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pathway_organism parameter in pathway calls gives internal error (500) #183

Closed danidi closed 9 years ago

danidi commented 9 years ago

The pathways for target/compound/publication API calls return error code 500 when the pathway_organism parameter is defined (e.g. with Homo sapiens). It works fine in the general "Pathways: List" call.

stain commented 9 years ago

(my notes):

Example of 500 error:


Puelia: an implementation of the Linked Data API Internal Server Error Sorry, there was an internal error in serving this request, possibly due to an upstream server, or a configuration error.

It happens no matter what pathway_organism is specified (ie. probably not due to escaping of the space in Homo%20sapiens).

Testing on ops2, I get a 404 for any pathway_organism specified:

Yet of course this should work, as "Homo sapiens" is listed as the pathway_organism in

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<result format="linked-data-api" href="" version="1.4">
  <label>Pathways for Publication: List</label>
  <first href=""/>
  <type href=""/>
    <item href="">
      <page href=""/>
        <item href=""/>
        <item href=""/>
      <pathway_organism href="">
        <label datatype="string">Homo sapiens</label>
stain commented 9 years ago

(Further notes):

Seems to be cause by filtering on the wrong variable:

wp:organism api:name "pathway_organism" ;
        api:label "pathway_organism" ;
        api:value "The rdfs:label for the pathway organism (URL encode). e.g.: Homo sapiens." ;
        api:filterVariable "?item";
        a rdf:Property .

yet filtering on ?organism_uri (or ?organism) doesn't work - is it because the organism label is typed as rdfs:string? (in the SPARQL query I have to add ^^xsd:string) to get results.

Edit: Still learning this.. my apologies. The filterVariable was correct as it is the ?item that has wp:organism. Still investigating..

stain commented 9 years ago

Error log is not happy if pathway_organism is included:

[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 206: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: HR line 206 and body in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): logs.</u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/7.0.22</h3></body> in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string():                                                                                ^ in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 206: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: HR line 1 and html in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/7.0.22</h3></body></html> in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string():                                                                                ^ in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 206: parser error : Premature end of data in tag body line 1 in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/7.0.22</h3></body></html> in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string():                                                                                ^ in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 206: parser error : Premature end of data in tag html line 1 in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string(): u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/7.0.22</h3></body></html> in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_string():                                                                                ^ in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
[Mon Dec 01 14:14:57 2014] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/html/ops_ims.class.php on line 176
stain commented 9 years ago

Seems we get a 500 error from the IMS.{{+{*%23*+%0A%09%3Fitem+a+wp%3APathway+%3B%0A%09%09dc%3Atitle+%3Ftitle+%3B+%0A%09%09wp%3Aorganism+%3Forganism_uri+%3B+%0A%09%09foaf%3Apage+%3Fpage+%3B%0A%09%09dc%3Aidentifier+%3Fidentifier+.+%0A++++++++%3Fpw_uri+dcterms%3AisPartOf+%3Fitem+%3B%0A++++++++++++++++a+wp%3APublicationReference+.%0A%09%3Forganism_uri+rdfs%3Alabel+%3Forganism+.+%0A%09OPTIONAL+{+%3Fitem+dcterms%3Adescription+%3Fdescription+}%0A%09OPTIONAL+{+%3Fitem+wp%3ApathwayOntology+%3Fontology+}%0A}+}+ORDER+BY+%3Fitem++LIMIT+10+OFFSET+0&parameter=%3Fpw_uri&lensUri=Default&

If I leave out the organism_name it instead expands fine:{+%3Fitem+dc%3Atitle+%3Ftitle+%3B+%0A%09wp%3Aorganism+%3Forganism_}++WHERE+{{%0A%09%3Fitem+a+wp%3APathway+%3B%0A%09%09dc%3Atitle+%3Ftitle+%3B+%0A%09%09wp%3Aorganism+%3Forganism_uri+%3B+%0A%09%09foaf%3Apage+%3Fpage+%3B%0A%09%09dc%3Aidentifier+%3Fidentifier+.+%0A++++++++%3Fpw_uri+dcterms%3AisPartOf+%3Fitem+%3B%0A++++++++++++++++a+wp%3APublicationReference+.%0A%09%3Forganism_uri+rdfs%3Alabel+%3Forganism+.+%0A%09OPTIONAL+{+%3Fitem+dcterms%3Adescription+%3Fdescription+}%0A%09OPTIONAL+{+%3Fitem+wp%3ApathwayOntology+%3Fontology+}%0A}+}&parameter=%3Fpw_uri&lensUri=Default&

