opennextjs / opennextjs-netlify

Open Next.js adapter for Netlify
663 stars 86 forks source link

[Bug]: Too large Netlify Handler on Netlify due to duplicate pages in build. (Not through local CLI) #2037

Closed PFJoey closed 1 year ago

PFJoey commented 1 year ago


Since last week, without any code changes, we can no longer build on the Netlify website as the build produces a too large ODB handler. However, when building locally this does not happen at all and stays well below the 50mb (~30mb).

Looking at the built files by netlify the ZIP shows a duplicate js/html/css/translation file for each page. This means that the eventual ZIP ends up at ~70MB and thus too large. Another thing to note is that there are 10.000 files in the build which seems very very excessive.

We have reproduced this locally only once or twice, however, this is very inconsistent and can't be correctly reproduced. Currently the only way to build and deploy is using the local Netlify CLI which works fine and deploys without any issues.

This completely eliminates our CI flow for our Enterprise B2B SaaS as we can no longer automatically verify a correct NTL build, E2E tests that are performed on said deploy preview and pipelines.

I would love to hear a solution to this issue.

Things we've tried:

Changing Next version (currently and always was 13.2.4) to others such as 13.3, 13.1. Changing @netlify/nextjs plugin version to very old verified working versions. Chaning turbo repo versions to older and newer (currently 1.8.4), 1.9, 1.7 etc.

As you can tell we are using a monorepo and once again I would like to state that there are absolute no code changes between a working deploying version on netlify and the not working builds.

On the April 6th we've successfully deployed at 8:35PM CET and on April 7th at 10:20AM CET it no longer worked.

I have attached some build logs, next.config.js and netlify.toml below.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Deploy using the normal way

  2. Failed too large

  3. Deploy using CLI locally (netlify deploy --build --context production)

  4. No issue (although almost at random it will also produce a duplicated page build locally)

A link to a reproduction repository

No response

Next Runtime version


Is your issue related to the app directory (beta)?

More information about your build

What OS are you using?


Your netlify.toml file

`netlify.toml` ```toml [build] command = "cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build" functions = "functions" publish = ".next" ignore = "/bin/false" functionsSource = "functions" [functions.send-email-background] external_node_modules = ["mjml"] [functions.finalize-quote] external_node_modules = ["@sparticuz/chromium"] [functions.clerk-sync-users] external_node_modules = ["express"] [functions.import-adwise] external_node_modules = ["express"] [[plugins]] package = "@netlify/plugin-nextjs" [[plugins]] package = "@commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar" [build.environment] NODE_OPTIONS = "--max_old_space_size=4096" [dev] targetPort = 8083 port = 8084 command = "npm run devn" ```

Your public/_redirects file

`_redirects` ``` # Paste content of your `_redirects` file here ```

Your next.config.js file

`next.config.js` ```js const withPWA = require("next-pwa")({ disable: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production", }); const withBundleAnalyzer = require("@next/bundle-analyzer")({ enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === "true", }); const { i18n } = require("./next-i18next.config"); const advancedHeaders = [ { key: "X-DNS-Prefetch-Control", value: "on", }, { key: "Strict-Transport-Security", value: "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload", }, { key: "X-XSS-Protection", value: "1; mode=block", }, { key: "X-Frame-Options", value: "SAMEORIGIN", }, { key: "X-Content-Type-Options", value: "nosniff", }, { key: "Referrer-Policy", value: "origin-when-cross-origin", }, ]; // @ts-check /** * @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { eslint: { ignoreDuringBuilds: true, }, i18n, swcMinify: true, trailingSlash: false, env: { MAPBOX_API: process.env.MAPBOX_API, MUI_X_PRO: process.env.MUI_X_PRO, BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL, GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY: process.env.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY, FIREBASE_APIKEY: process.env.FIREBASE_APIKEY, FIREBASE_APP_ID: process.env.FIREBASE_APP_ID, FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN: process.env.FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN, FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID: process.env.FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID, FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID: process.env.FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID, FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID: process.env.FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID, FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET: process.env.FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET, FIREBASE_VAPID_KEY: process.env.FIREBASE_VAPID_KEY, NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_FRONTEND_API: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_FRONTEND_API, CLERK_API_KEY: process.env.CLERK_API_KEY, BACKEND_FUNCTION_SECRET: process.env.BACKEND_FUNCTION_SECRET, COMMAND_BAR_IVS: process.env.COMMAND_BAR_IVS, FUNCTIONS_BASE_URL: process.env.FUNCTIONS_BASE_URL, }, async headers() { return [ { // Apply these headers to all routes in your application. source: "/:path*", headers: advancedHeaders, }, ]; }, reactStrictMode: true, transpilePackages: [ "@fullcalendar/react", "@fullcalendar/daygrid", "@fullcalendar/interaction", "@fullcalendar/list", "@fullcalendar/timegrid", "@fullcalendar/timeline", "@fullcalendar/resource", "@fullcalendar/resource-timeline", "@fullcalendar/resource-timegrid", "@fullcalendar/resource-daygrid", "@fullcalendar/core", "@fullcalendar/adaptive", "pvdesigner", "ui", "types", "dashboards", "@mui/system", "@mui/material", "@mui/icons-material", ], // typescript: { // // !! WARN !! // // Dangerously allow production builds to successfully complete even if // // your project has type errors. // // !! WARN !! // ignoreBuildErrors: true, // }, modularizeImports: { lodash: { transform: "lodash/{{member}}", }, "@mui/material": { transform: "@mui/material/{{member}}", }, "@mui/icons-material/?(((\\w*)?/?)*)": { transform: "@mui/icons-material/{{ matches.[1] }}/{{member}}", }, "@mui/lab": { transform: "@mui/lab/{{member}}", }, }, images: { domains: ["", ""], }, compiler: { removeConsole: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production", }, }; module.exports = (_phase, { defaultConfig }) => { const plugins = []; const config = plugins.reduce((acc, next) => next(acc), { ...nextConfig, }); return config; }; ```

Builds logs (or link to your logs)

Build logs ``` 6. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPostBuild event) 10:46:02 AM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10:46:02 AM: ​ 10:46:03 AM: Next.js cache saved. 10:46:03 AM: The function zip ../../../../../tmp/zisi-64351c194df97500086c64df/ size is 74.5 MB, which is larger than the maximum supported size of 52.4 MB. 10:46:03 AM: There are a few reasons this could happen. You may have accidentally bundled a large dependency, or you might have a 10:46:03 AM: large number of pre-rendered pages included. 10:46:03 AM: Contains 10865 files 10:46:03 AM: 10:46:03 AM: 10:46:03 AM: These are the largest files in the zip: 10:46:03 AM: ┌─────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────────────────┐ 10:46:03 AM: │ (index) │ File │ Compressed Size │ Uncompressed Size │ 10:46:03 AM: ├─────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────────┤ 10:46:03 AM: │ 1 │ 'apps/opusflow/src/assets/lotties/checklist.json' │ '550 kB' │ '3.29 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 2 │ 'apps/opusflow/.next/server/pages/automation/create.js' │ '204 kB' │ '1.73 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 3 │ 'apps/opusflow/.next/server/chunks/458.js' │ '185 kB' │ '1.63 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 4 │ 'apps/opusflow/.next/server/pages/contact/[id]/view.js' │ '477 kB' │ '1.6 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 5 │ 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@next/font/dist/fontkit/index.js' │ '350 kB' │ '1.46 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 6 │ 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@vercel/og/resvg.wasm' │ '575 kB' │ '1.38 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 7 │ 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/babel-packages/packages-bundle.js' │ '317 kB' │ '1.34 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 8 │ 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js' │ '337 kB' │ '1.24 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 9 │ 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/babel/bundle.js' │ '321 kB' │ '1.18 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: │ 10 │ 'node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js' │ '287 kB' │ '1.08 MB' │ 10:46:03 AM: └─────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────────────────┘ 10:46:03 AM: ```

Function logs

Function logs ``` # Paste logs here ```

.next JSON files

generated .next JSON files ``` # Paste file contents here. Please check there isn't any private info in them # You can either build locally, or download the deploy from Netlify by clicking the arrow next to the deploy time. ```
LekoArts commented 1 year ago


Can you please share the complete logs of the last successful build and a build that is using the latest versions (but according to you fails)? Thanks.

