I'm using mbtiles from openmaptiles with tileserver.php, mapbox-gl.js. as well as leaflet-mapbox-gl.js. Vector tiles and all other files are on my computer. Map is showing and working for the different zoom levels, but and there is no label and icon displayed for airport(s) - and I'm getting this error in the browser console:
Error: Source layer "aerodrome_label" does not exist on source "openmaptiles" as specified by style layer "airport-label-major"
The mbtile file used is from openmaptiles.com and is this one:
I'm using mbtiles from openmaptiles with tileserver.php, mapbox-gl.js. as well as leaflet-mapbox-gl.js. Vector tiles and all other files are on my computer. Map is showing and working for the different zoom levels, but and there is no label and icon displayed for airport(s) - and I'm getting this error in the browser console: Error: Source layer "aerodrome_label" does not exist on source "openmaptiles" as specified by style layer "airport-label-major"
The mbtile file used is from openmaptiles.com and is this one: osm-2017-07-03-v3.6.1-europe_norway.mbtiles
The style was downloaded from here: https://github.com/openmaptiles/osm-bright-gl-style/tree/gh-pages
Below there is a copy of the error from the browser console. At the end there is the relevant code from the style-cdn.json file.
Does anyone know what I have to do to make the name and icon for the airports to show in the map?
Here is the error in the browser console:
In the style-cdn.json file I find this relevant information: { "id": "airport-label-major", "type": "symbol", "source": "openmaptiles", "source-layer": "aerodrome_label", "minzoom": 10, "filter": [ "all", [ "has", "iata" ] ], "layout": { "icon-image": "airport_11", "icon-size": 1, "text-anchor": "top", "text-field": "{name:latin}\n{name:nonlatin}", "text-font": [ "Klokantech Noto Sans Regular" ], "text-max-width": 9, "text-offset": [ 0, 0.6 ], "text-optional": true, "text-padding": 2, "text-size": 12, "visibility": "visible" }, "paint": { "text-color": "#666", "text-halo-blur": 0.5, "text-halo-color": "#ffffff", "text-halo-width": 1 } },