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OpenMC Monte Carlo Code
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Initial Windows Support #2919

Open HunterBelanger opened 1 month ago

HunterBelanger commented 1 month ago


This PR is an initial attempt to adding native Windows support to OpenMC. With these modifications, I have been able to compile vanilla OpenMC on Windows, using both MSVC (19.38) and the Intel compilers. I have made this a draft PR for the moment due to the following changes / restrictions.

I am very open to suggestions on how to tackle the remaining problems ! I am definitely not a Windows developer, and have yet to find/understand good tools to properly examine this on Windows. For example, it will almost always crash in Debug mode because we apparently do some bad things with iterators in some spots. If you compile in Release mode, these do not pose a problem. Please feel free to test it out on a Windows machine and find all the bugs I have probably missed ! For now, I am not building HDF5 myself, but simply download and install the pre-built binaries from the HDF5 website.

Fixes #1243


gridley commented 1 month ago

Nice! I always wondered why we couldn't do this. Pre-packing a binary for windows could be very nice for some users.

paulromano commented 4 weeks ago

@HunterBelanger Regarding the xtl/xtensor update, can you submit a separate PR just updating our submodules to the latest released version of each? That way we can consider separately (and later) whether we want to adopt FetchContent rather than lump it with the Windows-related changes here.

HunterBelanger commented 4 weeks ago

Yeah, I can make a separate PR to update the submodules and discuss FetchContent. For the time being though, I figure we probably want to keep the temporary work around that I have in this branch, just so it functions, and we can update this branch when we finally want to merge ? Otherwise, this won't work for anyone trying to test it.

paulromano commented 4 weeks ago

@HunterBelanger Yes, once the submodule update is merged separately, we can update this branch to remove the FetchContent changes (I can help with that if needed).