PFJoey commented 1 year ago


8:38:45 PM: Build ready to start
8:38:58 PM: build-image version: 596993885fcc8df0dd6d507c57c5c9cb7c3a8576 (focal)
8:38:58 PM: buildbot version: 1d276bd25f4562243b697f80623a3bf6b0e1dfbd
8:38:58 PM: Fetching cached dependencies
8:38:58 PM: Starting to download cache of 256.7MB
8:39:00 PM: Failed to fetch cache, continuing with build
8:39:00 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
8:39:00 PM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
8:39:00 PM: git clone --filter=blob:none
8:39:01 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/develop
8:39:03 PM: Parsing package.json dependencies
8:39:04 PM: Different publish path detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'apps/opusflow/.next' versus '.next' in the Netlify UI
8:39:04 PM: Different functions path detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'apps/opusflow/functions' versus '' in the Netlify UI
8:39:04 PM: Different build command detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build' versus 'npm run build' in the Netlify UI
8:39:04 PM: Detected ignore command in Netlify configuration file. Proceeding with the specified command: '/bin/false'
8:39:05 PM: Starting to install dependencies
8:39:05 PM: Python version set to 3.8
8:39:05 PM: Attempting Ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
8:39:05 PM: Using Ruby version 2.7.2
8:39:07 PM: v16.20.0 is already installed.
8:39:07 PM: Now using node v16.20.0 (npm v8.19.4)
8:39:07 PM: Enabling Node.js Corepack
8:39:07 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
8:39:07 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
8:39:07 PM: Started restoring cached corepack dependencies
8:39:07 PM: Finished restoring cached corepack dependencies
8:39:07 PM: npm workspaces detected
8:39:08 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
8:39:08 PM: Installing npm packages using npm version 8.19.4
8:39:08 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
8:40:15 PM: npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
8:40:26 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
8:40:26 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'semantic-release@20.1.3',
8:40:26 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=18' },
8:40:26 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.20.0', npm: '8.19.4' }
8:40:26 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE }
8:40:31 PM: npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
8:40:31 PM: npm WARN deprecated rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser
8:40:31 PM: npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
8:40:35 PM: npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
8:40:35 PM: npm WARN deprecated popper.js@1.16.1: You can find the new Popper v2 at @popperjs/core, this package is dedicated to the legacy v1
8:40:39 PM: npm WARN deprecated @types/joi@17.2.3: This is a stub types definition. joi provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
8:40:39 PM: npm WARN deprecated json2csv@5.0.7: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
8:40:41 PM: npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
8:40:42 PM: npm WARN deprecated @pronestor/react-zoom-pan-pinch@2.4.5: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
8:40:44 PM: npm WARN deprecated puppeteer@10.4.0: < 19.4.0 is no longer supported
8:41:13 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 install
8:41:13 PM: > npx turbo run install
8:41:16 PM: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: turbo@1.8.8
8:41:17 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
8:41:17 PM: • Running install in 8 packages
8:41:17 PM: • Remote caching enabled
8:41:17 PM: No tasks were executed as part of this run.
8:41:17 PM:  Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
8:41:17 PM: Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
8:41:17 PM:   Time:    599ms
8:41:17 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 prepare
8:41:17 PM: > npx husky install
8:41:19 PM: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: husky@8.0.3
8:41:20 PM: husky - Git hooks installed
8:41:20 PM: added 2394 packages, and audited 2400 packages in 2m
8:41:20 PM: 436 packages are looking for funding
8:41:20 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
8:41:20 PM: 11 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 3 high, 3 critical)
8:41:20 PM: To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
8:41:20 PM:   npm audit fix --force
8:41:20 PM: Some issues need review, and may require choosing
8:41:20 PM: a different dependency.
8:41:20 PM: Run `npm audit` for details.
8:41:20 PM: npm packages installed
8:41:20 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
8:41:20 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
8:41:20 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
8:41:20 PM: Installing Go version 1.19.5 (requested 1.19.5)
8:41:25 PM: go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64
8:41:25 PM: Using PHP version 8.0
8:41:26 PM: Install dependencies script success
8:41:26 PM: Starting build script
8:41:27 PM: Detected 1 framework(s)
8:41:27 PM: "next" at version "13.2.4"
8:41:27 PM: Section completed: initializing
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM:   Netlify Build                                                 
8:41:28 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM: ❯ Version
8:41:28 PM:   @netlify/build 29.9.0
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM: ❯ Flags
8:41:28 PM:   baseRelDir: true
8:41:28 PM:   buildId: 642f10f1964b8f0008f49d7a
8:41:28 PM:   deployId: 642f10f1964b8f0008f49d7c
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM: ❯ Current directory
8:41:28 PM:   /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM: ❯ Config file
8:41:28 PM:   /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/netlify.toml
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM: ❯ Context
8:41:28 PM:   production
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM: ❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v4.33.0
8:41:28 PM: ​
8:41:28 PM: ❯ Loading plugins
8:41:28 PM:    - @commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar@0.0.4 from netlify.toml and package.json
8:41:30 PM: ​
8:41:30 PM:   1. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPreBuild event)                  
8:41:30 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:41:30 PM: ​
8:41:30 PM: No Next.js cache to restore.
8:41:30 PM: Netlify configuration property "build.environment.NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET" value changed.
8:41:30 PM: ​
8:41:30 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPreBuild completed in 26ms)
8:41:30 PM: ​
8:41:30 PM:   2. build.command from netlify.toml                            
8:41:30 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:41:30 PM: ​
8:41:30 PM: $ cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build
8:41:34 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
8:41:34 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'semantic-release@20.1.3',
8:41:34 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=18' },
8:41:34 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.20.0', npm: '8.19.4' }
8:41:34 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE }
8:41:37 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See
8:41:37 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See
8:41:39 PM: npm WARN deprecated uglify-es@3.3.9: support for ECMAScript is superseded by `uglify-js` as of v3.13.0
8:41:40 PM: npm WARN deprecated @babel/polyfill@7.12.1: 🚨 This package has been deprecated in favor of separate inclusion of a polyfill and regenerator-runtime (when needed). See the @babel/polyfill docs ( for more information.
8:41:40 PM: npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see
8:41:40 PM: npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1:
8:41:41 PM: npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
8:41:43 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 install
8:41:43 PM: > npx turbo run install
8:41:44 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
8:41:44 PM: • Running install in 8 packages
8:41:44 PM: • Remote caching enabled
8:41:44 PM: No tasks were executed as part of this run.
8:41:44 PM:  Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
8:41:44 PM: Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
8:41:44 PM:   Time:    568ms
8:41:44 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 prepare
8:41:44 PM: > npx husky install
8:41:45 PM: husky - Git hooks installed
8:41:45 PM: added 958 packages, and audited 3572 packages in 14s
8:41:45 PM: 507 packages are looking for funding
8:41:45 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
8:41:45 PM: 11 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 3 high, 3 critical)
8:41:45 PM: To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
8:41:45 PM:   npm audit fix --force
8:41:45 PM: Some issues need review, and may require choosing
8:41:45 PM: a different dependency.
8:41:45 PM: Run `npm audit` for details.
8:41:45 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 build
8:41:45 PM: > turbo run build
8:41:46 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
8:41:46 PM: • Running build in 8 packages
8:41:46 PM: • Remote caching enabled
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: cache hit, replaying output 21c395fc361ee577
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: > types@0.0.0 lint
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: Rule                                            | Time (ms) | Relative
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: :-----------------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments                 |   185.311 |    65.0%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention            |    24.874 |     8.7%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision         |     6.045 |     2.1%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: react/prop-types                                |     5.223 |     1.8%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: import/no-duplicates                            |     4.721 |     1.7%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand                       |     4.071 |     1.4%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: lodash/collection-return                        |     1.688 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures |     1.660 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/ban-types                    |     1.613 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                        |     1.497 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define         |     1.367 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: lodash/consistent-compose                       |     1.342 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: i18next/no-literal-string                       |     1.260 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: lodash/path-style                               |     1.046 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: lodash/callback-binding                         |     1.038 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: no-restricted-imports                           |     1.016 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: unicorn/expiring-todo-comments                  |     0.984 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: unicorn/new-for-builtins                        |     0.917 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports                |     0.893 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: object-shorthand                                |     0.838 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference             |     0.804 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: react/destructuring-assignment                  |     0.798 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: react/no-access-state-in-setstate               |     0.785 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: unicorn/import-style                            |     0.731 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: types:lint: react/no-typos                                  |     0.705 |     0.2%
8:41:46 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: cache miss, executing 8db758c0c6c07a14
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: cache hit, replaying output 8832091753051c32
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: > opusflow-tests@0.1.0 lint
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: Rule                                | Time (ms) | Relative
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: :-----------------------------------|----------:|--------:
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/missing-playwright-await |     1.068 |    13.5%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-focused-test          |     1.020 |    12.9%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-wait-for-timeout      |     0.904 |    11.4%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-element-handle        |     0.839 |    10.6%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-skipped-test          |     0.767 |     9.7%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-useless-not           |     0.704 |     8.9%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-force-option          |     0.604 |     7.6%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-eval                  |     0.551 |     7.0%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/valid-expect             |     0.515 |     6.5%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-page-pause            |     0.509 |     6.4%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/max-nested-describe      |     0.372 |     4.7%
8:41:46 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-conditional-in-test   |     0.061 |     0.8%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: cache hit, replaying output e8ad00ced19b8045
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: > dashboards@0.0.0 lint
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: Rule                                 | Time (ms) | Relative
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: :------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: prettier/prettier                    |   763.324 |    47.7%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: import/no-duplicates                 |   233.834 |    14.6%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention |    49.264 |     3.1%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prop-types                     |    24.199 |     1.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components  |    18.269 |     1.1%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/destructuring-assignment       |    17.552 |     1.1%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function      |    16.824 |     1.1%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: i18next/no-literal-string            |    14.022 |     0.9%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/callback-binding              |    11.246 |     0.7%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/sort-comp                      |    10.553 |     0.7%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments      |    10.182 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand            |     9.377 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference  |     9.252 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/collection-return             |     8.723 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-typos                       |     8.701 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: unicorn/better-regex                 |     8.242 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prefer-exact-props             |     7.880 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/static-property-placement      |     7.785 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                 |     7.632 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-array-index-key             |     7.301 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/no-unbound-this               |     7.236 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/prefer-over-quantifier        |     7.234 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/prefer-compact                |     7.230 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: react/require-render-return          |     6.915 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: dashboards:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports     |     6.842 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: cache hit, replaying output b58dfe93cae4a3f7
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: > pvdesigner@0.0.0 lint
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: :---------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: prettier/prettier                       |  2673.920 |    44.1%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: import/no-duplicates                    |   380.531 |     6.3%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention    |   195.967 |     3.2%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/destructuring-assignment          |   178.163 |     2.9%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components     |   125.777 |     2.1%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: i18next/no-literal-string               |    86.507 |     1.4%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prop-types                        |    85.140 |     1.4%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-array-index-key                |    80.907 |     1.3%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function         |    78.822 |     1.3%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/static-property-placement         |    73.378 |     1.2%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/callback-binding                 |    64.533 |     1.1%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/prefer-some                      |    60.596 |     1.0%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-typos                          |    49.053 |     0.8%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments         |    47.615 |     0.8%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                |    42.358 |     0.7%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/collection-return                |    41.657 |     0.7%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/require-render-return             |    40.284 |     0.7%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                    |    37.062 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand               |    36.789 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-arrow-function-lifecycle       |    35.649 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/default-props-match-prop-types    |    35.539 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision |    34.716 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values |    33.984 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-unused-prop-types              |    33.220 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/sort-comp                         |    28.869 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: cache hit, replaying output 5309b29b35d79e3e
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: > eslint-config-opusflow@0.0.0 lint
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx --quiet --cache
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: :---------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: prettier/prettier                       |   229.033 |    58.4%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: no-redeclare                            |    19.300 |     4.9%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention    |    10.919 |     2.8%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/new-for-builtins                |     9.849 |     2.5%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments         |     7.942 |     2.0%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/prop-types                        |     7.254 |     1.8%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand               |     4.875 |     1.2%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: i18next/no-literal-string               |     3.814 |     1.0%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                |     3.676 |     0.9%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/prefer-module                   |     3.645 |     0.9%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/callback-binding                 |     2.548 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/collection-return                |     2.281 |     0.6%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/destructuring-assignment          |     2.122 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports        |     1.884 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference     |     1.879 |     0.5%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/static-property-placement         |     1.690 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/consistent-compose               |     1.681 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/path-style                       |     1.489 |     0.4%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function         |     1.356 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: import/no-import-module-exports         |     1.356 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/escape-case                     |     1.346 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/no-typos                          |     1.303 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision |     1.289 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/sort-comp                         |     1.232 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components     |     1.206 |     0.3%
8:41:46 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
8:41:46 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: 
8:41:46 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: > @opusflow/opusflow@0.1.0 lint
8:41:46 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
8:41:46 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: 
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: Rule                                 | Time (ms) | Relative
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: :------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: prettier/prettier                    | 11500.659 |    36.2%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-duplicates                 |  3493.610 |    11.0%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention |  1067.386 |     3.4%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/destructuring-assignment       |   621.855 |     2.0%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components  |   561.583 |     1.8%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-array-index-key             |   505.605 |     1.6%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: i18next/no-literal-string            |   456.528 |     1.4%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prop-types                     |   447.901 |     1.4%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function      |   393.482 |     1.2%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/callback-binding              |   296.779 |     0.9%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/static-property-placement      |   271.141 |     0.9%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments      |   262.327 |     0.8%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/prefer-some                   |   257.959 |     0.8%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prefer-exact-props             |   255.507 |     0.8%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-import-module-exports      |   252.366 |     0.8%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-typos                       |   233.120 |     0.7%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/jsx-fragments                  |   217.903 |     0.7%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand            |   196.226 |     0.6%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/collection-return             |   186.950 |     0.6%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                 |   184.811 |     0.6%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/require-render-return          |   182.244 |     0.6%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/sort-comp                      |   175.034 |     0.6%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/default-props-match-prop-types |   168.919 |     0.5%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference  |   163.560 |     0.5%
8:42:49 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-unknown-property            |   162.637 |     0.5%
8:42:50 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: cache miss, executing f23e104a6145faba
8:42:51 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
8:42:51 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
8:42:51 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: > @opusflow/opusflow@0.1.0 build
8:42:51 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: > cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--max-old-space-size=8192' next build
8:42:51 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
8:42:52 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: warn  - No build cache found. Please configure build caching for faster rebuilds. Read more:
8:42:52 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Skipping linting
8:42:52 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Checking validity of types...
8:44:11 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Creating an optimized production build...
8:45:36 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Compiled successfully
8:45:36 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Collecting page data...
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (0/208)
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:07 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (52/208)
8:46:08 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (104/208)
8:46:09 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (156/208)
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (208/208)
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Finalizing page optimization...
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: Route (pages)                                                    Size     First Load JS
