openmodels / MimiPAGE2020.jl

PAGE-2020 - a Julia implementation of the PAGE Integrated Assessment Model
MIT License
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Fat-tailed distribution for SL response time and few SLR changes #15

Closed jkikstra closed 5 years ago

jkikstra commented 5 years ago
  1. Outcome seems to be +- 0.6 m higher for 2100 than previous version when running main_model.jl.

  2. I have taken the mode inititial sea-level values from the default PAGE-ICE Excel sheet.

  3. I was not sure what the variable "expfs_exponential" represents. Could someone clarify the run_timestep function, especially in connection with the SLR governing equation found on pg.17 of the PAGE-ICE documentation?


jrising commented 5 years ago

Excellent! Concerning expfs_exponential, first, the convention we followed was to name all of our variables <PAGE-variable>_<longer-description>. In this case, expfs is defined on page 19 of the PAGE09 documentation with no explanation. It's clearly just an intermediate variable, and its purpose is to manage the rate of SLR adjusting to equilibrium SLR. There'd really no reason to "report" it as a variable, except that it got used for testing in test_SeaLevelRise.jl.

Relating that to PAGE-ICE, it's just a transformation of the time constant.