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New Feature: A One-step OpenMC HDF5 Data Generation directly from ENDF by FrendyPlus #2753

Closed newcomputelab closed 9 months ago

newcomputelab commented 9 months ago


Here introduces FrendyPlus, a nuclear data processing code with Julia/Python interface based on the Frendy code by JAEA. It now integrates with the OpenMC HDF5 formatted data generation.

Open-source repository (GitLab):


Traditionally, when NJOY is used, one first uses OpenMC Python code for generation of NJOY input files templates, then switches to NJOY, and finally switches back to OpenMC HDF5 data generation Python utilities.

Such a three-step procedure is now replaced by a one-step solution by FrendyPlus, which is simply a single Julia/Python script. Now no input files are needed, it therefore offers a coherent experience.


The Python code from have been tested to work with OpenMC Python utilities.

The Julia code build_openmc_hdf5_from_endf.jl from have been tested to work with OpenMC Python utilities through the PyCall.jl library.

paulromano commented 9 months ago

Thanks for letting us know about this! I've added a link to FrendyPlus in our OpenMC ecosystem list

newcomputelab commented 9 months ago

Thanks and glad to experience such a rapid reply.