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ┌ ● /                                                            13.1 kB        1.08 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├   /_app                                                        0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /403                                                         1.25 kB         592 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /404                                                         1.2 kB          592 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /503                                                         1.24 kB         592 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote                                        350 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote/createv2                               86.8 kB         804 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote/list                                   9.25 kB         858 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/.eslintrc                                               0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/actions/downloadFile                                    0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/actions/uploadFile                                      0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/logic_apps/delete                                 0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/logic_apps/update                                 0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/notification_hub/registerDevice                   0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/events/deleteFile                                       0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/integrations/mail                                       0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/integrations/notification                               0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_hasurautil                                         0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_s3utils                                            0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_utils                                              0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_validation                                         0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/azure/notification_hub/createNotificationHubClient  0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/logger                                              0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/ResponseErrorBody                                   0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/sendgrid/createSendgridClient                       0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/sendgrid/sendMail                                   0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/validateRequest                                     0 B             579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation                                                  344 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation/create                                           67.3 kB         661 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation/list                                             8.22 kB         726 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /calendar/all                                                2.41 kB         581 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /commercial/list                                             7.16 kB         860 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company                                                     359 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/[id]                                                373 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/[id]/edit                                           14.4 kB        1.02 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/list                                                8.37 kB         861 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact                                                     341 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/[id]/edit                                           4.46 kB        1.02 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/[id]/view                                           404 kB         1.49 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/create                                              5.86 kB         698 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/list                                                8.1 kB          857 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /drive                                                       19 kB           735 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form                                                        340 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/submitted/list                                         8.63 kB         831 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/[id]                                          367 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/[id]/edit                                     627 B           700 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /form/template/[id]/edit_OLD                                 7.24 kB         697 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/create                                        565 B           700 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/list                                          786 B           831 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /invoice                                                     342 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /invoice/create                                              2.81 kB         582 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /lead                                                        342 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /lead/create                                                 11.8 kB         708 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management (647 ms)                                         329 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/dashboard                                        101 kB          719 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├   └ css/7ce38324d4d02781.css                                   191 B
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group                                            353 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/[id]                                       372 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/[id]/edit                                  13 kB             1 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/list                                       8.49 kB         857 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/settings                                         30 kB           894 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management/templates/email (552 ms)                         348 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management/templates/email/[id] (853 ms)                    364 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/templates/email/[id]/edit                        9.06 kB         696 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/templates/email/list                             9.32 kB         831 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow                                         352 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow/[id]/edit                               5.09 kB         734 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow/list                                    4.26 kB         835 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/all                                                2.49 kB         581 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/my                                                 5.89 kB        1.07 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/planner                                            32.2 kB        1.13 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project                                                     343 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]                                                358 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/edit                                           65.9 kB         1.2 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/form/[form_id]                                 381 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/form/[form_id]/edit                            10.8 kB         698 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/create                                              9.52 kB         803 kB
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8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/list                                                7.14 kB         860 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /pvdesigner                                                  603 B           580 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /pvdesigner/[id]                                             12.9 kB         592 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /quote/list                                                  522 B           831 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /residential/create                                          16 kB           811 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /residential/list                                            7.17 kB         860 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sales/dashboard                                             7.02 kB         815 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /select-organization                                         1.27 kB         580 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sign-in                                                     880 B           580 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sign-up                                                     881 B           580 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /solarflow/pvdesigner/list                                   7.89 kB         857 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock                                                       350 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/list                                                  2.9 kB          582 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/mutations                                             355 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/mutations/list                                        9.38 kB         876 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/object/list                                           32.3 kB         890 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/purchase_order                                        357 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/purchase_order/list                                   10.5 kB         878 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/[id]                                         356 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/[id]/edit                                    9.46 kB        1.01 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/list                                         9.78 kB         832 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]                                        354 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/edit                                   11.9 kB        1.03 MB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/location/[location_id]                 391 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/location/[location_id]/edit            17.5 kB         998 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/list                                        7.18 kB         860 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks                                                       341 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks/create                                                283 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks/list                                                  118 kB          923 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /ticket/list                                                 5.63 kB         960 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /user                                                        339 B           579 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: └ ● /user/list                                                   16.8 kB         839 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: + First Load JS shared by all                                    664 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/framework-4a71bef80c147be9.js                         45.2 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/main-57a0db63913af151.js                              34.4 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/pages/_app-4f5ff581b3148c6c.js                        492 kB
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/webpack-410b309d0daec4e0.js                           7.65 kB
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8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
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8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ●  (SSG)     automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)
8:46:10 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
8:46:11 PM:  Tasks:    7 successful, 7 total
8:46:11 PM: Cached:    5 cached, 7 total
8:46:11 PM:   Time:    4m25.604s
8:46:12 PM: ...writing to cache...
8:46:19 PM: ​
8:46:19 PM: (build.command completed in 4m 48.3s)
8:46:19 PM: ​
8:46:19 PM:   3. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onBuild event)                     
8:46:19 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:46:19 PM: ​
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8:46:20 PM:     to: '/locales/de/datagrids.json',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/locales/en/common.json',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/locales/en/common.json',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/locales/en/components.json',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/locales/en/components.json',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/locales/en/datagrids.json',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/locales/en/datagrids.json',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/locales/nl/common.json',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/locales/nl/common.json',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/locales/nl/components.json',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/locales/nl/components.json',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/locales/nl/datagrids.json',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/locales/nl/datagrids.json',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.css',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.css',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.min.css',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.min.css',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.css',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.css',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.min.css',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.min.css',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/templates/index.html',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/templates/index.html',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/templates/index2.html',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/templates/index2.html',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_ai.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_ai.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_audio.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_audio.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_document.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_document.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_excel.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_excel.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_file.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_file.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_folder.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_folder.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_img.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_img.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_js.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_js.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pdf.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pdf.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_power_point.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_power_point.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pts.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pts.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_txt.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_txt.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_video.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_video.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_word.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_word.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_zip.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_zip.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_cn.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_cn.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_de.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_de.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_en.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_en.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_fr.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_fr.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_kr.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_kr.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_nl.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_nl.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_sa.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_sa.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_us.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_us.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_vn.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_vn.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   {
8:46:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/modules/Product_Icoon_CRM.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/modules/Product_Icoon_CRM.svg',
8:46:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
8:46:20 PM:     status: 200
8:46:20 PM:   },
8:46:20 PM:   ... 571 more items
8:46:20 PM: ].
8:46:20 PM: ​
8:46:20 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onBuild completed in 1.4s)
8:46:20 PM: ​
8:46:20 PM:   4. Functions bundling                                         
8:46:20 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:46:20 PM: ​
8:46:20 PM: Packaging Functions from .netlify/functions-internal directory:
8:46:20 PM:  - ___netlify-handler/___netlify-handler.js
8:46:20 PM:  - ___netlify-odb-handler/___netlify-odb-handler.js
8:46:20 PM:  - _ipx/_ipx.js
8:46:20 PM: ​
8:46:20 PM: Packaging Functions from functions directory:
8:46:20 PM:  - backup-table.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - clerk-active-users.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - clerk-reset-password.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - clerk-sync-user.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - clerk-update-public-meta-data.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - clerk-update-user.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - create-chart.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - create-roi-chart.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - delete-file.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - determine-import-difference.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - download-file.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - fetch3dbag.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - fetchEsdecToken.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - fetchMaterialList.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - fetchPvData.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - finalize-quote.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - geocoder.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - import-adwise.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - notification-new-project.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - send-email-background.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - status-change-handler.ts
8:46:20 PM:  - upload-file.ts
8:46:20 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: ❯ The following Node.js modules use dynamic expressions to include files:
8:47:19 PM:    - express
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM:   Because files included with dynamic expressions aren't bundled with your serverless functions by default,  this may result in an error when invoking a function. To resolve this error, you can mark these Node.js
8:47:19 PM:   modules as external in the [functions] section of your `netlify.toml` configuration file:
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM:   [functions]
8:47:19 PM:     external_node_modules = ["express"]
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM:   Visit for more information.
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: (Functions bundling completed in 58.6s)
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM:   5. Edge Functions bundling                                    
8:47:19 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: (Edge Functions bundling completed in 675ms)
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM:   6. @commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar (onPostBuild event)  
8:47:19 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM: (@commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar onPostBuild completed in 17ms)
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:19 PM:   7. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPostBuild event)                 
8:47:19 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:47:19 PM: ​
8:47:20 PM: Next.js cache saved.
8:47:20 PM: Using background API routes
8:47:20 PM: If your account type does not support background functions, the deploy will fail.
8:47:20 PM: During local development, background API routes will run as regular API routes, but in production they will immediately return an empty "202 Accepted" response.
8:47:20 PM: Netlify configuration property "headers" value changed to [
8:47:20 PM:   {
8:47:20 PM:     for: '/*',
8:47:20 PM:     values: {
8:47:20 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
8:47:20 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
8:47:20 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
8:47:20 PM:     }
8:47:20 PM:   },
8:47:20 PM:   {
8:47:20 PM:     for: '/nl/*',
8:47:20 PM:     values: {
8:47:20 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
8:47:20 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
8:47:20 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
8:47:20 PM:     }
8:47:20 PM:   },
8:47:20 PM:   {
8:47:20 PM:     for: '/en/*',
8:47:20 PM:     values: {
8:47:20 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
8:47:20 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
8:47:20 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
8:47:20 PM:     }
8:47:20 PM:   },
8:47:20 PM:   {
8:47:20 PM:     for: '/de/*',
8:47:20 PM:     values: {
8:47:20 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
8:47:20 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
8:47:20 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
8:47:20 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
8:47:20 PM:     }
8:47:20 PM:   }
8:47:20 PM: ].
8:47:20 PM: ​
8:47:20 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPostBuild completed in 994ms)
8:47:20 PM: ​
8:47:20 PM:   8. Deploy site                                                
8:47:20 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:47:20 PM: ​
8:47:20 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'apps/opusflow/.next'
8:47:22 PM: Calculating files to upload
8:47:25 PM: 293 new files to upload
8:47:25 PM: 25 new functions to upload
8:47:25 PM: Starting to upload
8:47:25 PM: 10% uploaded
8:47:25 PM: 20% uploaded
8:47:26 PM: 30% uploaded
8:47:30 PM: 40% uploaded
8:47:30 PM: 50% uploaded
8:47:30 PM: 60% uploaded
8:47:30 PM: 70% uploaded
8:47:30 PM: 80% uploaded
8:47:31 PM: 90% uploaded
8:47:53 PM: 100% uploaded
8:47:53 PM: Section completed: deploying
8:47:53 PM: Site deploy was successfully initiated
8:47:53 PM: ​
8:47:53 PM: (Deploy site completed in 32.7s)
8:47:53 PM: Starting post processing
8:47:53 PM: ​
8:47:53 PM:   Netlify Build Complete                                        
8:47:53 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:47:53 PM: ​
8:47:53 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 6m 24.9s)
8:47:54 PM: Post processing - HTML
8:47:54 PM: Caching artifacts
8:47:54 PM: Started saving build plugins
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving build plugins
8:47:54 PM: Started saving corepack cache
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving corepack cache
8:47:54 PM: Started saving pip cache
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving pip cache
8:47:54 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
8:47:54 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
8:47:54 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
8:47:54 PM: Started saving rust rustup cache
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving rust rustup cache
8:47:54 PM: Started saving go dependencies
8:47:54 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
8:47:58 PM: Build script success
8:47:58 PM: Section completed: building
8:48:05 PM: Post processing - header rules
8:48:05 PM: Uploading Cache of size 161.0MB
8:48:05 PM: Post processing - redirect rules
8:48:06 PM: Post processing done
8:48:06 PM: Section completed: postprocessing
8:48:06 PM: Section completed: cleanup
8:48:06 PM: Finished processing build request in 9m8.36s
8:48:07 PM: Site is live ✨
PFJoey commented 1 year ago

