Our test coverage is rather spotty. I for one have been inconsistent about writing tests for new code.
If you install "django-nose" and "coverage", and set settings.TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner', then you can get coverage reports.
For example:
(note the test failres are due to somewhat broken option parsing in django-nose, it's treating options as module names. You can avoid this by putting the same options in settings.NOSE_ARGS.)
Our test coverage is rather spotty. I for one have been inconsistent about writing tests for new code.
If you install "django-nose" and "coverage", and set settings.TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner', then you can get coverage reports. For example:
Not great; a lot is untested.
(note the test failres are due to somewhat broken option parsing in django-nose, it's treating options as module names. You can avoid this by putting the same options in settings.NOSE_ARGS.)