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Missing endOfLessons dates in italy school holidays file #37

Closed batrox closed 4 months ago

batrox commented 4 months ago


The end-of-school dates are published for Italy but are missing from the file.

Would it be possible to add them (like Portugal: EndOfLessons)?

Thanks in advance

fstueber commented 4 months ago

Done. Please check.

batrox commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your answer Frank, I don't see any change yet ?! It's written the last commit is 5 months ago

(By the way, thank you for your great work)

fstueber commented 4 months ago


batrox commented 4 months ago

Sorry :) thank you !!

batrox commented 4 months ago

Sorry did not see that endOfLessons is missing for Trentino in

2024-06-11;;EndOfLessons;IT Fine delle lezioni,EN End of lessons,DE Unterrichtsende;TR-TN;

fstueber commented 4 months ago

Added. Thank you!