Not wokring:

2:23:46 PM: Build ready to start
2:23:53 PM: build-image version: 596993885fcc8df0dd6d507c57c5c9cb7c3a8576 (focal)
2:23:53 PM: buildbot version: 163fe70070e26a02d64141bf435d02320d25b8c1
2:23:53 PM: Fetching cached dependencies
2:23:53 PM: Starting to download cache of 161.0MB
2:23:55 PM: Finished downloading cache in 1.263s
2:23:55 PM: Starting to extract cache
2:23:56 PM: Finished extracting cache in 1.453s
2:23:56 PM: Finished fetching cache in 2.778s
2:23:56 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
2:23:56 PM: Preparing Git Reference pull/613/head
2:23:58 PM: Parsing package.json dependencies
2:23:59 PM: Different publish path detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'apps/opusflow/.next' versus '.next' in the Netlify UI
2:23:59 PM: Different functions path detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'apps/opusflow/functions' versus '' in the Netlify UI
2:23:59 PM: Different build command detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build' versus 'npm run build' in the Netlify UI
2:23:59 PM: Detected ignore command in Netlify configuration file. Proceeding with the specified command: '/bin/false'
2:23:59 PM: Starting to install dependencies
2:23:59 PM: Python version set to 3.8
2:23:59 PM: Attempting Ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
2:24:00 PM: Using Ruby version 2.7.2
2:24:00 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
2:24:00 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
2:24:00 PM: Installing Go version 1.19.5 (requested 1.19.5)
2:24:05 PM: go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64
2:24:05 PM: Using PHP version 8.0
2:24:06 PM: Started restoring cached Node.js version
2:24:06 PM: Finished restoring cached Node.js version
2:24:06 PM: v16.20.0 is already installed.
2:24:07 PM: Now using node v16.20.0 (npm v8.19.4)
2:24:07 PM: Enabling Node.js Corepack
2:24:07 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
2:24:07 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
2:24:07 PM: Started restoring cached corepack dependencies
2:24:07 PM: Finished restoring cached corepack dependencies
2:24:07 PM: npm workspaces detected
2:24:07 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
2:24:07 PM: Installing npm packages using npm version 8.19.4
2:24:07 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
2:25:13 PM: npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
2:25:25 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
2:25:25 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'semantic-release@20.1.3',
2:25:25 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=18' },
2:25:25 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.20.0', npm: '8.19.4' }
2:25:25 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE }
2:25:30 PM: npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
2:25:30 PM: npm WARN deprecated rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser
2:25:30 PM: npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
2:25:34 PM: npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
2:25:34 PM: npm WARN deprecated popper.js@1.16.1: You can find the new Popper v2 at @popperjs/core, this package is dedicated to the legacy v1
2:25:38 PM: npm WARN deprecated @types/joi@17.2.3: This is a stub types definition. joi provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
2:25:38 PM: npm WARN deprecated json2csv@5.0.7: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
2:25:41 PM: npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
2:25:42 PM: npm WARN deprecated @pronestor/react-zoom-pan-pinch@2.4.5: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
2:25:44 PM: npm WARN deprecated puppeteer@10.4.0: < 19.4.0 is no longer supported
2:26:12 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 install
2:26:12 PM: > npx turbo run install
2:26:14 PM: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: turbo@1.8.8
2:26:15 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
2:26:15 PM: • Running install in 8 packages
2:26:15 PM: • Remote caching enabled
2:26:15 PM: No tasks were executed as part of this run.
2:26:15 PM:  Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
2:26:15 PM: Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
2:26:15 PM:   Time:    543ms
2:26:16 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 prepare
2:26:16 PM: > npx husky install
2:26:18 PM: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: husky@8.0.3
2:26:18 PM: husky - Git hooks installed
2:26:18 PM: added 2393 packages, and audited 2399 packages in 2m
2:26:18 PM: 436 packages are looking for funding
2:26:18 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
2:26:18 PM: 11 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 3 high, 3 critical)
2:26:18 PM: To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
2:26:18 PM:   npm audit fix --force
2:26:18 PM: Some issues need review, and may require choosing
2:26:18 PM: a different dependency.
2:26:18 PM: Run `npm audit` for details.
2:26:18 PM: npm packages installed
2:26:19 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
2:26:19 PM: Install dependencies script success
2:26:19 PM: Starting build script
2:26:19 PM: Detected 1 framework(s)
2:26:20 PM: "next" at version "13.3.0"
2:26:20 PM: Section completed: initializing
2:26:21 PM: ​
2:26:21 PM:   Netlify Build                                                 
2:26:21 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:26:21 PM: ​
2:26:21 PM: ❯ Version
2:26:21 PM:   @netlify/build 29.9.0
2:26:21 PM: ​
2:26:21 PM: ❯ Flags
2:26:21 PM:   baseRelDir: true
2:26:21 PM:   buildId: 64300b4d30839f000874a641
2:26:21 PM:   deployId: 64300b4d30839f000874a643
2:26:21 PM: ​
2:26:21 PM: ❯ Current directory
2:26:21 PM:   /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow
2:26:21 PM: ​
2:26:21 PM: ❯ Config file
2:26:21 PM:   /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/netlify.toml
2:26:21 PM: ​
2:26:21 PM: ❯ Context
2:26:21 PM:   deploy-preview
2:26:21 PM: ​
2:26:21 PM: ❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v4.33.0
2:26:23 PM: ​
2:26:23 PM:   1. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPreBuild event)                  
2:26:23 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:26:23 PM: ​
2:26:23 PM: Next.js cache restored.
2:26:23 PM: Netlify configuration property "build.environment.NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET" value changed.
2:26:23 PM: ​
2:26:23 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPreBuild completed in 652ms)
2:26:23 PM: ​
2:26:23 PM:   2. build.command from netlify.toml                            
2:26:23 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:26:23 PM: ​
2:26:23 PM: $ cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build
2:26:27 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
2:26:27 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'semantic-release@20.1.3',
2:26:27 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=18' },
2:26:27 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.20.0', npm: '8.19.4' }
2:26:27 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE }
2:26:30 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See
2:26:30 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See
2:26:32 PM: npm WARN deprecated uglify-es@3.3.9: support for ECMAScript is superseded by `uglify-js` as of v3.13.0
2:26:34 PM: npm WARN deprecated @babel/polyfill@7.12.1: 🚨 This package has been deprecated in favor of separate inclusion of a polyfill and regenerator-runtime (when needed). See the @babel/polyfill docs ( for more information.
2:26:34 PM: npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see
2:26:34 PM: npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1:
2:26:34 PM: npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
2:26:37 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 install
2:26:37 PM: > npx turbo run install
2:26:38 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
2:26:38 PM: • Running install in 8 packages
2:26:38 PM: • Remote caching enabled
2:26:38 PM: No tasks were executed as part of this run.
2:26:38 PM:  Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
2:26:38 PM: Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
2:26:38 PM:   Time:    581ms
2:26:38 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 prepare
2:26:38 PM: > npx husky install
2:26:38 PM: husky - Git hooks installed
2:26:38 PM: added 959 packages, and audited 3572 packages in 15s
2:26:38 PM: 508 packages are looking for funding
2:26:38 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
2:26:38 PM: 11 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 3 high, 3 critical)
2:26:38 PM: To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
2:26:38 PM:   npm audit fix --force
2:26:38 PM: Some issues need review, and may require choosing
2:26:38 PM: a different dependency.
2:26:38 PM: Run `npm audit` for details.
2:26:38 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 build
2:26:38 PM: > turbo run build
2:26:39 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
2:26:39 PM: • Running build in 8 packages
2:26:39 PM: • Remote caching enabled
2:26:39 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: cache miss, executing bb3fe3ce71f55afe
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: cache hit, replaying output e35d09b7fa4a2ae0
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: > eslint-config-opusflow@0.0.0 lint
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx --quiet --cache
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: Rule                                 | Time (ms) | Relative
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: :------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: prettier/prettier                    |   266.999 |    54.8%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention |    42.225 |     8.7%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/no-negated-condition         |    34.704 |     7.1%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/callback-binding              |    16.134 |     3.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments      |     7.823 |     1.6%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/prop-types                     |     7.039 |     1.4%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand            |     4.893 |     1.0%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: import/no-import-module-exports      |     3.854 |     0.8%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/prefer-module                |     3.482 |     0.7%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: i18next/no-literal-string            |     3.468 |     0.7%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/collection-return             |     3.068 |     0.6%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: no-redeclare                         |     2.796 |     0.6%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/prefer-some                   |     2.600 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: no-useless-backreference             |     2.427 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference  |     2.176 |     0.4%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/destructuring-assignment       |     2.029 |     0.4%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports     |     1.879 |     0.4%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/static-property-placement      |     1.683 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/consistent-compose            |     1.655 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/path-style                    |     1.515 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/no-typos                       |     1.381 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function      |     1.362 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/new-for-builtins             |     1.332 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components  |     1.225 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/escape-case                  |     1.203 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: cache hit, replaying output 16b5582052bc4bf6
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: > opusflow-tests@0.1.0 lint
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: Rule                                | Time (ms) | Relative
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: :-----------------------------------|----------:|--------:
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/missing-playwright-await |     0.972 |    13.5%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-focused-test          |     0.911 |    12.7%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-element-handle        |     0.876 |    12.2%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-wait-for-timeout      |     0.705 |     9.8%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-useless-not           |     0.696 |     9.7%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-skipped-test          |     0.680 |     9.5%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-force-option          |     0.590 |     8.2%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-eval                  |     0.506 |     7.0%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/valid-expect             |     0.483 |     6.7%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-page-pause            |     0.470 |     6.5%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/max-nested-describe      |     0.238 |     3.3%
2:26:39 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-conditional-in-test   |     0.055 |     0.8%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: cache hit, replaying output 6b3fbf0710fb6cef
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: > pvdesigner@0.0.0 lint
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: :---------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: prettier/prettier                       |  2273.922 |    44.3%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: import/no-duplicates                    |   342.807 |     6.7%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention    |   158.166 |     3.1%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/destructuring-assignment          |   153.113 |     3.0%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components     |   102.777 |     2.0%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prop-types                        |    75.000 |     1.5%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: i18next/no-literal-string               |    71.354 |     1.4%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function         |    68.632 |     1.3%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-array-index-key                |    62.372 |     1.2%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/callback-binding                 |    60.668 |     1.2%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/static-property-placement         |    57.478 |     1.1%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/prefer-some                      |    54.310 |     1.1%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments         |    41.985 |     0.8%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-typos                          |    38.799 |     0.8%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                |    37.248 |     0.7%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/collection-return                |    31.550 |     0.6%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision |    31.075 |     0.6%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand               |    30.834 |     0.6%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/consistent-compose               |    28.316 |     0.6%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                    |    28.066 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/matches-prop-shorthand           |    28.037 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-arrow-function-lifecycle       |    27.900 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/default-props-match-prop-types    |    27.065 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-unused-prop-types              |    26.422 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/require-render-return             |    26.070 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: cache hit, replaying output 957eb17ec2051f57
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: > types@0.0.0 lint
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: 
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: Rule                                            | Time (ms) | Relative
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: :-----------------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: prettier/prettier                               |   538.926 |    66.9%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments                 |   169.734 |    21.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention            |    23.721 |     2.9%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: react/prop-types                                |     5.322 |     0.7%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: import/no-duplicates                            |     4.575 |     0.6%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand                       |     3.979 |     0.5%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/ban-types                    |     2.542 |     0.3%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures |     1.682 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: lodash/collection-return                        |     1.664 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                        |     1.594 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: i18next/no-literal-string                       |     1.593 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define         |     1.459 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: lodash/consistent-compose                       |     1.348 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision         |     1.273 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: lodash/callback-binding                         |     1.236 |     0.2%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: no-restricted-imports                           |     1.179 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: unicorn/new-for-builtins                        |     1.030 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: lodash/path-style                               |     1.008 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports                |     0.937 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: unicorn/expiring-todo-comments                  |     0.932 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: react/no-access-state-in-setstate               |     0.898 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: object-shorthand                                |     0.885 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: unicorn/escape-case                             |     0.875 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: react/destructuring-assignment                  |     0.847 |     0.1%
2:26:39 PM: types:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference             |     0.789 |     0.1%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: cache hit, replaying output fdee066a387c0cc3
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: 
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: > dashboards@0.0.0 lint
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: 
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: :---------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: prettier/prettier                       |   731.054 |    47.2%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: import/no-duplicates                    |   228.848 |    14.8%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention    |    42.779 |     2.8%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prop-types                        |    23.440 |     1.5%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components     |    18.364 |     1.2%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/destructuring-assignment          |    16.246 |     1.0%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function         |    15.809 |     1.0%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: i18next/no-literal-string               |    13.566 |     0.9%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: unicorn/better-regex                    |    11.313 |     0.7%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/collection-return                |    11.201 |     0.7%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/callback-binding                 |    11.002 |     0.7%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-array-index-key                |    10.446 |     0.7%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments         |    10.239 |     0.7%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/require-render-return             |     9.842 |     0.6%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference     |     9.653 |     0.6%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand               |     9.385 |     0.6%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/static-property-placement         |     8.239 |     0.5%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-typos                          |     8.023 |     0.5%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                |     7.555 |     0.5%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                    |     7.433 |     0.5%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values |     7.015 |     0.5%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/no-unbound-this                  |     6.877 |     0.4%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/matches-shorthand                |     6.873 |     0.4%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports        |     6.611 |     0.4%
2:26:40 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/prefer-some                      |     6.454 |     0.4%
2:26:40 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
2:26:40 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: 
2:26:40 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: > @opusflow/opusflow@0.1.0 lint
2:26:40 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
2:26:40 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: 
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: Rule                                 | Time (ms) | Relative
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: :------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: prettier/prettier                    | 11458.036 |    36.4%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-duplicates                 |  3363.721 |    10.7%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention |  1073.150 |     3.4%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components  |   596.936 |     1.9%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/destructuring-assignment       |   593.228 |     1.9%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-array-index-key             |   501.549 |     1.6%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prop-types                     |   450.602 |     1.4%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: i18next/no-literal-string            |   427.570 |     1.4%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function      |   397.735 |     1.3%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/callback-binding              |   306.352 |     1.0%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/static-property-placement      |   269.131 |     0.9%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prefer-exact-props             |   238.169 |     0.8%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments      |   227.234 |     0.7%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-typos                       |   226.818 |     0.7%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-import-module-exports      |   221.999 |     0.7%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/jsx-fragments                  |   216.744 |     0.7%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand            |   216.564 |     0.7%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/prefer-some                   |   210.134 |     0.7%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                 |   203.486 |     0.6%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/require-render-return          |   182.250 |     0.6%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/sort-comp                      |   177.329 |     0.6%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/collection-return             |   175.936 |     0.6%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-unused-prop-types           |   172.480 |     0.5%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-unknown-property            |   170.745 |     0.5%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/matches-shorthand             |   168.589 |     0.5%
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: cache miss, executing 2b262ccae7221154
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: > @opusflow/opusflow@0.1.0 build
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: > cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--max-old-space-size=8192' next build
2:27:42 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
2:27:43 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Skipping linting
2:27:43 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Checking validity of types...
2:29:01 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Creating an optimized production build...
2:30:25 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Compiled successfully
2:30:25 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Collecting page data...
2:31:02 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (0/208)
2:31:02 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
2:31:02 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
2:31:02 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
2:31:02 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
2:31:03 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (52/208)
2:31:03 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (104/208)
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (156/208)
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (208/208)
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Finalizing page optimization...
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: Route (pages)                                                    Size     First Load JS
