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Confusion about the unit of CMAPTorsionForce in force field file #3893

Closed yanze039 closed 1 year ago

yanze039 commented 1 year ago


I find that the parameters of <CMAPTorsionForce> in force field files have the unit of kcal. That seems inconsistent with the default setting of openmm units described in this page.

Here is my experiment.

I have RNA CMAP parameters from an modified amber force filed in chamber format, which has the unit in kcal. I calculated the energy of an RNA molecule by tLEaP and it give me the result of -9.31, again in kcal/mol.

'cmap': -9.313757515318306
# this has unit kcal/mol

Then I move the numbers into <CMAPTorsionForce> in .xml file. Basically, this was done by two methods, Parmed and my self-implement. At this time, the unit in forcefield remains kcal. Then I used the following codes:

# label force groups
for i in range(system.getNumForces()):
    force = system.getForce(i)
    print(i, force)
integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(300, 1/unit.picosecond,  0.0005*unit.picoseconds)
context = mm.Context(system, integrator)
for i in range(system.getNumForces()):
    energy = context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups={i}).getPotentialEnergy()

This gives me:

<openmm.openmm.CMAPTorsionForce; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OpenMM::CMAPTorsionForce *' at 0x13694df00> >
-38.94414138793945 kJ/mol

which is exactly the same result as -9.313 kcal/mol.

I also used the inferface of Parmed to calculate the energy, which gave me the same result.


So does this indicate that the unit of CMAP paramaters in .xml file is 'kcal'? All the other parameters are in kJ, so this totally confused me.

Since I can barely find any instruction about implement of CMAP in openmm, I hope to get some help here.

Thanks in advance!

peastman commented 1 year ago

The units are kJ/mol, not kcal/mol. Parmed converts the units correctly when converting the force field.

For information about using CMAP, see the following.