example: the localisation trait key for the trait modifier, species_leader_exp_gain
is not actually mod_species_leader_exp_gain but MOD_LEADER_SPECIES_EXP_GAIN
Note that "leader" and "species" have been swapped around.
Absolutely un-f*cking reliable base game data.
Shroud Almighty.. this is a hell of a doozy.
Generally, there is a pattern to this mind-flaying experience. It is generally the first two words that have been reversed.
Another example is for science_ship_survey_speed which should be mod_science_ship_survey_speed but in fact is MOD_SHIP_SCIENCE_SURVEY_SPEED (and in uppercase, too.. shudder)
So, one possible approach...
harvest all.. I mean ALL from expansions, etc, everything.. all trait modifiers from the base game
search the entire base Stellaris localisation file folder for a case-insensitive match for the modifier in the "sane word order" then search for the "reversed word order" pattern, and if we get a hit on either one, store the result
make one huge mapping table with the sane version as the key and the "insane" stellaris version on the right
Another "WTAF" --
example: the localisation trait key for the trait modifier,
is not actuallymod_species_leader_exp_gain
Note that "leader" and "species" have been swapped around.
Absolutely un-f*cking reliable base game data.
Shroud Almighty.. this is a hell of a doozy.
Generally, there is a pattern to this mind-flaying experience. It is generally the first two words that have been reversed.
Another example is for
which should bemod_science_ship_survey_speed
(and in uppercase, too.. shudder)So, one possible approach...