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ┌ ● /                                                            13.1 kB         1.1 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├   /_app                                                        0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /403                                                         1.25 kB         609 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /404                                                         1.2 kB          609 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /503                                                         1.24 kB         609 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote                                        350 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote/createv2                               86.8 kB         820 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote/list                                   9.25 kB         875 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/.eslintrc                                               0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/actions/downloadFile                                    0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/actions/uploadFile                                      0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/logic_apps/delete                                 0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/logic_apps/update                                 0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/notification_hub/registerDevice                   0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/events/deleteFile                                       0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/integrations/mail                                       0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/integrations/notification                               0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_hasurautil                                         0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_s3utils                                            0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_utils                                              0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_validation                                         0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/azure/notification_hub/createNotificationHubClient  0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/logger                                              0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/ResponseErrorBody                                   0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/sendgrid/createSendgridClient                       0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/sendgrid/sendMail                                   0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/validateRequest                                     0 B             596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation                                                  344 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation/create                                           67.3 kB         677 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation/list                                             8.26 kB         743 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /calendar/all                                                2.41 kB         598 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /commercial/list                                             7.16 kB         877 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company                                                     359 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/[id]                                                373 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/[id]/edit                                           14.4 kB        1.03 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/list                                                8.37 kB         878 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact                                                     341 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/[id]/edit                                           4.46 kB        1.03 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/[id]/view                                           404 kB         1.51 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/create                                              5.86 kB         715 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/list                                                8.1 kB          874 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /drive                                                       19 kB           752 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form                                                        340 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/submitted/list                                         8.63 kB         847 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/[id]                                          367 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/[id]/edit                                     627 B           716 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /form/template/[id]/edit_OLD                                 7.23 kB         713 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/create                                        565 B           716 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/list                                          786 B           848 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /invoice                                                     342 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /invoice/create                                              2.81 kB         598 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /lead                                                        342 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /lead/create                                                 11.8 kB         724 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management (456 ms)                                         329 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/dashboard                                        101 kB          736 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├   └ css/7ce38324d4d02781.css                                   191 B
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group                                            353 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/[id]                                       372 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/[id]/edit                                  13 kB          1.02 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/list                                       8.49 kB         874 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/settings                                         30 kB           911 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management/templates/email (543 ms)                         348 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management/templates/email/[id] (464 ms)                    364 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/templates/email/[id]/edit                        9.05 kB         713 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/templates/email/list                             9.31 kB         848 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow                                         352 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow/[id]/edit                               5.09 kB         751 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow/list                                    4.26 kB         852 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/all                                                2.49 kB         598 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/my                                                 5.89 kB        1.09 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/planner                                            32.2 kB        1.14 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project                                                     343 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]                                                358 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/edit                                           65.9 kB        1.22 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/form/[form_id]                                 381 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/form/[form_id]/edit                            10.8 kB         715 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/create                                              9.5 kB          820 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/group/list                                          8.6 kB          874 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/list                                                7.14 kB         877 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /pvdesigner                                                  603 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /pvdesigner/[id]                                             12.9 kB         608 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /quote/list                                                  522 B           848 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /residential/create                                          16 kB           828 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /residential/list                                            7.17 kB         877 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sales/dashboard                                             7.01 kB         832 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /select-organization                                         1.27 kB         597 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sign-in                                                     880 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sign-up                                                     881 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /solarflow/pvdesigner/list                                   7.89 kB         873 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock                                                       350 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/list                                                  2.9 kB          598 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/mutations                                             355 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/mutations/list                                        11.3 kB         893 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/object/list                                           32.2 kB         918 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/purchase_order                                        357 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/purchase_order/list                                   11.1 kB         895 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/[id]                                         356 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/[id]/edit                                    9.46 kB        1.02 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/list                                         9.78 kB         849 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]                                        354 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/edit                                   8.12 kB        1.05 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/location/[location_id]                 391 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/location/[location_id]/edit            13.7 kB        1.02 MB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/list                                        7.87 kB         877 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks                                                       341 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks/create                                                283 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks/list                                                  118 kB          940 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /ticket/list                                                 5.63 kB         977 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /user                                                        339 B           596 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: └ ● /user/list                                                   16.8 kB         855 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: + First Load JS shared by all                                    681 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/framework-4a71bef80c147be9.js                         45.2 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/main-e71df96fcc0b7e51.js                              34.6 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/pages/_app-a3c3706845f11de4.js                        508 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/webpack-1bb5e102fa419e60.js                           7.66 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   └ css/23bd8c3e3f8d701b.css                                     85.2 kB
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: λ  (Server)  server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ○  (Static)  automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ●  (SSG)     automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)
2:31:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
2:31:05 PM:  Tasks:    7 successful, 7 total
2:31:05 PM: Cached:    5 cached, 7 total
2:31:05 PM:   Time:    4m26.192s
2:31:06 PM: ...writing to cache...
2:31:13 PM: ​
2:31:13 PM: (build.command completed in 4m 49.8s)
2:31:13 PM: ​
2:31:13 PM:   3. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onBuild event)                     
2:31:13 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:31:13 PM: ​
2:31:14 PM: Patching /opt/build/repo/node_modules/next/dist/server/base-server.js
2:31:14 PM: Done
2:31:14 PM: Patching /opt/build/repo/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js
2:31:14 PM: Done
2:31:14 PM: Moving static page files to serve from CDN...
2:31:14 PM: Moved 0 files
2:31:15 PM: You are not using Netlify Edge Functions for image format detection. Set env var "NEXT_FORCE_EDGE_IMAGES=true" to enable.
2:31:15 PM: Netlify configuration property "redirects" value changed to [
2:31:15 PM:   { from: '/_next/static/*', to: '/static/:splat', status: 200 },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/:locale/_next/static/*',
2:31:15 PM:     to: '/static/:splat',
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2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/_next/image*',
2:31:15 PM:     query: { url: ':url', w: ':width', q: ':quality' },
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2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   { from: '/_ipx/*', to: '/.netlify/builders/_ipx', status: 200 },
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2:31:15 PM:   { from: '/traces', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/routes-manifest.json',
2:31:15 PM:     to: '/404.html',
2:31:15 PM:     status: 404,
2:31:15 PM:     force: true
2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/build-manifest.json',
2:31:15 PM:     to: '/404.html',
2:31:15 PM:     status: 404,
2:31:15 PM:     force: true
2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/prerender-manifest.json',
2:31:15 PM:     to: '/404.html',
2:31:15 PM:     status: 404,
2:31:15 PM:     force: true
2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/react-loadable-manifest.json',
2:31:15 PM:     to: '/404.html',
2:31:15 PM:     status: 404,
2:31:15 PM:     force: true
2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   { from: '/BUILD_ID', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/api/*',
2:31:15 PM:     to: '/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler',
2:31:15 PM:     status: 200
2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/firebase-messaging-sw.js',
2:31:15 PM:     to: '/firebase-messaging-sw.js',
2:31:15 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
2:31:15 PM:     status: 200
2:31:15 PM:   },
2:31:15 PM:   {
2:31:15 PM:     from: '/manifest.json',
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2:31:15 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
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2:31:15 PM:   {
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2:31:15 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
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2:31:15 PM:   },
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2:31:15 PM:   {
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2:31:15 PM:   ... 571 more items
2:31:15 PM: ].
2:31:15 PM: ​
2:31:15 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onBuild completed in 1.4s)
2:31:15 PM: ​
2:31:15 PM:   4. Functions bundling                                         
2:31:15 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:31:15 PM: ​
2:31:15 PM: Packaging Functions from .netlify/functions-internal directory:
2:31:15 PM:  - ___netlify-handler/___netlify-handler.js
2:31:15 PM:  - ___netlify-odb-handler/___netlify-odb-handler.js
2:31:15 PM:  - _ipx/_ipx.js
2:31:15 PM: ​
2:31:15 PM: Packaging Functions from functions directory:
2:31:15 PM:  - backup-table.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - clerk-active-users.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - clerk-reset-password.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - clerk-sync-user.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - clerk-update-public-meta-data.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - clerk-update-user.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - create-chart.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - create-roi-chart.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - delete-file.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - determine-import-difference.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - download-file.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - fetch3dbag.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - fetchEsdecToken.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - fetchMaterialList.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - fetchPvData.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - finalize-quote.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - geocoder.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - import-adwise.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - notification-new-project.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - send-email-background.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - status-change-handler.ts
2:31:15 PM:  - upload-file.ts
2:31:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM: ❯ The following Node.js modules use dynamic expressions to include files:
2:32:15 PM:    - express
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM:   Because files included with dynamic expressions aren't bundled with your serverless functions by default,  this may result in an error when invoking a function. To resolve this error, you can mark these Node.js
2:32:15 PM:   modules as external in the [functions] section of your `netlify.toml` configuration file:
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM:   [functions]
2:32:15 PM:     external_node_modules = ["express"]
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM:   Visit for more information.
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM: (Functions bundling completed in 1m 0.8s)
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:15 PM:   5. Edge Functions bundling                                    
2:32:15 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:32:15 PM: ​
2:32:16 PM: ​
2:32:16 PM: (Edge Functions bundling completed in 375ms)
2:32:16 PM: ​
2:32:16 PM:   6. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPostBuild event)                 
2:32:16 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:32:16 PM: ​
2:32:17 PM: Next.js cache saved.
2:32:17 PM: The function zip ../../../../../tmp/zisi-64300b4d30839f000874a643/ size is 73.4 MB, which is larger than the maximum supported size of 52.4 MB.
2:32:17 PM: There are a few reasons this could happen. You may have accidentally bundled a large dependency, or you might have a
2:32:17 PM: large number of pre-rendered pages included.
2:32:17 PM: Contains 10867 files
2:32:17 PM: 
2:32:17 PM: 
2:32:17 PM: These are the largest files in the zip:
2:32:17 PM: ┌─────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────────────────┐
2:32:17 PM: │ (index) │                                   File                                   │ Compressed Size │ Uncompressed Size │
2:32:17 PM: ├─────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────────┤
2:32:17 PM: │    1    │            'apps/opusflow/src/assets/lotties/checklist.json'             │    '550 kB'     │     '3.29 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │    2    │         'apps/opusflow/.next/server/pages/automation/create.js'          │    '203 kB'     │     '1.73 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │    3    │                'apps/opusflow/.next/server/chunks/458.js'                │    '185 kB'     │     '1.63 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │    4    │         'apps/opusflow/.next/server/pages/contact/[id]/view.js'          │    '477 kB'     │     '1.6 MB'      │
2:32:17 PM: │    5    │    'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@next/font/dist/fontkit/index.js'    │    '350 kB'     │     '1.46 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │    6    │         'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@vercel/og/resvg.wasm'          │    '575 kB'     │     '1.38 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │    7    │   'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/babel-packages/packages-bundle.js'    │    '317 kB'     │     '1.34 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │    8    │ 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js' │    '337 kB'     │     '1.24 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │    9    │            'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/babel/bundle.js'             │    '321 kB'     │     '1.18 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: │   10    │          'node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js'           │    '287 kB'     │     '1.08 MB'     │
2:32:17 PM: └─────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────────────────┘
2:32:17 PM: 
2:32:17 PM: 
2:32:17 PM: For more information on fixing this, see
2:32:17 PM: Using background API routes
2:32:17 PM: If your account type does not support background functions, the deploy will fail.
2:32:17 PM: During local development, background API routes will run as regular API routes, but in production they will immediately return an empty "202 Accepted" response.
2:32:17 PM: Netlify configuration property "headers" value changed to [
2:32:17 PM:   {
2:32:17 PM:     for: '/*',
2:32:17 PM:     values: {
2:32:17 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
2:32:17 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
2:32:17 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
2:32:17 PM:     }
2:32:17 PM:   },
2:32:17 PM:   {
2:32:17 PM:     for: '/nl/*',
2:32:17 PM:     values: {
2:32:17 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
2:32:17 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
2:32:17 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
2:32:17 PM:     }
2:32:17 PM:   },
2:32:17 PM:   {
2:32:17 PM:     for: '/en/*',
2:32:17 PM:     values: {
2:32:17 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
2:32:17 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
2:32:17 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
2:32:17 PM:     }
2:32:17 PM:   },
2:32:17 PM:   {
2:32:17 PM:     for: '/de/*',
2:32:17 PM:     values: {
2:32:17 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
2:32:17 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
2:32:17 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
2:32:17 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
2:32:17 PM:     }
2:32:17 PM:   }
2:32:17 PM: ].
2:32:17 PM: ​
2:32:17 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPostBuild completed in 1.1s)
2:32:17 PM: ​
2:32:17 PM:   7. Deploy site                                                
2:32:17 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:32:17 PM: ​
2:32:17 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'apps/opusflow/.next'
2:32:19 PM: Calculating files to upload
2:32:22 PM: 405 new files to upload
2:32:22 PM: 25 new functions to upload
2:32:22 PM: Starting to upload
2:32:22 PM: 10% uploaded
2:32:22 PM: 20% uploaded
2:32:23 PM: 30% uploaded
2:32:23 PM: 40% uploaded
2:32:23 PM: 50% uploaded
2:32:23 PM: 60% uploaded
2:32:24 PM: 70% uploaded
2:32:24 PM: 80% uploaded
2:32:24 PM: 90% uploaded
2:32:37 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:37 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:38 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:39 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:40 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:40 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:41 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:42 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:43 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:43 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:46 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:46 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:50 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:51 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:56 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:32:57 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:04 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:04 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:15 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:20 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:29 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:34 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:55 PM: The function "___NETLIFY-ODB-HANDLER" is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.
2:33:55 PM: Failed to upload file: ___netlify-handler
2:34:05 PM: Failed to upload file: ___netlify-odb-handler
2:34:05 PM: Section completed: deploying
2:34:06 PM: Execution cancelled
2:34:06 PM: Error running command: Command was cancelled
2:34:06 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
2:34:06 PM: Finished processing build request in 10m12.416s
PFJoey commented 1 year ago


