality and also the councilor traits, which were by default reserved for the core modifying intelligence.
Maybe we generate councilor-type traits, but lock them using potential and show only if the mind separation AP was selected?
By default the councilor traits are mainly put in the core-intelligence-modifying feature, because for gestalt empires all the council positions are locked.
A player can pick the "Mind Separation" perk and become a non-gestalt dictatorship, thus changing the government to allow councilor assignments.
But there won't be leader-building options where the player can create leaders with councilor traits.. because by default the leader-making and core-modifying features are designed with gestalts in mind.
So, the challenge is, how to give players access to the leader builder functionality and also the councilor traits, which were by default reserved for the core modifying intelligence.
Maybe we generate councilor-type traits, but lock them using potential and show only if the mind separation AP was selected?