Open ghost opened 6 years ago
Ohhkk... So I've just read another issue where a response is saying that the console doesn't actually work presently.
Grand.. so I'm concentrating on using Postman. Could someone please clue me in on the steps to follow in postman?
I presume that after Initiate Authorisation I then need to do Process Authorisation ?
I have gotten a bit further by adding a param to GET Initiate Authorization . I added redirect_url to it in postman and now at least when I paste the authorizationUrl into chrome and get to the authentication with FitBit it gets me as far as the authorization page..
When I click allow I get redirected back to http://localhost:8083/authorize/fitbit/callback#_=_ But that comes up with an error... I caught the return request from fitbit and got the code and the state... but when I plugged them into Process authorization redirect.. I got { "type": "ERROR", "details": "Access token denied.", "accessParameters": null, "requestParameters": null }
I'm not certain where to go next...
Thanks PJ
Any luck with resolving this issue? We are having the same problem with a project i am working on. @pjatinsight
Hi Shannon, Nope, yours is the first and only response I received. So, when I got no help at all I abandoned Shimmer and I’m just doing it myself with fitbit specific API’s. Sorry I haven’t any better news for you. If its any consolation the API’s that exist for javascript and/or python are relatively easy to use once you get the hang of the Oauth2 concepts. Best Regards, PJ
PJ Mealy
Insight Centre for Data Analytics Galway Business Park Dangan Galway H91 AEX4 Ireland
On 10 Jan 2018, at 18:41, shannoneobrien wrote:
Any luck with resolving this issue? We are having the same problem with a project i am working on.
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same issue for me too. abandoning shimmer since looks no support, but a pity.
same here, this should be fixed
abandoned too because of this.
But even though the project is not active, it could really be useful to have such a tool. Any of you who have found alternative projects, or willing to share projects that handles this data integration?
Should a new project that tries to solve this be made?
Looks like the api doest have a endpoint to fetch the shimer details Quick hack to check how it works Overide the main.js file method
$scope.loadShims = function () {
var googlef = {shimKey:"googlefit", label:""};
var data = [googlef];
$scope.shims = data;
run ./ Long term fix registry endpoint should be implemented which will send all the shim details.
Hi, I'm just trying to get this thing up and running to evaluate it. Following the instructions as best I can... Want to run it on my macbook with Docker.
When I try to use the console ( browse to localhost:8083) by entering a user handle and clicking Find I get a button that doesn't say connect and doesn't do anything.. when I look in the browser console I see errors relating to a missing registry:
ERROR GET http://localhost:8083/registry 404 (Not Found)
Then I tried a different tack and went with the Postman instructions to authorise using postman. Having set up the collection and the environment I used the GET for Initiate Authorisation. But I noticed that it had a null for redirect_url.. and then when I copy/paste the authorizationUrl into the browser and authenticate.. I end up with an error from FitBit that says...
So, the GET looks like below... I see nulls in the redirect urls... but nowhere in the instructions is this mentioned... do I put it into resource-server.env somehow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks PJ
{ "id": "5a14581ec9e77c0007d5a367", "stateKey": "Hxb2es", "username": "", "redirectUri": "", "requestParams": { "redirect_url": null }, "authorizationUrl": "", "clientRedirectUrl": null, "isAuthorized": false, "serializedRequest": "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" }