openpharma / staged.dependencies

R package to implement development stages for package development
MIT License
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DO NOT MERGE: Test renv fixes #167

Closed cicdguy closed 1 year ago

cicdguy commented 1 year ago

Tests renv-related fixes.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Code Coverage Summary

Filename                   Stmts    Miss  Cover    Missing
-----------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R/caching.R                  167       5  97.01%   68, 131-134
R/dependencies_app.R         131     131  0.00%    38-193
R/dependencies_helper.R      238      72  69.75%   42-43, 47, 52-55, 91-107, 113-122, 127-134, 140-143, 148-155, 161, 169-175, 230, 264, 276-294, 305, 414
R/dependencies.R             347      42  87.90%   87, 94, 112, 130, 214-230, 273, 281-284, 286, 299, 384, 449, 494-507, 552, 623-624, 631, 722
R/git_tools.R                183      87  52.46%   55, 73, 92-99, 102, 107, 124, 135-138, 155, 158-165, 181-205, 245-321
R/graph_methods.R             71       1  98.59%   116
R/host.R                      19      10  47.37%   5-8, 19-25
R/ref_strategy.R              44       0  100.00%
R/renv.R                      13       0  100.00%
R/rstudio_addins.R             5       5  0.00%    6-22
R/rstudio_jobs.R              27      27  0.00%    3-74
R/utils.R                     96       6  93.75%   2, 8, 72-73, 82, 92
R/zzz.R                       18      10  44.44%   27-37
TOTAL                       1359     396  70.86%

Results for commit: a387ce4baf21a221481049201cd340c932da5649

Minimum allowed coverage is 80%

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Unit Tests Summary

    1 files    13 suites   9s :stopwatch:   68 tests   68 :heavy_check_mark: 0 :zzz: 0 :x: 205 runs  205 :heavy_check_mark: 0 :zzz: 0 :x:

Results for commit 76914bcc.

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results.

nikolas-burkoff commented 1 year ago


cicdguy commented 1 year ago

Closing as we got rid of renv.