openmm / pdbfixer

PDBFixer fixes problems in PDB files
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Short Script to equilibrate cells for systems created by in pdbfixer. #169

Closed ljmartin closed 6 years ago

ljmartin commented 6 years ago

Hi, Not submitting an issue, but a script that may come in handy for anyone. My python isn't so great but it seems to work so there you go!

Other MD codes (at least NAMD) enact a barostat by changing the size of the unit cell. I noticed in OpenMM that the MonteCarloBarostat scales the atom coordinates as well, which doesn't work so well for equilibrating the cell size, where you are often also using constraints/restraints on the protein. That is, you don't want the protein coordinates to be changed.

The new memory efficient PDBFixer creates pre-equilibrated lipid bilayers, but not of the desired size. Choosing a smaller system leaves either overhanging waters that fill the intervening space, or overhanging lipids, requiring some type of barostat to equilibrate the cell without causing explosions. This script uses the same logic as addMembrane and g_membed before that - it iteratively reduces the size of the unit cell, allowing the overhanging lipids to equilibrate, and avoids changing the protein coordinates (which are restrained). Then squishes the cell further to reach a reasonable density. Attached is an example system cut out from a PDBFixer membrane (in this case, the density in the water might be too high due to the empty space within the protein channel). pbc-fixer.tar.gz

Anyway hopefully it helps someone but use at your own risk! Its at least entertaining to watch. cheers

from import *
from simtk.openmm import *
from simtk.unit import *
from sys import stdout

# Load CHARMM files
psf = CharmmPsfFile('ionized.psf')
pdb = PDBFile('ionized.pdb')

#set box with 4 angstrom buffer:
maxx = max([i[0]*1/nanometer for i in pdb.getPositions()])
maxy = max([i[1]*1/nanometer for i in pdb.getPositions()])
maxz = max([i[2]*1/nanometer for i in pdb.getPositions()])
psf.setBox((maxx+0.4)*nanometer, (maxx+0.4)*nanometer, (maxz+0.4)*nanometer, 90*degrees, 90*degrees, 60*degrees)

# create system
params = CharmmParameterSet('par_all36m_prot.prm', 'toppar_water_ions.str', 'par_all36_lipid.prm')
system = psf.createSystem(params, nonbondedMethod=PME, nonbondedCutoff=0.8*nanometer, constraints=HBonds)

# for density calculation
systemMass = sum([system.getParticleMass(i[0]) for i in enumerate(pdb.topology.atoms())])

#hold all protein atoms:
force = CustomExternalForce("k*((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2+(z-z0)^2)")
force.addGlobalParameter("k", 1*kilocalories_per_mole/angstroms**2)
for i, z in zip(pdb.topology.atoms(), pdb.getPositions()):
    if in ['PHE', 'LYS', 'ARG', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'HIS', 'HSD', 'ALA', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'ASN', 'MET', 'TYR', 'SER', 'ASP', 'TRP', 'CYS', 'GLY', 'THR', 'PRO', 'VAL']:
        force.addParticle(int(i.index), [z[0], z[1], z[2]])

#small timestep to stop explosions
integrator = LangevinIntegrator(10*kelvin, 1/picosecond, 0.0005*picoseconds)
platform = Platform.getPlatformByName('CUDA')
#platform = Platform.getPlatformByName('CPU')
#prop = {'CudaPrecision':'single', 'CudaDeviceIndex':'0'}

simulation = Simulation(pdb.topology, system, integrator, platform)
state = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True)
print("initial energy = ", state.getPotentialEnergy())
state = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True)
print("energy after minimization = ", state.getPotentialEnergy())
print('just set velocities')

simulation.reporters.append(DCDReporter('./equilibrate-pbc.dcd', 50))

##close cell in towards the boundary of water box, equilibrating lipids that bump against each other
for i in range(1,200):
    boxflag = False
    #get pbc values
    pbc = simulation.context.getState().getPeriodicBoxVectors()
    pbcx=new_pbcx = pbc[0][0]/nanometer
    pbcy=new_pbcy = pbc[1][1]/nanometer
    pbcz=new_pbcz = pbc[2][2]/nanometer
    systemVolume = pbcx * pbcy * pbcz*nanometer**3
    #get system size
    waterlist = [i[1] for i in zip(pdb.topology.atoms(), pdb.getPositions()) if i[0] == 'HOH']
    maxx = max([i[0]/nanometer for i in waterlist])
    maxy = max([i[1]/nanometer for i in waterlist])
    maxz = max([i[2]/nanometer for i in waterlist])
    #reduce size of the cell towards system size
    if pbcx >= maxx:
        new_pbcx = pbcx-0.05
        boxflag = True
    if pbcy >= maxy:
        new_pbcy = pbcy-0.05
        boxflag = True
    if pbcz >= maxz:
        new_pbcz = pbcz-0.05
        boxflag = True
    if boxflag is True:
        #set new triclinic cell:
        simulation.context.setPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(new_pbcx,0,0), Vec3((-0.5*new_pbcx),new_pbcy,0), Vec3(0,0,new_pbcz))
        print('fixing box.', i, end='\r')
    if boxflag is False:
    #equilibrate the lipids that poke out of system

##now squish the cell until an appropriate density is achieved
pbc = simulation.context.getState().getPeriodicBoxVectors()
pbcx = pbc[0][0]/nanometer
pbcy = pbc[1][1]/nanometer
pbcz = pbc[2][2]/nanometer
systemVolume = pbcx * pbcy * pbcz*nanometer**3
density = (systemMass / systemVolume).value_in_unit(gram/item/milliliter)
while density <= 1.06:
    print('finished fixing box - fixing density which is: ', density, end='\r')
    simulation.context.setPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(pbcx*0.999,0,0), Vec3((-0.5*(pbcx*0.999)),pbcy*0.999,0), Vec3(0,0,pbcz*0.999))
    pbc = simulation.context.getState().getPeriodicBoxVectors()
    pbcx = pbc[0][0]/nanometer
    pbcy = pbc[1][1]/nanometer
    pbcz = pbc[2][2]/nanometer
    systemVolume = pbcx * pbcy * pbcz*nanometer**3
    density = (systemMass / systemVolume).value_in_unit(gram/item/milliliter)

simulation.reporters.append(StateDataReporter(stdout, 50, step=True, time=True, potentialEnergy=True, temperature=True, density=True, totalSteps=50000))