opennebraska / renters-help
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Add Spanish translation #18

Closed ed-snodgrass closed 3 years ago

ed-snodgrass commented 3 years ago

contact Danni for the Spanish translations

Create the translation.

ed-snodgrass commented 3 years ago

This is what we need translated.

    checkAllThatApply: 'Check all that apply',
    next: 'Next',
    no: 'No',
    noneOfTheAbove: 'None of the above',
    previous: 'Previous',
    yes: 'Yes',
    affordRentTitle: 'Can you afford your rent?',
    affordRentOptionLostSubstantialIncome: 'My household lost substantial income',
    affordRentOptionLostJob: 'I lost my job',
    affordRentOptionHoursCut: 'My hours were cut',
    affordRentOptionSalaryReduced: 'My salary was reduced',
    affordRentOptionExtraordinaryMedicalCost: 'I have extraordinary medical costs that I pay out of pocket that insurance does not cover',
    affordRentExtraordinaryExplained: 'An “extraordinary” medical expense is any un-reimbursed medical expense likely to exceed ' +
        '7.5% of one’s adjusted gross income for the year.',
    affordRentExtraordinaryQuestion: 'What are "extraordinary medical costs"?',
    attemptingToPayTitle: 'I am doing my best to pay as much rent as I can, given my circumstances',
    failedQualificationTitle: 'Sorry, it looks like you don\'t qualify',
    failedQualificationBody: 'If the answers you gave indicate you don\'t qualify, you can restart but please proceed with caution and ' +
        'remember that you must answer these questions truthfully. You could be subject to civil or criminal ' +
        'penalties if you lie on these forms. If you are in need of legal help, please see the resources provided ' +
        'by a legal aid organization: ',
    governmentHelpTitle: 'Did you do your best to get government help to pay the rent?',
    governmentHelpBody: 'If you do not qualify for any help from the government, or if applications were closed, your application ' +
        'was wait-listed, or assistance programs were no longer available or if you applied and you were denied, ' +
        'answer ‘Yes’.',
    governmentHelpBestEffortsQuestion: 'What are "best efforts" and "government help"?',
    governmentHelpBestEffortsExplanation: '"Government help" means any governmental rental or housing payment benefits available to the individual ' +
        'or any household member. "Best efforts" is not defined by the Order. You should document whether your any applications were successful.',
    homeAboutHeader: 'About Nebraska Renters Help',
    homeAboutInfo: 'Nebraska Renters Help was built by Code for Nebraska. ' +
        'The purpose of the site is to provide self-help tools and resources so struggling ' +
        'Nebraska renters can obtain entitled protection under the current ' +
        'CDC Federal Eviction Moratorium. The information in Nebraska Renters Help does not constitute legal ' +
        'advice and must not be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer qualified to give advice ' +
        'on legal issues pertaining to housing. We can help direct you to free legal services if ' +
    homeContactLegalAid: 'Please call <1>Legal Aid</1> toll-free at 1-844-268-5627',
    homeInstruction1Title: 'Fill out the form in 5 minutes',
    homeInstruction1Info: 'Answer a few questions and provide your<1/>landlord\'s contact information',
    homeInstruction2Title: 'The tool will create a letter',
    homeInstruction2Info: 'The app will create a letter that is ready<1/>to send based on your answers',
    homeInstruction3Title: 'Send the letter to your landlord',
    homeInstruction3Info: 'Download or print the letter to<1/>send to your landlord',
    homeLanguagePreference: 'Prefer English?',
    homeOtherRentalAssistance: 'Other Rental Assistance',
    homePageTitle: 'Are you facing an <1>eviction</1>? This tool can help.',
    homeReasonToUse: "If you're having trouble keeping up with your rent payments, the Federal Government has issued an " +
        "order that prevents " +
        "landlords in the US from evicting many of their tenants until after December 31, 2020. Use this " +
        "tool to see if you are covered, " +
        "and to produce the right letter (called a \"Declaration\") to send to your landlord, as required " +
        "by the order.",
    homeStartButton: 'Start Free Tool',
    incomeQualificationsTitle: 'Income Qualification',
    incomeQualificationsOptionNoIncome: 'I did not report any income to the I.R.S. for 2019',
    incomeQualificationsOptionStimulusCheck: 'I got a stimulus check (Economic Impact Payment) in 2020',
    incomeQualificationsOptionUnderIncomeThreshold: 'I either expect to earn no more than $99,000 in annual income for calendar year 2020 or no more than $198,000 if filing a joint tax return',
    landlordInfoTitle: 'Enter your landlord\'s information',
    landlordInfoBody: 'This information will determine where your letter is sent. You can send this information to go ' +
        'to your landlord, the owner of the property where you live, or another person who has the right ' +
        'to have you evicted or removed from where you live. If you are unsure where to send this notice, ' +
        'please look at your lease or ask your landlord where you may send a legal notice.',
    personalInformationTitle: 'Enter your information',
    personalInformationBody: 'We need this information to complete a cover letter to your landlord as well as to ensure that you qualify to use this self-help tool.',
    personalInformationFirstName: 'First Name',
    personalInformationLastName: 'Last Name',
    personalInformationAddress: 'Current Address',
    personalInformationUnit: 'Unit (optional)',
    personalInformationCity: 'City',
    personalInformationState: 'State',
    personalInformationZip: 'Zip',
    qualifiedTitle: 'Great, you qualify! Read the following information carefully.',
    qualifiedBodyAgreeingDescription: 'When you sign the Declaration form, you are agreeing that you understand the following sentences and ' +
        'that they are true:',
    qualifiedBodyProtected: 'Even though I am protected from eviction through December 31, 2020,',
    qualifiedBodyAgreeingStillResponsible: 'I still am responsible to pay my rent and follow all other rules of my lease. My landlord may charge me fees or interest.',
    qualifiedBodyAgreeingPayInFullAfterDate: 'After December 31, 2020, I may be required to pay all of the rent due, in full.',
    qualifiedBodyAgreeingTellTheTruth: 'I need to tell the truth on this form. If I do not, I may face civil or criminal penalties.',
    qualifiedBodyConfirmUnderstanding: 'I Understand',
    startTitle: 'How to stay in your home',
    startDescription: 'The federal government has banned landlords from evicting qualifying tenants for non-payment of ' +
        'rent due to the COVID-19 public health crisis. In order to protect yourself you need to:',
    startFirstStep: 'Make sure you qualify (there are 5 question we will ask you).',
    startSecondStep: 'Fill out your address and your landlord\'s information.',
    startThirdStep: 'Send the letter to your landlord (we can help you with that).',
    unsafeLivingTitle: 'Would an eviction result in a health risk to you by placing you in unsafe living conditions?',
    unsafeLivingOptionLikelyBecomeHomeless:'I am likely to become homeless',
    unsafeLivingOptionMoveToShelter:'I will probably need to move into a homeless shelter',
    unsafeLivingOptionMoveToCloseQuarters:'I will probably need to move in with someone else in close quarters',
    unsafeLivingOptionNoOtherSafeChoices:'I do not have any other safe housing choices',
    unsafeLivingOptionOtherChoicesMoreExpensive:'Any other safe housing choices would cost me more money',
    unsafeLivingOptionNotAtRisk:'I am not at risk of unsafe housing',
ed-snodgrass commented 3 years ago

dodgees commented 3 years ago

@eis95 Is there more to do with this, or should the issue be closed?