openmichigan / OERbit

OERbit is a Drupal-based publishing platform for publicly licensed learning resources (OER/OCW)
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Renamed subunit, old URL persists #15

Closed kwcoffman closed 10 years ago

kwcoffman commented 13 years ago

From: Kathleen Ludewig Omollo Was: Related: (

I renamed to

There were 3 existing resources in the /basic-sci unit. When I renamed the unit, the urls for the resources were not updated. They are still

From: Pieter Kleymeer

it appears that when the sub-unit (or unit) name and url are changed, all the content within those units get their "URL path settings" automatically set to their previous URL.

this looks like it works by design - the question is, does the user actually want all the existing URLs to change? sounds like "yes" from Kathleen - at least she expected it to change.

I found under /admin/build/path/pathauto in the general settings that we can "Create a new alias. Redirect from old alias." when an item is updated. It seems to make sense that when changing the url of the host sub-unit, the url of the content within it should reflect the new structure. all existing content should have their old urls redirect to the new one.

dmalicke commented 10 years ago
