openpharma / clinsight

ClinSight - An application for medical monitoring within clinical trials
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Potential `timeVis` adjustments to consider #98

Open aclark02-arcus opened 1 month ago

aclark02-arcus commented 1 month ago

Many folks really like this visual!

They seem to think it would be useful to plot conmeds & procedures in their own swim lane on the timeVis widget too. But since there can be lots of conmeds, it may make the height of the widget really tall. And since the scope of the widget wouldn't be focused primarily on AEs, it may make sense to just move the timeline to a new tab and label it as a "patient timeline" or something similar.

Then, if a user clicks on anything in the plot, it could dynamically populate a table of data below the plot to display more info. For example, if they click on an AE, we could serve up that AE data. If they click on an conmed, it would bring in that record from the conmed listing, etc.

LDSamson commented 1 month ago

Note that this issue is quite similar to #12. Nice to hear that they like the timeline. We should discuss the best approach on how to adjust it and how to expand the information in it without taking up too much space.

Of note is that, if we add medication, we should find a solution as to how to display medication that was started long time ago, so that the timeline is not too much 'squashed' or 'zoomed out'. I think we can set the start date on the first screening day in the settings.