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Translations Needed! #30

Open jonaharagon opened 6 years ago

jonaharagon commented 6 years ago

We're looking for volunteer translators to translate our content into various languages. We cannot use auto-translated versions (i.e. Google Translate).

Before contributing, make sure your language isn't already pending review in another PR. See the bottom of this post for ways to help if your language is already listed.

See Project: i18n and/or contact myself, @JonahAragon for more details

Pages to translate:

How to translate

Note: I'll be showing examples with fr in all of these steps, change that to any ISO 2-character language code.

1. Add your language to _config.yml on Line 12.

For example,

languages: ["en", "es"]

Would become:

languages: ["en", "es", "fr"]

2. Copy the English files

Copy _i18n/en/ to _i18n/fr/ and _i18n/en.yml to _i18n/fr.yml

3. Change the content files

The following files must be translated:

  1. _i18n/fr/irc/
  2. _i18n/fr/press/
  3. _i18n/fr/privacy-policy/
  4. _i18n/fr/index.html

You can also translate anything in _i18n/fr/_posts if you wish, but those are mostly archived posts that don't need to be included.

⚠️ If you don't translate _i18n/fr/_posts do not delete them from your language directory, just leave the English copies.

4. Change the language string file

Translate any necessary strings inside _i18n/fr.yml. In general, global.opennic should not be translated.

Languages needed

We're looking for translations into as many languages as possible! Priority given to the following:

If you're able to contribute please do so! It'd be a great help as I only speak English myself.

🌐 i18n reviews needed!

If your language of choice is already pending review, please help us out by verifying the translation submitted is clear, and accurately relays the information already posted to our English site. View a list of pending translations here