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stroke width inconsistency #374

Closed XertroV closed 4 days ago

XertroV commented 11 months ago

I have found what looks like an inconsistency with stroke width. Between the next 3 images, only 1 line of code was changed.

First, black stroke of 2 thickness. Second, yellow stroke of 2 thickness. Third, yellow stroke of 1 thickness.

To me, it looks like the black stroke is drawing with a width of 1 regardless of thickness. The code will draw white when hovered, and it looks thicker and matches the yellow thickness. When I patch the thickness to be 1, the white thickness matches the 1st and 3rd image.

So, like if the color is black (rgba: (0,0,0,1)) then the stroke width is off?

For the first change, I un-commented: if (!hovered) col = vec4(1, 1, 0, 1);

For the second change, I changed dl.AddRect(itemAdjRect, col, 0, 2) to dl.AddRect(itemAdjRect, col, 0, 1)









void DrawMappingOverlay(UI::Texture@ tex, vec2 imgTL, LmMappingCache@ mapping) {
    auto size = vec2(1024);
    auto dl = UI::GetWindowDrawList();
    auto fg = UI::GetForegroundDrawList();
    dl.AddImage(tex, imgTL, size);

    if (mapping is null) return;

    auto nbHovered = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < mapping.objs.Length; i++) {
        auto item = mapping.objs[i];
        // auto pos = item.size;
        auto itemAdjRect = vec4(imgTL - vec2(1.25), vec2(1.25)) + item.imgRect;
        bool hovered = MathX::Within(UI::GetMousePos(), itemAdjRect);
        auto c = hovered ? 1.0 : 0.;
        auto col = vec4(c, c, c, 1);
        if (!hovered) col = vec4(1, 1, 0, 1);
        // thickness 2 for first 2 images and thickness 1 for final image.
        dl.AddRect(itemAdjRect, col, 0, 1);
        if (hovered) {
            auto yOffset = 34.0 * nbHovered;
            auto textTL = imgTL + vec2(1024 + 20, yOffset);
            auto rectTL = textTL - vec2(4);
            auto textSize = Draw::MeasureString(item.fidFileName, g_BigFont, 26);
            auto rectSize = textSize + vec2(8);
            fg.AddRectFilled(vec4(rectTL, rectSize), vec4(.1, .1, .1, .9));
            DrawList_AddTextWithStroke(fg, imgTL + vec2(1024 + 20, yOffset), vec4(1, 1, 0, 1), vec4(0), item.fidFileName, g_BigFont, 26);
codecat commented 11 months ago

I think itemAdjRect doesn't have whole integers, and can render at sub-pixel positions, which can potentially cause things like this to happen.

XertroV commented 11 months ago

Cool will try with exact pixles