openmsr / CAD_to_OpenMC

code to target the conversion from a step-file to a h5m-geometry for neutronics
MIT License
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conda-only install of CAD_to_OpenMC #99

Closed ebknudsen closed 3 months ago

ebknudsen commented 4 months ago

We are trying to build a conda-recipe for installing CAD_to_OpenMC , but some issue with dependencies exist. What works is:

conda install moab openmc=0.14.0=dagmc_* libglu and then pip install CAD_to_OpenMC

but not

conda install moab cadquery openmc=0.14.0=dagmc_* This downgrades moab to 4.9.0 for some reason. investigating

ebknudsen commented 3 months ago

With recent upstream updates, we have moved closer. The trick seems to be to be more flexible in terms of versions, i.e. >= ratjer than == for dependencies where possible. One stumbling block was the existence of the requirements.txt file which was slightly out of sync with the description in pyproject.toml. The caused the "pip install ." line in meta.yml to fail.

ebknudsen commented 3 months ago

At present #100 causes the build to fail (or rather the tests)

ebknudsen commented 3 months ago

Furthermore - had to disable "pip check". This fails because OCP is cadquery-ocp in the pip-verse whereas it is ocp in the conda-verse.

ebknudsen commented 3 months ago

conda feedstock has now been merged into the conda-forge channel and should become available shortly. ( ) closing this