openphotogrammetry / meshroomcl

MeshroomCL: An OpenCL implementation of photogrammetry with the Meshroom interface
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Sir I have tried the initial startup setting and I am getting strange stuff #41

Open yumeverse opened 2 years ago

yumeverse commented 2 years ago Please look at the screenshots I attached via Imgur

Both Used the same resources (same photos) for meshroom cuda I've followed the tutorial of and rest untouched

for meshroom cl (non cuda) I've used the default starting initial setup and I am getting strange result I am pretty sure it is not the program's fault but I am the one making mistake could you please tell me what I am doing wrong ?

I think I have to change stuff at "multiviewStereoCL" node since preview generated from "Structure from motion CL" looks fine but everything starts to be screwing up at "multiviewsStereoCL" node, (huge difference of vertices number too) but I don't know what to change can you please guid me sir ?

Thank you in advance, will be waiting for your answer patiently please take your time and answer whenever you want to