openphacts / OPS_LinkedDataApi

A repository to host API configuration files, and code extensions
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How should getDatasetProps($dataset_uri) properties be set? #24

Open randykerber opened 7 years ago

randykerber commented 7 years ago

Anyone know how these properties should be set?

It's at end of ./views/tsv.php

function getDatasetProps($dataset_uri) {
        $dataset_names = array (
                '' => 'DrugBank',
                '' => 'OCRS',
                '' => 'Uniprot',
                '' => 'EnzymeClassification',
                '' => 'ConceptWiki',
                '' => 'ChEBI',
                '' => 'ChEMBL',
                '' => 'GeneOntology',
                '' => 'GOA',
                '' => 'WikiPathways',
        if (isset($dataset_names[$dataset_uri])){
                return $dataset_names[$dataset_uri];
        return false;
danidi commented 7 years ago

This looks like the definitions for the provenance information in the header of the tsv output format of the API, e.g. However, the given example is wrong in some of the columns (DrugBank and OCRS are actually incorrectly attributed with ConceptWiki). Maybe because the wrong URI is set here? Looks like would be the URI for DrugBank, and would be the one for OCRS. is also not defined yet, should be AERS.