openmss / img_sources

Sources for openly licensed images of manuscripts
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Add a source? - Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek #33

Open slyewhn opened 9 years ago

slyewhn commented 9 years ago

LABEL:Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek




DOWNLOADS: entire document



StephanieML commented 9 years ago

I think we do want to contact them about their licenses. The fact that they're encouraging downloading is promising, but they haven't spelled out their licenses at all. If we can get them to do that explicitly, that would be awesome. We'll talk about how we want to contact them.

michielcock commented 9 years ago

I've just sent an email to one of my contacts there to ask about their licenses.

michielcock commented 9 years ago

The result:

"Enigszins beschaamd moet ik zeggen dat wij nu nog geen licentie aanbieden en dus niet expliciet maken wat men met de afbeeldingen mag. Volgens mij betekent dat concreet dat men mag doen met de afbeeldingen wat men wil, aangezien de werken auteursrechtenvrij zijn. Na de zomer nemen we een definitief besluit over de licentie waaronder we de afbeeldingen beschikbaar stellen, op dit moment kan ik je vraag dus nog niet beantwoorden."

In English:

To my embarassment I have to say we don't offer any licence at all and therefore have no explicit statement about what is allowed with the images. I think this means that anyone is allowed to do whatever they want, as the works are free of copyright. After the summer we will decide what licence we want to use for the images, so at this moment I can't really answer your question.

I'd say the images are not free of copyright, so no statement does not mean you can do whatever you want.

Utrecht University Library is planning to digitize all their medieval manuscripts, so they do really need to think about the license. I've sent them a link to OPenn, to show them a good example of another library.

StephanieML commented 9 years ago

Thank you for looking into this. I hope you advised them that until they put a license up that means that everyone has to assume that their images are under copyright and that they cannot do anything with them.

Again, you are wonderful and we really appreciate you finding this out!

michielcock commented 9 years ago

It seems to be that under Dutch copyright law a photo should show originality to be copyrighted. Is that the same under US law? Jan de Boer (of Utrecht University Library) maintains that a straightforward photo of a ms. would therefore be free of copyright (under Dutch law). Only when the photographer has chosen a specific angle or context (showing creativity or originality) would he have the copyright.

He really liked OPenn, so good chance they'll follow that model.