openminted / omtd-registry

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Unable to add component after manually tweaking version #21

Open reckart opened 6 years ago

reckart commented 6 years ago

I have already registered the following Maven/UIMA component:


        <ns1:resourceIdentifier resourceIdentifierSchemeName="maven">mvn:eu.openminted.uc-tdm-socialsciences:ss-variable-detection:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT#eu.openminted.uc.socialsciences.variabledetection.uima.VariableMentionDisambiguator</ns1:resourceIdentifier>

Now I am trying to add it again (because I updated the SNAPSHOT) and am trying to do so by appending injecting an extra part into the version striing (.20180408.2227). I do this in two places:

        <ns1:resourceIdentifier resourceIdentifierSchemeName="maven">mvn:eu.openminted.uc-tdm-socialsciences:ss-variable-detection:</ns1:resourceIdentifier>



However, the registry still tells me that the component has already been added instead of registering it again...

What am I doing wrong? It seems to me that the registry should consider the descriptor with the adjusted version string to be a new component.

reckart commented 6 years ago

Hm, maybe just the message "Already added" is wrong because the component actually does show up under "My Components".

The UI should show the normal message, something like "Added blah blah click here to see".

reckart commented 6 years ago

Btw. I have even deleted earlier versions of the component and then registered it again... still it said "already added"...