openphotogrammetry / meshroomcl

MeshroomCL: An OpenCL implementation of photogrammetry with the Meshroom interface
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Error reading fused file #11

Closed APOS80 closed 3 years ago

APOS80 commented 3 years ago

Got an error, see text file.


revisionarian commented 3 years ago

Hi @APOS80, thanks for posting your bug report with the error log.

When you run Meshroom, please click on the MultiviewStereoCL node, and then double-check the attribute named "Compute Visibility", and make sure that it is unchecked (disabled). The error message you are reporting should only ever happen if you have "Compute Visibility" turned on, and there is not really a good reason to have it switched on for most purposes.

Could you also please post here the file C:/fotogrammetri/SceauxCastle_Meshroom/MeshroomCache/MultiviewStereoCL/44057a1ba55617996746e3b54057568bb392c660\fused.ply that was created? That will allow us to figure out why this error message was triggered.

Let us know if turning off the "Compute Visibility" parameter allows MeshroomCL to work without error!

APOS80 commented 3 years ago

Here's fused.ply and also the log file.

revisionarian commented 3 years ago

Hi @APOS80, thanks a lot for posting your fused.ply file. We have been able to reproduce the error that you reported, and we will have a bug fix in the next release of MeshroomCL.

In the meantime, you can avoid this error by simply making sure that the "Compute Visibility" attribute of the MultiviewStereoCL node is disabled (this is the default setting). You do not need this attribute enabled to utilize the photogrammetry pipeline, and if you want access to your project's reconstructed 3D point cloud rather than the 3D mesh, then you can find it as the file MeshroomCache\MultiviewStereoCL\*\fused.ply.

revisionarian commented 3 years ago

The latest release (MeshroomCL 0.7.1) fixes this problem.