Can you please share the complete logs of the last successful build and a build that is using the latest versions (but according to you fails)? Thanks.

See above logs

PFJoey commented 1 year ago

To prevent any miscommunication: also one with the latest version (34)

5:10:59 PM: build-image version: 596993885fcc8df0dd6d507c57c5c9cb7c3a8576 (focal)
5:10:59 PM: buildbot version: bfc73df4d0c9692c27f69c390a89b421360c0fa2
5:10:59 PM: Fetching cached dependencies
5:10:59 PM: Starting to download cache of 161.0MB
5:11:01 PM: Finished downloading cache in 2.243s
5:11:01 PM: Starting to extract cache
5:11:03 PM: Finished extracting cache in 1.445s
5:11:03 PM: Finished fetching cache in 3.75s
5:11:03 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
5:11:03 PM: Preparing Git Reference pull/630/head
5:11:05 PM: Parsing package.json dependencies
5:11:06 PM: Different publish path detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'apps/opusflow/.next' versus '.next' in the Netlify UI
5:11:06 PM: Different functions path detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'apps/opusflow/functions' versus '' in the Netlify UI
5:11:06 PM: Different build command detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build' versus 'npm run build' in the Netlify UI
5:11:06 PM: Detected ignore command in Netlify configuration file. Proceeding with the specified command: '/bin/false'
5:11:06 PM: Starting to install dependencies
5:11:06 PM: Python version set to 3.8
5:11:06 PM: Attempting Ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
5:11:07 PM: Using Ruby version 2.7.2
5:11:07 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
5:11:07 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
5:11:07 PM: Installing Go version 1.19.5 (requested 1.19.5)
5:11:13 PM: go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64
5:11:13 PM: Using PHP version 8.0
5:11:14 PM: Started restoring cached Node.js version
5:11:15 PM: Finished restoring cached Node.js version
5:11:15 PM: v16.20.0 is already installed.
5:11:16 PM: Now using node v16.20.0 (npm v8.19.4)
5:11:16 PM: Enabling Node.js Corepack
5:11:16 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
5:11:16 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
5:11:16 PM: Started restoring cached corepack dependencies
5:11:16 PM: Finished restoring cached corepack dependencies
5:11:16 PM: npm workspaces detected
5:11:16 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
5:11:16 PM: Installing npm packages using npm version 8.19.4
5:11:16 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
5:12:51 PM: npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
5:13:02 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
5:13:02 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'semantic-release@20.1.3',
5:13:02 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=18' },
5:13:02 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.20.0', npm: '8.19.4' }
5:13:02 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE }
5:13:07 PM: npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
5:13:07 PM: npm WARN deprecated rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser
5:13:08 PM: npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
5:13:12 PM: npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
5:13:13 PM: npm WARN deprecated popper.js@1.16.1: You can find the new Popper v2 at @popperjs/core, this package is dedicated to the legacy v1
5:13:16 PM: npm WARN deprecated @types/joi@17.2.3: This is a stub types definition. joi provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
5:13:17 PM: npm WARN deprecated json2csv@5.0.7: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
5:13:19 PM: npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
5:13:21 PM: npm WARN deprecated @pronestor/react-zoom-pan-pinch@2.4.5: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
5:13:23 PM: npm WARN deprecated puppeteer@10.4.0: < 19.4.0 is no longer supported
5:13:56 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 install
5:13:56 PM: > npx turbo run install
5:13:59 PM: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: turbo@1.9.0
5:14:00 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
5:14:00 PM: • Running install in 8 packages
5:14:00 PM: • Remote caching enabled
5:14:00 PM: No tasks were executed as part of this run.
5:14:00 PM:  Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
5:14:00 PM: Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
5:14:00 PM:   Time:    523ms
5:14:00 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 prepare
5:14:00 PM: > npx husky install
5:14:02 PM: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: husky@8.0.3
5:14:03 PM: husky - Git hooks installed
5:14:03 PM: added 2377 packages, and audited 2383 packages in 3m
5:14:03 PM: 432 packages are looking for funding
5:14:03 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
5:14:03 PM: 12 vulnerabilities (4 moderate, 5 high, 3 critical)
5:14:03 PM: To address issues that do not require attention, run:
5:14:03 PM:   npm audit fix
5:14:03 PM: To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
5:14:03 PM:   npm audit fix --force
5:14:03 PM: Some issues need review, and may require choosing
5:14:03 PM: a different dependency.
5:14:03 PM: Run `npm audit` for details.
5:14:03 PM: npm packages installed
5:14:03 PM: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
5:14:03 PM: Install dependencies script success
5:14:03 PM: Starting build script
5:14:04 PM: Detected 1 framework(s)
5:14:04 PM: "next" at version "13.3.0"
5:14:04 PM: Section completed: initializing
5:14:05 PM: ​
5:14:05 PM:   Netlify Build                                                 
5:14:05 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:14:05 PM: ​
5:14:05 PM: ❯ Version
5:14:05 PM:   @netlify/build 29.9.0
5:14:05 PM: ​
5:14:05 PM: ❯ Flags
5:14:05 PM:   baseRelDir: true
5:14:05 PM:   buildId: 6436c9fe0d1faf0008ba1562
5:14:05 PM:   deployId: 6436c9fe0d1faf0008ba1564
5:14:05 PM: ​
5:14:05 PM: ❯ Current directory
5:14:05 PM:   /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow
5:14:05 PM: ​
5:14:05 PM: ❯ Config file
5:14:05 PM:   /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/netlify.toml
5:14:05 PM: ​
5:14:05 PM: ❯ Context
5:14:05 PM:   deploy-preview
5:14:06 PM: ​
5:14:06 PM: ❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v4.34.0
5:14:06 PM: ​
5:14:06 PM: ❯ Loading plugins
5:14:06 PM:    - @commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar@0.0.4 from netlify.toml and package.json
5:14:07 PM: ​
5:14:07 PM:   1. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPreBuild event)                  
5:14:07 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:14:07 PM: ​
5:14:08 PM: Next.js cache restored.
5:14:08 PM: Netlify configuration property "build.environment.NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET" value changed.
5:14:08 PM: ​
5:14:08 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPreBuild completed in 649ms)
5:14:08 PM: ​
5:14:08 PM:   2. build.command from netlify.toml                            
5:14:08 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:14:08 PM: ​
5:14:08 PM: $ cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build
5:14:11 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
5:14:11 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'semantic-release@20.1.3',
5:14:11 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=18' },
5:14:11 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.20.0', npm: '8.19.4' }
5:14:11 PM: npm WARN EBADENGINE }
5:14:14 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See
5:14:14 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See
5:14:16 PM: npm WARN deprecated uglify-es@3.3.9: support for ECMAScript is superseded by `uglify-js` as of v3.13.0
5:14:17 PM: npm WARN deprecated @babel/polyfill@7.12.1: 🚨 This package has been deprecated in favor of separate inclusion of a polyfill and regenerator-runtime (when needed). See the @babel/polyfill docs ( for more information.
5:14:18 PM: npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see
5:14:18 PM: npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1:
5:14:18 PM: npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
5:14:20 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 install
5:14:20 PM: > npx turbo run install
5:14:21 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
5:14:21 PM: • Running install in 8 packages
5:14:21 PM: • Remote caching enabled
5:14:21 PM: No tasks were executed as part of this run.
5:14:21 PM:  Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
5:14:21 PM: Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
5:14:21 PM:   Time:    543ms
5:14:21 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 prepare
5:14:21 PM: > npx husky install
5:14:22 PM: husky - Git hooks installed
5:14:22 PM: added 958 packages, and audited 3555 packages in 14s
5:14:22 PM: 503 packages are looking for funding
5:14:22 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
5:14:22 PM: 12 vulnerabilities (4 moderate, 5 high, 3 critical)
5:14:22 PM: To address issues that do not require attention, run:
5:14:22 PM:   npm audit fix
5:14:22 PM: To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
5:14:22 PM:   npm audit fix --force
5:14:22 PM: Some issues need review, and may require choosing
5:14:22 PM: a different dependency.
5:14:22 PM: Run `npm audit` for details.
5:14:22 PM: > opusflow@0.0.0 build
5:14:22 PM: > turbo run build
5:14:23 PM: • Packages in scope: @opusflow/opusflow, dashboards, eslint-config-opusflow, hasura, opusflow-tests, pvdesigner, tsconfig, types
5:14:23 PM: • Running build in 8 packages
5:14:23 PM: • Remote caching enabled
5:14:23 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: cache miss, executing f2978d1d376e0164
5:14:23 PM: types:lint: cache miss, executing b63fa6a49670997d
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: cache hit, replaying output fee0bef84393a3cd
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: > opusflow-tests@0.1.0 lint
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: Rule                                | Time (ms) | Relative
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: :-----------------------------------|----------:|--------:
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/missing-playwright-await |     0.928 |    13.2%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-focused-test          |     0.891 |    12.7%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-wait-for-timeout      |     0.812 |    11.6%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-element-handle        |     0.802 |    11.4%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-skipped-test          |     0.692 |     9.9%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-useless-not           |     0.638 |     9.1%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-force-option          |     0.533 |     7.6%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-eval                  |     0.514 |     7.3%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-page-pause            |     0.462 |     6.6%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/valid-expect             |     0.452 |     6.4%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/max-nested-describe      |     0.244 |     3.5%
5:14:23 PM: opusflow-tests:lint: playwright/no-conditional-in-test   |     0.056 |     0.8%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: cache hit, replaying output 37188b033eeb9602
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: > eslint-config-opusflow@0.0.0 lint
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx --quiet --cache
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: Rule                                 | Time (ms) | Relative
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: :------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: prettier/prettier                    |   269.462 |    56.0%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/collection-return             |    40.269 |     8.4%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: no-shadow-restricted-names           |    21.568 |     4.5%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention |    13.475 |     2.8%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments      |     8.107 |     1.7%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/prop-types                     |     7.511 |     1.6%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/callback-binding              |     5.854 |     1.2%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand            |     5.292 |     1.1%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: i18next/no-literal-string            |     3.814 |     0.8%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/prefer-module                |     3.596 |     0.7%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: no-redeclare                         |     2.878 |     0.6%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/destructuring-assignment       |     2.531 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/prefer-dom-node-text-content |     2.470 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports     |     2.122 |     0.4%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference  |     2.009 |     0.4%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/consistent-compose            |     1.860 |     0.4%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/static-property-placement      |     1.698 |     0.4%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: lodash/path-style                    |     1.624 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function      |     1.549 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/no-negated-condition         |     1.463 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: import/no-import-module-exports      |     1.439 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/sort-comp                      |     1.411 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                 |     1.390 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: react/no-typos                       |     1.389 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: eslint-config-opusflow:lint: unicorn/escape-case                  |     1.378 |     0.3%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: cache hit, replaying output 375e7a6ce3556f3d
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: > pvdesigner@0.0.0 lint
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: :---------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: prettier/prettier                       |  2598.428 |    44.4%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: import/no-duplicates                    |   393.365 |     6.7%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention    |   179.985 |     3.1%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/destructuring-assignment          |   171.168 |     2.9%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components     |   124.998 |     2.1%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prop-types                        |    84.967 |     1.5%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: i18next/no-literal-string               |    81.372 |     1.4%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function         |    78.968 |     1.3%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/static-property-placement         |    75.282 |     1.3%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-array-index-key                |    63.104 |     1.1%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/callback-binding                 |    60.104 |     1.0%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/prefer-some                      |    53.549 |     0.9%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-typos                          |    47.822 |     0.8%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments         |    47.761 |     0.8%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                |    44.651 |     0.8%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/sort-comp                         |    38.027 |     0.6%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/collection-return                |    35.820 |     0.6%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision |    34.886 |     0.6%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                    |    33.997 |     0.6%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand               |    32.158 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/require-render-return             |    30.843 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-unused-prop-types              |    29.976 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/default-props-match-prop-types    |    27.869 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: lodash/prefer-invoke-map                |    27.574 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: pvdesigner:lint: react/no-arrow-function-lifecycle       |    27.393 |     0.5%
5:14:23 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
5:14:23 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: > @opusflow/opusflow@0.1.0 lint
5:14:23 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
5:14:23 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: types:lint: 
5:14:23 PM: types:lint: > types@0.0.0 lint
5:14:23 PM: types:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
5:14:23 PM: types:lint: 
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: cache hit, replaying output 6551c5afc8e392e8
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: 
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: > dashboards@0.0.0 lint
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: > cross-env TIMING=25 eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --quiet --cache
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: 
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: :---------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: prettier/prettier                       |   860.937 |    46.9%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: import/no-duplicates                    |   279.694 |    15.3%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention    |    45.764 |     2.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prop-types                        |    27.529 |     1.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components     |    21.764 |     1.2%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function         |    20.455 |     1.1%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/destructuring-assignment          |    20.440 |     1.1%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: i18next/no-literal-string               |    16.836 |     0.9%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments         |    15.768 |     0.9%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/collection-return                |    14.118 |     0.8%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/callback-binding                 |    13.839 |     0.8%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/prefer-some                      |    11.748 |     0.6%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/static-property-placement         |    10.128 |     0.6%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand               |    10.108 |     0.6%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-typos                          |     9.827 |     0.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                |     9.697 |     0.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference     |     9.687 |     0.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                    |     9.175 |     0.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values |     8.976 |     0.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports        |     8.696 |     0.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: unicorn/better-regex                    |     8.533 |     0.5%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/require-render-return             |     8.240 |     0.4%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: react/sort-comp                         |     7.647 |     0.4%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/prefer-immutable-method          |     7.576 |     0.4%
