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Holidays for Denmark #46

Open CarstenHa opened 2 months ago

CarstenHa commented 2 months ago

I'm looking for holiday data in Denmark. I'm not sure. Is it helpful for you to collect the sources according to the following pattern?

DK-83;Assens Kommune; DK-83;Billund Kommune;

Best regards


fstueber commented 2 months ago

Looks good for me 👍

CarstenHa commented 2 months ago

And what is the best way for you to publish the list? Should I create a gist?

fstueber commented 2 months ago

yep. Gist is ok

CarstenHa commented 2 months ago

The list of Danish municipalities is now online at:

Schools in Denmark have a high degree of self-determination rights. The only appointment defined by the Ministry is the summer holidays. These always start on the last Saturday in June. Some municipalities (Ærø,Gentofte,etc.) therefore have no holiday data on their homepage. But all 'Folkeskoler' are connected to the common communication network Every school can be found there at Holiday data is most under: or:

Good further Information:

Best regards


CarstenHa commented 2 months ago

More information on public holidays in Denmark:

fstueber commented 2 months ago

Awesome. Thanks a lot. Will work on Denmark hokidays as soon as I am finsihed with Spain (nearly ready) and Switzerland (a little bit more to do).

CarstenHa commented 2 months ago

Oh, just get it. I had sent an email to the Danish Ministry ( last week. They wrote to me the following: ... Regarding school holidays in private and independent schools, the agency does not possess a comprehensive list of these data in Denmark. We refer to § 4 in fri- og privatskoleloven: The school year begins on 1 August and normally includes 200 school days. ... Everything's done right ;)