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Add essential functionalities to enable gdo modality analysis #444

Closed MatthiasBeyens closed 8 months ago

MatthiasBeyens commented 11 months ago

To enable gdo modality analysis from single h5mu or from multi sample integrated h5mu, the analyst requires more data to avoid cumbersome and error-prone post-processing within multi-sample context.

Therefore I suggest the following task to complete:

- [ ] add guide-cell transduction categorization functionality to gdo modality obs layer of single sample

- [ ] enable merge operation of gdo modality across multi samples of single sample

DriesSchaumont commented 9 months ago

Hi @MatthiasBeyens, regarding 'add assignment of guides to cells to gdo modality obms layer of single sample' and 'add guide-cell transduction categorization functionality to gdo modality obs layer of single sample', could you explain this a bit more? Is there a tool or some code that provides this functionality?

Also, combining multiple samples is supported using the concat component. Could you explain if something is missing? If so, could you describe the missing feature please?

MatthiasBeyens commented 9 months ago

Hi @DriesSchaumont you can ignore these open feature requests, since they are tailored to our internal projects. Once the code has proven its use, we might publish and open source relevant code, and push to openpipeline accordingly.

I can work with the current gdo modality openpipeline implementation. When do you expect to merge and/or release the new features? You can close the ticket.

Much appreciate your work!

DriesSchaumont commented 8 months ago

PR has been merged. The features are schedules for release in 0.10