openphotogrammetry / meshroomcl

MeshroomCL: An OpenCL implementation of photogrammetry with the Meshroom interface
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Meshroom or Meshroom CL with iPhone XR #37

Open Lammeur opened 2 years ago

Lammeur commented 2 years ago

Hi every one !!

So I wanted to try a software of photogrammetry, fought Meshroom first, so I tried it, I open an issue into the project github :

So I m trying to solve the issue about the conversion of the HEIC format without having a uploading error... I didn't even already tried with Meshroom CL, let's see after if it's works !

So I did another shoots of something for try Meshroom CL because it looks like that when we don't have a Nvidia GPU, we got a CUDA error so normally Meshroom CL it's here for that.

So the fact, I get a compilation error with a block and I don't understant how to solve, can you teach me how to solve this issue ?


I m a newbe into github world x)

Thanks in advance !

revisionarian commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lammeur, thanks for trying out MeshroomCL!

Can you post the log message of the error you got on the StructureFromMotionCL node? To see the node log, select the StructureFromMotionCL node, and then click on the "Log" tab in the bottom right of the MeshroomCL window. This will show you all the output messages for that node; please post that text here, and we will then be able to diagnose the problem.

MeshroomCL does not support HEIC format images for the full pipeline. With HEIC images, you'll be able to use MeshroomCL to create a 3D mesh, but the final texturing step will fail unless you convert your images to another format (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, etc.).

Lammeur commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lammeur, thanks for trying out MeshroomCL!

Can you post the log message of the error you got on the StructureFromMotionCL node? To see the node log, select the StructureFromMotionCL node, and then click on the "Log" tab in the bottom right of the MeshroomCL window. This will show you all the output messages for that node; please post that text here, and we will then be able to diagnose the problem.

MeshroomCL does not support HEIC format images for the full pipeline. With HEIC images, you'll be able to use MeshroomCL to create a 3D mesh, but the final texturing step will fail unless you convert your images to another format (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, etc.).

Thanks for your answer, I will retry tomorrow and give you the log file !

Lammeur commented 2 years ago

So this time it was working, but the result was not like expected... Maybe because I did the camera shooting like a Scanner 3D and the software doesn't work like this x)

Thanks for you feedback and sorry for disturb for nothing