openmethane / setup-wrf

Setup the WRF model
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Basic all in one script #25

Closed lewisjared closed 1 week ago

lewisjared commented 2 weeks ago


Adds a basic script to run all of the required steps via a single script. This is useful for testing the image as a whole @mikapfl

This script (scripts/ should be set as the command when running the container.


Please confirm that this pull request has done the following:


lewisjared commented 2 weeks ago

This is currently untested, but a decent starting point

lewisjared commented 2 weeks ago

This is on hold until #22 is resolved

mikapfl commented 2 weeks ago

Just trying to understand the whole process better: Do we expect to cache something which does in the "real" workflow? Or do we expect that we start from a completely clean slate every time? I guess what I'm asking is: does this have any input which needs to be mounted to a specific path or something?

lewisjared commented 2 weeks ago

The geography data could be cached. Although in a production environment, I'm not actually sure if it is needed if the geom file has already been created, which only needs to happen once per domain. That file would need to be fetched if it isn't checked into the repo like it is for the test domain (given it is a few MBs and rarely changes). The geography data was included here to be able to bootstrap from a fresh start or to be able to run the full domain.

This job fetches and subsets it's own boundary conditions on every run. In theory those files could be downloaded and cached separately, but with a single domain and a decent internet connection there isn't much point.

So the short answer is that you could design this job to not need any files on start up, but the output (data/mcip and data/cmaq) is needed for other steps. If you wanted something to test the mounting then data/geog would be a decent example

lewisjared commented 2 weeks ago

With the repo reshuffle this particular job may change slightly with the last line (running being moved to the openmethane repository in which case the data/wrf directory is the key output of the job