Pagination is not part of the spec, but per discussion on the open311 mailing list, several georeport v2 servers have implemented a 'page' parameter, and seeclickfix has an implicit pagesize of 20 (violating the spec which says 1000 items by default). Looks like 'page' is going to end up as a backward-compatible add-on parameter in the 2.1 spec.
So to get data from those we need to handle pagination. Just pass a page parameter, and if we get nothing back from a page, stop.
Pagination is not part of the spec, but per discussion on the open311 mailing list, several georeport v2 servers have implemented a 'page' parameter, and seeclickfix has an implicit pagesize of 20 (violating the spec which says 1000 items by default). Looks like 'page' is going to end up as a backward-compatible add-on parameter in the 2.1 spec.
So to get data from those we need to handle pagination. Just pass a page parameter, and if we get nothing back from a page, stop.