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Global project issues [private for now. owner lee harland]
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SSL certificate on ops2 #358

Open stain opened 8 years ago

stain commented 8 years ago

The SSL certificate on the Open PHACTS dev server expired on 2016-02-11.

As I mentioned on the ops-dev skype chat I have installed a temporary SSL certificate from on - which should make work again -- but it will expire by 2016-05-25.

This is because their free certificates expire after 3 months.

It's possible to set it to auto-renew using a crontab and the letsencrypt script - but I have not done so yet.

The Let's Encrypt root CA is rather new, so I don't know if this will work well with say Java/Knime or Python/curl. (but you can also use directly which doesn't have any encryption)

The previous certificate was from Terena - which I believe used to bulk-sell SSL certificates for acedemia. I believe the deal has now ended and it is now DigiCert that supplies for .nl acedemia.

Are the .nl folks able to renew the old ops2 certificate or purchase a similar one, or should we continue using the letsencrypt?