openmm / openmm-plumed

OpenMM plugin to interface with PLUMED
59 stars 23 forks source link

MTSIntegrator #20

Closed gitkol closed 6 years ago

gitkol commented 6 years ago

Just a clarification, the PLUMED plugin injects PLUMED forces at every time step, correct? Does this mean the outer time step when using the MTSIntegrator? Thanks, Istvan

peastman commented 6 years ago

PlumedForce works just like any other force. You can assign it to any force group you want (call setForceGroup() on it). MTSIntegrator will then evaluate it at whatever point you tell it to use that force group.

gitkol commented 6 years ago

Thanks, Peter. That makes it crystal clear,

gitkol commented 6 years ago

Sorry, Peter. Just a follow-up question. I am running a series of simulations within a single master simulation. The different sub-simulations differ only in using different plumed forces, but the system remains the same. I use the following workflow to switch from one plumed force to another:

# Subtract plumed force and replace it
plumed2_fi = system.addForce(PlumedForce(plumed2))
# Reinitialize simulation

My question regarding MTSIntegrator is whether I have to redefine it every time I switch forces. Initially, MTS is defined as follows:

# Integrator
nonbonded = [f for f in system.getForces() if isinstance(f, NonbondedForce)][0]
plumed = [f for f in system.getForces() if isinstance(f, Force)][0]
integrator = MTSIntegrator(dt, [(2,1), (1,1), (0,3)])

When I remove the plumed1 force, group 2 becomes undefined. When I add the plumed2 force group 2 becomes relevant again, but it is not clear to me whether I have to redefine the integrator (and consequently the whole simulation).

Could you clarify the correct workflow?

Thanks a million,


peastman commented 6 years ago

That ought to work. A force group is really just a number. When you ask the integrator to compute the forces or energy for a particular group, it goes to every Force object in the system and asks each one to compute any contributions it has for that group. If none of them contributes anything, the force and energy will come out as 0.

When you call reinitialize() on a Context, it throws out all of its internal data structures and rebuilds them from scratch. It's effectively the same as creating a completely new Context with a new (but identical) Integrator.

gitkol commented 6 years ago

That sounds great! I can just define then the integrator once in the header of the simulation script. That makes it so much more elegant. Thanks, Peter!

gitkol commented 6 years ago

Really sorry to have to reopen again, but it looks like there is another complication. Printing system.getForces() results in the following list.

[<simtk.openmm.openmm.HarmonicBondForce; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::HarmonicBondForce *' at 0x7fca1b11e360> >, <simtk.openmm.openmm.HarmonicAngleForce; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::HarmonicAngleForce *' at 0x7fca1b11e4e0> >, <simtk.openmm.openmm.NonbondedForce; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::NonbondedForce *' at 0x7fca1b11e660> >, <simtk.openmm.openmm.PeriodicTorsionForce; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::PeriodicTorsionForce *' at 0x7fca1b11e600> >, <simtk.openmm.openmm.CMMotionRemover; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::CMMotionRemover *' at 0x7fca1b11e6f0> >, <simtk.openmm.openmm.AndersenThermostat; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::AndersenThermostat *' at 0x7fca1b11e690> >, <simtk.openmm.openmm.MonteCarloBarostat; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::MonteCarloBarostat *' at 0x7fca1b11e780> >, <simtk.openmm.openmm.Force; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::Force *' at 0x7fca1b11e540> >]

According to this, the plumed force that I injected just before printing the force list, is the last item in the list called Force. However, if I use the isinstance() filter above using the keyword Force, it'll incorrectly pick the first item that has 'Force' in its name, which happens to be <simtk.openmm.openmm.HarmonicBondForce; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::HarmonicBondForce *' at 0x7fca1b11e5a0> > and not the plumed force. Of course, I can do a workaround saying plumed = [f for f in system.getForces()][-1] but that won't be a general solution. It looks like plumed force is injected as the general simtk.openmm.openmm.Force() object. I wonder if Force should be called by some unique name instead.

I apologize if I overlooked something.



peastman commented 6 years ago

Force is the superclass of every force type. You want to be checking for a PlumedForce.

gitkol commented 6 years ago

Yes, but PlumedForce does not appear in the system.getForces() list even though I injected it via

drr = """
PRINT ARG=drr.bias,drr.dist_biasforce,drr.dist_fict,dist STRIDE=1000 FILE=plumed-elf-test.log"""
drr_fi = system.addForce(PlumedForce(drr))
gitkol commented 6 years ago

If I compare the output of system.getForces() before and after injecting the plumed force, the difference is <simtk.openmm.openmm.Force; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::Force *' at 0x7f5858d31570> > added to the list.

peastman commented 6 years ago

Ok, I see. That's an artifact of how the Python wrapping works.

Why do you need to look up the PlumedForce at all? You already know its index in the list, because it was returned by addForce() and you saved it in a variable. You can just write

plumed = system.getForce(plumed2_fi)
gitkol commented 6 years ago

Oh, I see. Then, I can set the group via plumed.setForceGroup(2).

peastman commented 6 years ago


gitkol commented 6 years ago

Yes, this is working. Thanks!