openmichigan / OERbit

OERbit is a Drupal-based publishing platform for publicly licensed learning resources (OER/OCW)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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RSS feed should have course/material author(s) rather than person publishing it #24

Open kwcoffman opened 13 years ago

kwcoffman commented 13 years ago

From: Kevin Coffman Was:

Piet reported that the Author information in the RSS feed shows the person that published the course, rather than the actual creators of the course material.

He also reported that the license information should be included in the feed. AFAICT, it is included. However, none of my browsers displays that information.

From: Pieter Kleymeer

the RSS feed at the unit level (aggregates all courses/resources in that unit) should include for each course/resource:

the RSS feed at the course or resource level should include: