openmichigan / OERbit

OERbit is a Drupal-based publishing platform for publicly licensed learning resources (OER/OCW)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Integrate social network functions into /education (e.g. Like on Facebook, Share on Twitter) #10

Closed kwcoffman closed 12 years ago

kwcoffman commented 13 years ago

From: Kathleen Ludewig Omollo Was:

The OER Africa site has integrated with Facebook: They have a Facebook like button on all of their resources (see attached screenshots). The idea of students using social networking sites (and esp. Facebook) to promote OER came up multiple times at the design jam at last Thursday, so I think this is a definite step in the right direction. How can we do this for the Open.Michigan resources? Is there a Drupal module for this? Can we just use the Facebook Like Plugin (

From: Pieter Kleymeer

I want to implement a range of social network functions including the "like this" and "share this on twitter" buttons. Will you (Kathleen) please create something for this in JIRA so that it doesn't fall off the radar? As for OER Africa, promoting individual resources is a tricky business. I've done it a few times on Twitter or Facebook when there is a discussion going on for which a resource may be relevant. But without doing some heavy monitoring of those channels and knowing our collection thoroughly, it's difficult to pinpoint moments for promotion.

this needs to go to the user experience person.

pkleymee commented 13 years ago

I added a "social button" block for courses/resources on the Open.Michigan instance and then added the code for Facebook and Twitter buttons. I also added blocks to display the OpenStudy widget in the left sidebar. This could be updated in the main branch code/database.

pkleymee commented 12 years ago