5:14:24 PM: dashboards:lint: lodash/prefer-map                       |     7.394 |     0.4%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: Rule                                            | Time (ms) | Relative
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: :-----------------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: prettier/prettier                               |   554.637 |    67.5%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments                 |   170.863 |    20.8%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention            |    18.452 |     2.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: react/prop-types                                |     5.303 |     0.6%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: import/no-duplicates                            |     4.715 |     0.6%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand                       |     4.361 |     0.5%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: unicorn/no-array-for-each                       |     2.860 |     0.3%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/ban-types                    |     2.527 |     0.3%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: lodash/collection-return                        |     1.756 |     0.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                        |     1.721 |     0.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: i18next/no-literal-string                       |     1.652 |     0.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures |     1.622 |     0.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define         |     1.439 |     0.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: lodash/consistent-compose                       |     1.420 |     0.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision         |     1.317 |     0.2%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: unicorn/expiring-todo-comments                  |     1.227 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: lodash/callback-binding                         |     1.140 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: lodash/path-style                               |     1.116 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: no-restricted-imports                           |     1.070 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: unicorn/no-array-callback-reference             |     1.050 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: unicorn/new-for-builtins                        |     0.963 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: react/destructuring-assignment                  |     0.912 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: react/no-access-state-in-setstate               |     0.908 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: object-shorthand                                |     0.882 |     0.1%
5:14:30 PM: types:lint: unused-imports/no-unused-imports                |     0.881 |     0.1%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: :---------------------------------------|----------:|--------:
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: prettier/prettier                       | 11803.893 |    36.5%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-duplicates                    |  3541.679 |    11.0%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: @typescript-eslint/naming-convention    |  1058.544 |     3.3%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-unstable-nested-components     |   602.289 |     1.9%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/destructuring-assignment          |   594.873 |     1.8%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-array-index-key                |   489.665 |     1.5%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prop-types                        |   483.341 |     1.5%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prefer-stateless-function         |   449.846 |     1.4%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: i18next/no-literal-string               |   447.554 |     1.4%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/callback-binding                 |   354.695 |     1.1%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/static-property-placement         |   315.828 |     1.0%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: import/no-useless-path-segments         |   260.369 |     0.8%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/prefer-exact-props                |   246.750 |     0.8%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-typos                          |   222.407 |     0.7%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/prefer-some                      |   212.467 |     0.7%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/jsx-fragments                     |   210.066 |     0.7%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/identity-shorthand               |   206.829 |     0.6%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/collection-return                |   196.465 |     0.6%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/require-render-return             |   187.013 |     0.6%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-this-in-sfc                    |   185.063 |     0.6%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/collection-method-value          |   181.819 |     0.6%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: lodash/matches-prop-shorthand           |   173.757 |     0.5%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/sort-comp                         |   168.242 |     0.5%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values |   164.760 |     0.5%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:lint: react/no-unused-prop-types              |   164.352 |     0.5%
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: cache miss, executing 3e4790b2c1453ebb
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.npmrc
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: > @opusflow/opusflow@0.1.0 build
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: > cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--max-old-space-size=8192' next build
5:15:28 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
5:15:29 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Skipping linting
5:15:29 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Checking validity of types...
5:16:53 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Creating an optimized production build...
5:18:26 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Compiled successfully
5:18:26 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Collecting page data...
5:19:03 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (0/208)
5:19:03 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
5:19:03 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
5:19:04 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
5:19:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (52/208)
5:19:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (104/208)
5:19:05 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (156/208)
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Generating static pages (208/208)
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: info  - Finalizing page optimization...
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: Route (pages)                                                    Size     First Load JS
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ┌ ● /                                                            13.1 kB         1.1 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├   /_app                                                        0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /403                                                         1.25 kB         609 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /404                                                         1.2 kB          609 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /503                                                         1.24 kB         609 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote                                        350 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote/createv2                               86.8 kB         821 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /administration/quote/list                                   9.25 kB         875 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/.eslintrc                                               0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/actions/downloadFile                                    0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/actions/uploadFile                                      0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/logic_apps/delete                                 0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/logic_apps/update                                 0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/azure/notification_hub/registerDevice                   0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/events/deleteFile                                       0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/integrations/mail                                       0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/integrations/notification                               0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_hasurautil                                         0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_s3utils                                            0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_utils                                              0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/_validation                                         0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/azure/notification_hub/createNotificationHubClient  0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/logger                                              0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/ResponseErrorBody                                   0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/sendgrid/createSendgridClient                       0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/sendgrid/sendMail                                   0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /api/lib/validateRequest                                     0 B             596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation                                                  344 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation/create                                           67.3 kB         677 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /automation/list                                             8.24 kB         743 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /calendar/all                                                2.41 kB         598 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /commercial/list                                             7.15 kB         877 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company                                                     359 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/[id]                                                373 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/[id]/edit                                           14.4 kB        1.03 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /company/list                                                8.37 kB         878 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact                                                     341 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/[id]/edit                                           4.46 kB        1.03 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/[id]/view                                           404 kB         1.51 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/create                                              5.86 kB         715 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /contact/list                                                8.1 kB          874 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /drive                                                       19 kB           752 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form                                                        340 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/submitted/list                                         8.65 kB         848 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/[id]                                          367 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/[id]/edit                                     627 B           717 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ λ /form/template/[id]/edit_OLD                                 7.26 kB         714 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/create                                        565 B           716 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /form/template/list                                          786 B           848 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /invoice                                                     342 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /invoice/create                                              2.81 kB         599 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /lead                                                        342 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /lead/create                                                 11.8 kB         725 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management (328 ms)                                         329 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/dashboard                                        101 kB          736 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├   └ css/7ce38324d4d02781.css                                   191 B
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group                                            353 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/[id]                                       372 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/[id]/edit                                  13 kB          1.02 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/group/list                                       8.48 kB         874 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/settings                                         30 kB           911 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management/templates/email                                  348 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ○ /management/templates/email/[id] (628 ms)                    364 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/templates/email/[id]/edit                        9.05 kB         713 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/templates/email/list                             9.34 kB         848 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow                                         352 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow/[id]/edit                               7.04 kB         751 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /management/workflow/list                                    7.5 kB          852 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/all                                                2.49 kB         598 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/my                                                 5.9 kB         1.09 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /planning/planner                                            32.3 kB        1.14 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project                                                     343 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]                                                358 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/edit                                           65.9 kB        1.22 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/form/[form_id]                                 381 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/[id]/form/[form_id]/edit                            10.8 kB         715 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/create                                              9.5 kB          820 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/group/list                                          8.59 kB         874 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /project/list                                                11.8 kB         914 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /pvdesigner                                                  603 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /pvdesigner/[id]                                             12.9 kB         609 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /quote/list                                                  522 B           848 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /residential/create                                          16 kB           828 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /residential/list                                            7.17 kB         877 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sales/dashboard                                             7.01 kB         832 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /select-organization                                         1.27 kB         597 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sign-in                                                     880 B           597 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /sign-up                                                     881 B           597 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /solarflow/pvdesigner/list                                   7.88 kB         874 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock                                                       350 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/list                                                  2.9 kB          599 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/mutations                                             355 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/mutations/list                                        9.38 kB         893 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/object/list                                           32.3 kB         906 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/purchase_order                                        357 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/purchase_order/list                                   10.5 kB         895 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/[id]                                         356 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/[id]/edit                                    9.46 kB        1.02 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/supplier/list                                         9.81 kB         849 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]                                        354 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/edit                                   11.9 kB        1.05 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/location/[location_id]                 391 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/[id]/location/[location_id]/edit            17.5 kB        1.01 MB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /stock/warehouse/list                                        7.18 kB         877 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks                                                       341 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks/create                                                283 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /tasks/list                                                  120 kB          941 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /ticket/list                                                 5.63 kB         977 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ├ ● /user                                                        339 B           596 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: └ ● /user/list                                                   16.8 kB         856 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: + First Load JS shared by all                                    681 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/framework-4a71bef80c147be9.js                         45.2 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/main-e71df96fcc0b7e51.js                              34.6 kB
