openphotogrammetry / meshroomcl

MeshroomCL: An OpenCL implementation of photogrammetry with the Meshroom interface
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One error message and strange sideeffects #22

Open Thhog opened 2 years ago

Thhog commented 2 years ago

Running MesroomCL 7.03 from official download on a Windos 10 Dell 8010 with NO homemade tweaks or corny programs. Just a standard windows PC with normal programs. Maybe more 3D programs like Mesh Magic, Blender, Meshlab, 3DF Zephyr etc. than normal.

After importing 59 not so mysterious pictures, MeshroomCl reports ....there is no node able to be processed. And then here is the strange thing. The process meshroom.exe is still active. Low CPU (1-4%) no disk no net activity. BUT... The response times for a single mouseclick anywhere is prolonged with at least, factor 10. Starting Windows activity tool takes a minut etc. No activity is consuming resources over 5%. Total CPU is around 10% and everything looks normal.

I know that many have reported the ....there is no node able to be processed problem. Unfortunately I have noticed that the answers have been a copy of the type of answers you get from Microsoft when some MSemployee without any knowledge of the software tries to give an answer to something he/she knows nothing about. Often by asking endless questions.

It would help me if the first issue is solved and I am really curious about the second. How can a program sabotage Windows GUI?