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FIMDA hackathon #31

Closed Erechtheus closed 6 years ago

Erechtheus commented 6 years ago

Similar to #30 we would like to discuss how we can test the successfull integration of FIMDA docker container into the openminted test environment

galanisd commented 6 years ago

Reopened. We will close the issue when FIMDA is registered to

Erechtheus commented 6 years ago

@galanisd I added the service to services.

gkirtzou commented 6 years ago

@Erechtheus is your component private, right?

Erechtheus commented 6 years ago

@gkirtzou I updated it to public :)

gkirtzou commented 6 years ago

Perfect! One more thing, please, create the appropriate workflow so that someone could run your component using the workflow editor. For more info see

Also let me know when you have finished, so I could close the issue. If you encounter any problems, please let us know. Thanks

gkirtzou commented 6 years ago

Note that when you create an application, you wiil be asked to fill in a metadata record. Some tips for filling it in - so that they are discoverable by the users but also that users can cite you and your resource.

If you encounter any problems, please let us know. Thanks

gkirtzou commented 6 years ago

Please, when you upload your component and you create an application so that a non-expert user could run it, please keep it private and send me the metadata here, so I could check them.

Also, you could add the deliverable from the tender call to your git-hub repository (if you have) and add them as documentation to the metadata of your software.


gkirtzou commented 6 years ago

@Erechtheus I took the initiative and create an application to test your component. In the attachement you can find the output from your component. Can you verify that is what you expect?

gkirtzou commented 6 years ago

@Erechtheus I reran your component with another corpus that contained biological papers, and I saw fimda annotations. I consider the experiment successful. I made my application public so that non-tech users could run your component. No further things are requires. Thus I am closing the issue.