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build:   ├ chunks/pages/_app-c0afc1958ae8a497.js                        508 kB
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5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
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5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: ●  (SSG)     automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)
5:19:06 PM: @opusflow/opusflow:build: 
5:19:06 PM:  Tasks:    7 successful, 7 total
5:19:06 PM: Cached:    4 cached, 7 total
5:19:06 PM:   Time:    4m44.263s
5:19:08 PM: ...writing to cache...
5:19:19 PM: ​
5:19:19 PM: (build.command completed in 5m 10.8s)
5:19:19 PM: ​
5:19:19 PM:   3. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onBuild event)                     
5:19:19 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:19:19 PM: ​
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5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/map/marker.png',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/map/marker.png',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/de/common.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/de/common.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/de/components.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/de/components.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/de/datagrids.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/de/datagrids.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/en/common.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/en/common.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/en/components.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/en/components.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/en/datagrids.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/en/datagrids.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/nl/common.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/nl/common.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/nl/components.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/nl/components.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/locales/nl/datagrids.json',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/locales/nl/datagrids.json',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.css',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.css',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.min.css',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp-frame.min.css',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.css',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.css',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.min.css',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/css/revolvapp.min.css',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/templates/index.html',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/templates/index.html',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/revolvapp/templates/index2.html',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/revolvapp/templates/index2.html',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_ai.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_ai.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_audio.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_audio.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_document.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_document.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_excel.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_excel.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_file.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_file.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_folder.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_folder.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_img.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_img.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_js.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_js.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pdf.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pdf.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_power_point.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_power_point.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pts.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_pts.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_txt.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_txt.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_video.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_video.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_word.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_word.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/files/ic_zip.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/files/ic_zip.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_cn.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_cn.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_de.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_de.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_en.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_en.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_fr.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_fr.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_kr.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_kr.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_nl.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_nl.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_sa.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_sa.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_us.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_us.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_vn.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/flags/ic_flag_vn.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   {
5:19:20 PM:     from: '/assets/icons/modules/Product_Icoon_CRM.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     to: '/assets/icons/modules/Product_Icoon_CRM.svg',
5:19:20 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:19:20 PM:     status: 200
5:19:20 PM:   },
5:19:20 PM:   ... 571 more items
5:19:20 PM: ].
5:19:20 PM: ​
5:19:20 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onBuild completed in 1.6s)
5:19:20 PM: ​
5:19:20 PM:   4. Functions bundling                                         
5:19:20 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:19:20 PM: ​
5:19:20 PM: Packaging Functions from .netlify/functions-internal directory:
5:19:20 PM:  - ___netlify-handler/___netlify-handler.js
5:19:20 PM:  - ___netlify-odb-handler/___netlify-odb-handler.js
5:19:20 PM:  - _ipx/_ipx.js
5:19:20 PM: ​
5:19:20 PM: Packaging Functions from functions directory:
5:19:20 PM:  - backup-table.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - clerk-active-users.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - clerk-reset-password.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - clerk-sync-user.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - clerk-update-public-meta-data.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - clerk-update-user.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - create-chart.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - create-roi-chart.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - delete-file.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - determine-import-difference.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - download-file.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - fetch3dbag.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - fetchEsdecToken.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - fetchMaterialList.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - fetchPvData.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - finalize-quote.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - geocoder.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - import-adwise.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - notification-new-project.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - send-email-background.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - status-change-handler.ts
5:19:20 PM:  - upload-file.ts
5:19:20 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM: ❯ The following Node.js modules use dynamic expressions to include files:
5:20:25 PM:    - express
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM:   Because files included with dynamic expressions aren't bundled with your serverless functions by default,  this may result in an error when invoking a function. To resolve this error, you can mark these Node.js
5:20:25 PM:   modules as external in the [functions] section of your `netlify.toml` configuration file:
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM:   [functions]
5:20:25 PM:     external_node_modules = ["express"]
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM:   Visit for more information.
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM: (Functions bundling completed in 1m 4.5s)
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM:   5. Edge Functions bundling                                    
5:20:25 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM: (Edge Functions bundling completed in 598ms)
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:25 PM:   6. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPostBuild event)                 
5:20:25 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:20:25 PM: ​
5:20:26 PM: Next.js cache saved.
5:20:26 PM: The function zip ../../../../../tmp/zisi-6436c9fe0d1faf0008ba1564/ size is 73.3 MB, which is larger than the maximum supported size of 52.4 MB.
5:20:26 PM: There are a few reasons this could happen. You may have accidentally bundled a large dependency, or you might have a
5:20:26 PM: large number of pre-rendered pages included.
5:20:26 PM: Contains 10871 files
5:20:26 PM: 
5:20:26 PM: 
5:20:26 PM: These are the largest files in the zip:
5:20:26 PM: ┌─────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────────────────┐
5:20:26 PM: │ (index) │                                   File                                   │ Compressed Size │ Uncompressed Size │
5:20:26 PM: ├─────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────────┤
5:20:26 PM: │    1    │            'apps/opusflow/src/assets/lotties/checklist.json'             │    '550 kB'     │     '3.29 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │    2    │         'apps/opusflow/.next/server/pages/automation/create.js'          │    '203 kB'     │     '1.73 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │    3    │                'apps/opusflow/.next/server/chunks/458.js'                │    '185 kB'     │     '1.63 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │    4    │         'apps/opusflow/.next/server/pages/contact/[id]/view.js'          │    '477 kB'     │     '1.6 MB'      │
5:20:26 PM: │    5    │    'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@next/font/dist/fontkit/index.js'    │    '350 kB'     │     '1.46 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │    6    │         'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@vercel/og/resvg.wasm'          │    '575 kB'     │     '1.38 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │    7    │   'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/babel-packages/packages-bundle.js'    │    '317 kB'     │     '1.34 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │    8    │ 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js' │    '337 kB'     │     '1.24 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │    9    │            'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/babel/bundle.js'             │    '321 kB'     │     '1.18 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: │   10    │          'node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js'           │    '287 kB'     │     '1.08 MB'     │
5:20:26 PM: └─────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────────────────┘
5:20:26 PM: 
5:20:26 PM: 
5:20:26 PM: For more information on fixing this, see
5:20:26 PM: Using background API routes
5:20:26 PM: If your account type does not support background functions, the deploy will fail.
5:20:26 PM: During local development, background API routes will run as regular API routes, but in production they will immediately return an empty "202 Accepted" response.
5:20:26 PM: Netlify configuration property "headers" value changed to [
5:20:26 PM:   {
5:20:26 PM:     for: '/*',
5:20:26 PM:     values: {
5:20:26 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
5:20:26 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
5:20:26 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
5:20:26 PM:     }
5:20:26 PM:   },
5:20:26 PM:   {
5:20:26 PM:     for: '/nl/*',
5:20:26 PM:     values: {
5:20:28 PM: Failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2 (
5:20:26 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
5:20:26 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
5:20:26 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
5:20:26 PM:     }
5:20:26 PM:   },
5:20:26 PM:   {
5:20:26 PM:     for: '/en/*',
5:20:26 PM:     values: {
5:20:26 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
5:20:26 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
5:20:26 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
5:20:26 PM:     }
5:20:26 PM:   },
5:20:26 PM:   {
5:20:26 PM:     for: '/de/*',
5:20:26 PM:     values: {
5:20:26 PM:       'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on',
5:20:26 PM:       'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
5:20:26 PM:       'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
5:20:26 PM:       'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin'
5:20:26 PM:     }
5:20:26 PM:   }
5:20:26 PM: ].
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPostBuild completed in 1.1s)
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM:   7. @commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar (onPostBuild event)  
5:20:27 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '/opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.next/index.html'] {
5:20:27 PM:   errno: -2,
5:20:27 PM:   code: 'ENOENT',
5:20:27 PM:   syscall: 'access',
5:20:27 PM:   path: '/opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.next/index.html'
5:20:27 PM: }
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM:   Plugin "@commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar" failed         
5:20:27 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM:   Error message
5:20:27 PM:   Error: Entry point file not found: /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/.next/index.html
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM:   Plugin details
5:20:27 PM:   Package:        @commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar
5:20:27 PM:   Version:        0.0.4
5:20:27 PM:   Repository:     git+
5:20:27 PM:   npm link:
5:20:27 PM:   Report issues:
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM:   Error location
5:20:27 PM:   In "onPostBuild" event in "@commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar" from netlify.toml and package.json
5:20:27 PM: ​
5:20:27 PM:   Resolved config
5:20:27 PM:   build:
5:20:27 PM:     base: /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow
5:20:27 PM:     command: cd ../.. && npm install && npm run build
5:20:27 PM:     commandOrigin: config
5:20:27 PM:     environment:
5:20:27 PM:       - ANALYZE
5:20:27 PM:       - ARCGIS_MAP_KEY
5:20:27 PM:       - AZURE_CLIENT_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
5:20:27 PM:       - AZURE_TENANT_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - BASE_URL
5:20:27 PM:       - CLERK_SECRET_KEY
5:20:27 PM:       - COMMANDBAR_ORG_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - COMMAND_BAR_IVS
5:20:27 PM:       - COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME
5:20:27 PM:       - DOPPLER_CONFIG
5:20:27 PM:       - DOPPLER_PROJECT
5:20:27 PM:       - E2E_PASSWORD
5:20:27 PM:       - E2E_USERNAME
5:20:27 PM:       - FIREBASE_APIKEY
5:20:27 PM:       - FIREBASE_APP_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN
5:20:27 PM:       - FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - FIREBASE_VAPID_KEY
5:20:27 PM:       - FUNCTIONS_BASE_URL
5:20:27 PM:       - GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY
5:20:27 PM:       - MUI_X_PRO
5:20:27 PM:       - NETLIFY_SITE_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - NEXT_USE_NETLIFY_EDGE
5:20:27 PM:       - NPM_TOKEN
5:20:27 PM:       - PVWATTS_API_KEY
5:20:27 PM:       - QUICK_CHART_ACCOUNT_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - QUICK_CHART_API_KEY
5:20:27 PM:       - REVIEW_ID
5:20:27 PM:       - SENDGRID_APIKEY
5:20:27 PM:       - SENDGRID_FROM
5:20:27 PM:       - TEST_BASE_URL
5:20:27 PM:       - TURBO_TEAM
5:20:27 PM:       - TURBO_TOKEN
5:20:27 PM:       - NODE_OPTIONS
5:20:27 PM:       - NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET
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5:20:27 PM:       external_node_modules:
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5:20:27 PM:       external_node_modules:
5:20:27 PM:         - express
5:20:27 PM:     send-email-background:
5:20:27 PM:       external_node_modules:
5:20:27 PM:         - mjml
5:20:27 PM:   functionsDirectory: /opt/build/repo/apps/opusflow/functions
5:20:27 PM:   headers:
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5:20:27 PM: Started saving build plugins
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving build plugins
5:20:27 PM: Started saving corepack cache
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving corepack cache
5:20:27 PM: Started saving pip cache
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving pip cache
5:20:27 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
5:20:27 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
5:20:27 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
5:20:27 PM: Started saving rust rustup cache
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving rust rustup cache
5:20:27 PM: Started saving go dependencies
5:20:27 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
5:20:28 PM: Build failed due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
5:20:28 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
5:20:28 PM: Finished processing build request in 9m29.529s
hrishikesh-k commented 1 year ago

This is being discussed in:

hrishikesh-k commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity...