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Requesting "Business" Section, "Trade" Section, or "Economy & Trade" Section #424

Open Xyleneb opened 7 years ago

Xyleneb commented 7 years ago

This is the category you would go to if you wanted to know how the government would affect businesses outside of messing with taxation. Safety measures on products and appliances for example, are a trade problem moreso than a healthcare or economy problem.

If a new category is made for "Trade" then I would like to pinch the picture from "Economy" and use it for "Trade" instead. Economy could perhaps use one of the following creative commons photos:

Issue 392 for "Education" ( could also use one of the following creative commons photos:

Floppy commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this, I've been meaning to fix the education picture for ages. Are there any existing sections that you'd move to trade/business to get the page started?

Xyleneb commented 7 years ago

Are there any existing sections that you'd move to trade/business to get the page started?

Not really that I can see. I can only recall a few vague ideas off-hand that I had in mind:

  1. General subsidy for repair products - rather than charging VAT for a tyre inner or a dishwasher part, instead you would give a subsidy (to the retailer or the manufacturer, I haven't decided which). 'Mend not spend' sort of idea.

  2. Mandatory in-built electric blankets for all matresses larger than 'single' - the idea being to reduce the number of elderly freezing to death in their own homes.

  3. Deregulation of the automotive industry - EU rules state that you have to have brake lights and things (x) height from the ground, and so being unbound by that would allow more radical designs for UK models (similar to the difference that was seen between the European and North American model Honda Civics).

Any more ideas for specific industries, not related to more "general" taxation are welcome.