openphotogrammetry / meshroomcl

MeshroomCL: An OpenCL implementation of photogrammetry with the Meshroom interface
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MultiviewStereoCL Log #35

Open salv1ador opened 2 years ago

salv1ador commented 2 years ago

`============================================================================== Image undistortion

Undistorting image [1/31] Undistorting image [2/31] Undistorting image [3/31] Undistorting image [4/31] Undistorting image [5/31] Undistorting image [6/31] Undistorting image [7/31] Undistorting image [8/31] Undistorting image [9/31] Undistorting image [10/31] Undistorting image [11/31] Undistorting image [12/31] Undistorting image [13/31] Undistorting image [14/31] Undistorting image [15/31] Undistorting image [16/31] Undistorting image [17/31] Undistorting image [18/31] Undistorting image [19/31] Undistorting image [20/31] Undistorting image [21/31] Undistorting image [22/31] Undistorting image [23/31] Undistorting image [24/31] Undistorting image [25/31] Undistorting image [26/31] Undistorting image [27/31] Undistorting image [28/31] Undistorting image [29/31] Undistorting image [30/31] Undistorting image [31/31] Writing reconstruction... Writing configuration... Writing scripts... Elapsed time: 0.330 [minutes] Reading workspace... Reading configuration... Configuration has 31 problems...

============================================================================== Processing view 1 / 31

Reading inputs...


ref_image_idx: 0 src_image_idxs: 21 11 14 1 5 23 16 9 20 15


max_image_size: 1000 gpu_index: 0 depth_min: 3.0963 depth_max: 13.5925 window_radius: 5 window_step: 1 sigma_spatial: 5 sigma_color: 0.2 num_samples: 15 ncc_sigma: 0.6 min_triangulation_angle: 1 incident_angle_sigma: 0.9 num_iterations: 5 geom_consistency: 0 geom_consistency_regularizer: 0.3 geom_consistency_max_cost: 3 filter: 1 filter_min_ncc: 0.1 filter_min_triangulation_angle: 3 filter_min_num_consistent: 2 filter_geom_consistency_max_cost: 1 write_consistency_graph: 0


OpenCL platform : NVIDIA CUDA OpenCL device : GeForce GT 820M Error -11: Failed to build program OpenCL kernels! Program Build Log:`

Hello! Here is my log from meshroomCL. Im trying to understand the problems, it may be trivial but im seeking your help. Is MAXImageSize too low? Are my images problematic? I see general shape of an object in 3d view after first step so it shouldnt be so bad...

It stopped on Processing view 1 / 31 when running on GT 820M, it stopped on Processing view 3 / 31 when running on GT 820M + Intel integrated graphics.

I know that my spec is super low but i read that people are having succes on similar cards.

Thx in advance!

revisionarian commented 2 years ago

Hi @salv1ador, thanks for trying out MeshroomCL. The error message that you are seeing indicates that the MeshroomCL OpenCL kernels could not be compiled on your NVIDIA card, but that they are getting compiled successfully for your Intel graphics.

The MeshroomCL kernels require at least OpenCL version 1.2 support. I wonder if your older NVIDIA card and graphics driver do not support OpenCL 1.2? I see some web pages suggesting that the GT 820M only had OpenCL version 1.1 support. You can download and run the "clinfo" program at the bottom of this URL: to verify if your GT 820M has OpenCL 1.2 support (look for "Device OpenCL C version" in the clinfo output).

At any rate, as a workaround for this problem you can disable the NVIDIA card when executing the MultiviewStereoCL node. To do this:

  1. Use the right mouse button to "Remove" the two dashed lines entering the MultiviewStereoCL node from the left.
  2. Go into the MultiviewStereoCL attributes, and enable the "Specify OpenCL devices" checkbox
  3. In the "OpenCL Devices" list, deselect your NVIDIA card

Let us know how this works for you!

salv1ador commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanx for help! Everything went smooth on integrated Intel HD 4600! Sorry for bothering you i could have figured it out myself... ;] thxx again!