openmina / mina-frontend

mina-frontend is an Angular web application that is showing node's progress, logs and statistics.
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[UI/UX] As a developer,
 I want to use a UI-based smart contract audit tool, 
So that I can easily identify, understand, and fix vulnerabilities #59

Open lukasimrich opened 1 year ago

lukasimrich commented 1 year ago

As a blockchain developer, I want to use a GUI-based smart contract audit tool, So that I can easily identify, understand, and fix vulnerabilities in my smart contracts to ensure their security and reliability.

lukasimrich commented 1 year ago

Week 19

Product Ideas



Network Selection & Test Account Management


Smart Contract Management

Ideas to explore: Manage smart contracts, interact with contract methods, observe the results, and monitor the real-time state updates.

Questions, what are SnarkyJS specifics to take care of?