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><URL><expandedQuery>CONSTRUCT {
 ?item&lt;;  ?title . 
 ?item&lt;;  ?organism_uri . 
 ?item&lt;;  ?page . 
 ?item&lt;;  ?identifier . 
 ?item&lt;;  ?description . 
 ?item&lt;;  ?ontology . 
 ?item&lt;;  ?pw_uri . 
 ?item&lt;; &lt;;  . 
 ?organism_uri&lt;;  ?organism . 
 ?pw_uri&lt;; &lt;;  . } 

 GRAPH &lt;;  {
 ?item &lt;; &lt;; . 
 ?item &lt;;  ?title . 
 ?item &lt;;  ?organism_uri . 
 ?item &lt;;  ?page . 
 ?item &lt;;  ?identifier . 
 ?pw_uri &lt;;  ?item . 
 ?pw_uri &lt;; &lt;; . 
 ?organism_uri &lt;;  ?organism . 
 ?item &lt;;  ?description . 

 ?item &lt;;  ?ontology . 

FILTeR (?pw_uri = &lt;;)

</expandedQuery><orginalQuery>PREFIX dc: &lt;;
PREFIX wp: &lt;;
PREFIX foaf: &lt;;
PREFIX dcterms: &lt;;
PREFIX void: &lt;;
PREFIX rdfs: &lt;;
CONSTRUCT { ?item dc:title ?title ; 
    wp:organism ?organism_uri ; 
    foaf:page ?page ;
    dc:identifier ?identifier ;
    dcterms:description ?description ;
    wp:pathwayOntology ?ontology ;
    dcterms:hasPart ?pw_uri ;
    void:inDataset &lt;; .
?organism_uri rdfs:label ?organism . 
?pw_uri a wp:PublicationReference . 
  }  WHERE { GRAPH &lt;; {
    ?item a wp:Pathway ;
        dc:title ?title ; 
        wp:organism ?organism_uri ; 
        foaf:page ?page ;
        dc:identifier ?identifier . 
        ?pw_uri dcterms:isPartOf ?item ;
                a wp:PublicationReference .
    ?organism_uri rdfs:label ?organism . 
    OPTIONAL { ?item dcterms:description ?description }
    OPTIONAL { ?item wp:pathwayOntology ?ontology }
} }</orginalQuery></URL>
stain commented 9 years ago
SELECT DISTINCT ?item  WHERE {GRAPH <> { { ?item<> "Homo Sapiens". *#* 


root cause

org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException: Encountered " "*" "* "" at line 6, column 143.
Was expecting one of:
stain commented 9 years ago

@Christian-B any idea on what that "*"thing is meant to be..? Sorry for being clueless!

edit: Never mind - *#* is meant to be replaced with } by expandQueryThroughExpander() on the PHP side.. Comments in code as to why would be nice. :)

stain commented 9 years ago

Fixed. Bug in ops_ims.class.php in that "*" was not replaced before passing to IMS.

stain commented 9 years ago

Deployed on ops2 / devel. Could you check, @danidi ? Please also paste the URIs that work/don't work.


The organism names that are supported are:

<> api:name "Anopheles gambiae" .
<> api:name "Arabidopsis thaliana" .
<> api:name "Bacillus subtilis" .
<> api:name "Bos taurus" .
<> api:name "Caenorhabditis elegans" .
<> api:name "Canis familiaris" .
<> api:name "Danio rerio" .
<> api:name "Drosophila melanogaster" .
<> api:name "Equus caballus" .
<> api:name "Gallus gallus" .
<> api:name "Gibberella zeae" .
<> api:name "Homo sapiens" .
<> api:name "Mus musculus" .
<> api:name "Mycobacterium tuberculosis" .
<> api:name "Oryza sativa" .
<> api:name "Pan troglodytes" .
<> api:name "Rattus norvegicus" .
<> api:name "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" .
<> api:name "Zea mays" .
danidi commented 9 years ago

Thank you! I tested: -> works fine. -> works fine. -> gives a 404

Count calls show the same behaviour: single organisms work fine, multiple organisms separated by | return 0 results (although there should be more). Should I raise this as a different issue? The main issue seems to be solved.

stain commented 9 years ago

I didn't know multiple organisms were meant to be supported - that sounds like a new feature request. Could you raise that separately, @danidi ?

danidi commented 9 years ago

Done. See