openpharma / mmrm

Mixed Models for Repeated Measures (MMRM) in R.
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Add a `confint` method to use t-distribution based quantiles #414

Closed danielinteractive closed 5 months ago

danielinteractive commented 5 months ago

Currently we implicitly use Gaussian distributed based quantiles. Which does not make really sense when we are making so much effort to derive adjusted d.f. for the t-statistics.

In particular, this can lead to inconsistencies, where the p-value could be larger than 0.05 while the confidence interval would exclude 0.



df <- fev_data |> 
  filter(AVISIT %in% c("VIS1", "VIS2"), USUBJID %in% paste0("PT", 1:50)) |> 

mm2 <- mmrm(data = df, formula = log(FEV1) ~ AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID))
mm2_sum <- summary(mm2)

# This is Gaussian based:
# We want actually here:
mm2_coefs <-$coefficients) |> 
  mutate(t_quantile = stats::qt(0.975, df = df)) |> 
    ci_lower = Estimate - t_quantile * `Std. Error`,
    ci_upper = Estimate + t_quantile * `Std. Error`

Hopefully we don't need to make this as complex as in our case.

Relatedly, we also need to test whether emmeans confidence intervals are correctly calculated following this update.

clarkliming commented 5 months ago

when using df_1d, is it also appropriate to report the confidence intervals?

ideas is that we use df_1d and df_md for testing, for df_1d the d.f., estimate and distribution also provided, but lack the CI. it might be helpful to also report the CI

basically maybe we can create a function like this

confint.mmrm_tmb <- function(...) { #for confidence intervals of the coefficients
# call df_1d to obtain the d.f., est, etc and summarize them into a data.frame

for differences in marginal means, use

danielinteractive commented 5 months ago

@clarkliming hm good question, let me think about it