Check that your data complies with the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard (BODS) using our install our data review library to analyse files via your command line interface
subject/describedByEntityStatement should always refer to a statement with statementType == entityStatement.
interestedParty/describedByEntityStatement should always refer to a statement with statementType == entityStatement.
interestedParty/describedByPersonStatement should always refer to a statement with statementType == personStatement.
These should be checked.
In an ownership-or-control-statement,
subject/describedByEntityStatement should always refer to a statement with statementType == entityStatement. interestedParty/describedByEntityStatement should always refer to a statement with statementType == entityStatement. interestedParty/describedByPersonStatement should always refer to a statement with statementType == personStatement. These should be checked.