openphotogrammetry / meshroomcl

MeshroomCL: An OpenCL implementation of photogrammetry with the Meshroom interface
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Stopped with error: Check failed: !elems.empty() #47

Open markmgit opened 1 year ago

markmgit commented 1 year ago

Using version 0.9.0 on windows 10 for the first time. It sopped on the MultieviewStereoCL node, so I checked the log and near the end I see the section below, with Check Failed message.

Any suggestions ?

max_image_size: 3200
min_num_pixels: 5
max_num_pixels: 10000
max_traversal_depth: 100
max_reproj_error: 2
max_depth_error: 0.01
max_normal_error: 10
check_num_images: 50
cache_size: 32

Reading workspace...
Reading configuration...
Fusing image [1/2] in 5.970s (161 points)
Fusing image [2/2] in 0.979s (161 points)
Number of fused points: 161
Elapsed time: 0.136 [minutes]
Writing output: C:/Users/x/MeshroomCache/MultiviewStereoCL/a519ee3e9e0925b6f4438ceaf257a1f0b6f8ec07\fused.ply
Triangulating points...
Triangulation has 160 using 161 points.
Initializing ray tracer...
Initializing graph optimization...
Integrating image [1/2] in 0.009s
Integrating image [2/2] in 0.000s
Setting up optimization...
Running graph-cut optimization...
Extracting surface as min-cut...
Creating surface mesh model...
F0925 14:50:36.071591 13976 math.h:233] Check failed: !elems.empty() 
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @   00007FFDBC785FCB  public: void __cdecl google::LogMessage::Flush(void) __ptr64
    @   00007FFDBC784B29  public: __cdecl google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal(void) __ptr64
    @   00007FF63F9AD401  (unknown)
    @   00007FF63F9CCB2A  (unknown)
    @   00007FF63F9CCFBC  (unknown)
    @   00007FF63F88F849  (unknown)
    @   00007FF63F8817A6  (unknown)
    @   00007FF63F8C41BF  (unknown)
    @   00007FF63FDDEAD4  (unknown)
    @   00007FFE07D17034  BaseThreadInitThunk
    @   00007FFE088826A1  RtlUserThreadStart
markmgit commented 1 year ago

Re-ran it, and it completed without error this time. Strange. But the output was not good so I'm starting again from scratch.

markmgit commented 1 year ago

MultiViewStereoCL Stopped with errors again:

max_image_size: 3200
min_num_pixels: 5
max_num_pixels: 10000
max_traversal_depth: 100
max_reproj_error: 2
max_depth_error: 0.01
max_normal_error: 10
check_num_images: 50
cache_size: 32

Reading workspace...
Reading configuration...
Fusing image [1/2] in 0.395s (0 points)
Fusing image [2/2] in 0.083s (0 points)
WARNING: Could not fuse any points. This is likely caused by incorrect settings - filtering must be enabled for the last call to patch match stereo.
Number of fused points: 0
Elapsed time: 0.010 [minutes]
Writing output: C:/Users/jacob/Pictures/!3d/MeshroomCache/MultiviewStereoCL/19f2772afb98b55710a65e0e166590c1198de9f4\fused.ply
Triangulating points...
Triangulation has 0 using 0 points.
Initializing ray tracer...
F0925 20:45:49.941437 10648 math.h:233] Check failed: !elems.empty() 
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @   00007FFDBC785FCB  public: void __cdecl google::LogMessage::Flush(void) __ptr64
    @   00007FFDBC784B29  public: __cdecl google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal(void) __ptr64

Could it be my images? I took 70+ images, I know they are not great, but for me it was a first experiments to see if it's worth continuing down this path. The first 2 nodes seem to work OK. But MultiViwStereoCL is crashing. I'd love to solve this if there are any suggestions based on this log?

Is there a Testing Set of images somewhere that I can try to make sure this actually works?

Oop-o commented 1 year ago

Same issue. My images appear to be good quality. This is my second model to be generated with meshroom. The first model completed successfully with 170 images. This time I only used 19 images. I wonder if the failure has something to do with image matching as less images leave less feature overlap for the program to reference...

ledbrainlet commented 9 months ago

Same issue, tried multiple testing datasets (even the one recommended for meshroom, ranging in sizes 3 to 50 pics) but it still fails. Does anyone have any idea how this can be solved. Seeems to be a common issue, ive seen multiple issues opened on this matter.

I have 32 gb of ram, a ryzen 5 5700x and a rx6800 with 16gb vram so i definitly dont think this is a perfomance issue