openmichigan / OERbit

OERbit is a Drupal-based publishing platform for publicly licensed learning resources (OER/OCW)
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Need to include multiple links for a single Resource Type (when adding Materials) #6

Closed kwcoffman closed 10 years ago

kwcoffman commented 13 years ago

From: Susan Topol Was:

Sometimes a material type, such as a lecture, will have multiple links for 3rd party audio or video. For example, a YouTube link and an Archive.Org link. Currently, Drupal only allows you to add and publish one link as a Resource Type. This was a problem in Arch 324, when I wanted to add YouTube links and Archive.Org links for each lecture (see attachment). I had to compromise and add only the YouTube links.

kwcoffman commented 13 years ago

From: Pieter Kleymeer

this might be changeable here:

I think the entire resource type selection interface needs adjustment. after playing a while it was clear that this is completely confusing to the publisher... and me.

I'm also uncertain about what the exact need is from the user. Often, the user needs to add either:

Right now the user can add a document, an image, and an external link, but must add the external link last, otherwise it's deleted. Or the user can add a 3rd party video url, but that displaces the external link (and vice versa). A user has to choose between an external link and a video link.

Also, a file upload of any type is treated the same way. A way to simplify the functionality might be to allow upload of any file type, as many files as you want, and then make sure the external link and the video link don't cancel each other out. We may need to also add an audio link. Big question: do we need this content "embedded"? What does that do for us?