openproblems-bio / openproblems-v2

Formalizing and benchmarking open problems in single-cell genomics
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Label Projection #180

Closed KaiWaldrant closed 1 year ago

KaiWaldrant commented 1 year ago

Task motivation

Accurate identification of cell types and subtypes is necessary for interpretation of any single-cell dataset. Currently, as of 2022, most studies go through the time-consuming and subjective process of manual cell type annotation—leveraging the analyst’s biological expertise to resolve cell types in the data. Automating this process would substantially speed up the analysis of single-cell data. A number of tools have recently been published that address this task. These tools enable accurate and automatic domain-specific cell type annotation by allowing to project cell type labels from high-quality reference dataset to another dataset. An additional benefit of such an approach is an increased power to detect rare cell types due to the use of auxiliary data. The label projection task in open problems aims to benchmark the performance of such methods.

Task description

To benchmark label projection methods, each dataset is divided into reference and query subsets. Methods are trained on the reference data subset and predict cell type labels for the query data subset. This prediction is evaluated against the true labels to quantify method performance. Different train and test splits are evaluated on several datasets.

Proposed ground-truth in datasets

We included diverse datasets annotated at different levels of granularity to test performance across several species (human, mouse, zebrafish, C. elegans).

The Pancreas dataset is a collection of 6 datasets of transcriptomes from human pancreatic cells obtained with 6 different single-cell technologies: CelSeq, CelSeq2, Fluidigm C1, SMART-Seq2, inDrop and SMARTer. This dataset is collected and prepared in Luecken et al., Nat Methods, 2022, see github. We added a version of this dataset with 20% label noise. Dimensions: 16382 cells, 18771 genes. 14 cell types (avg. 1170±1703 cells per cell type).

Tabula Muris Senis Lung18 includes all lung cells from Tabula Muris Senis, a 500k cell-atlas from 18 organs and tissues across the mouse lifespan. The lung cells are all collected via 10X sequencing, yielding 24540 cells and 16160 genes across 3 time points. Dimensions: 24540 cells, 17985 genes. 39 cell types (avg. 629±999 cells per cell type).

CeNGEN19 is an atlas of the C. elegans nervous system, with neurons isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting from L4 stage larvae. Single-cell gene expression libraries were prepared with 10x 3’ v3 chemistry and sequenced on Illumina NovaSeq6000. Dimensions: 100955 cells, 22469 genes. 169 cell types (avg. 597±800 cells per cell type).

Zebrafish20 contains transcriptomes from several time points of zebrafish development during the first day. Dimensions: 26022 cells, 25258 genes. 24 cell types (avg. 1084±1156 cells per cell type).

Initial set of methods to implement

We assessed standard classification methods (k-nearest neighbour classification, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron), as well as general algorithms (xgboost) and specific single-cell solutions (Seurat reference mapping, scANVI, scArches). Because k-nearest neighbour classification, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron and xgboost depend on data normalisation, we included two versions of this step (see below). For scANVI and scArches we included two versions of the highly-variable gene selection step. As a simple test benchmark we also included the Majority vote method which predicts each cell to belong to the most abundant cell type.

Normalisation methods

LogCP10k normalisation is the most commonly used normalisation method for single-cell data, that normalises all cells to have 10,000 counts and then transforms each count with log(count+1).

Scran normalisation21 method estimates size factor for each cell relative to average cell size in the dataset, with a trick to reduce stochastic gene dropout contribution to these size factor estimates.

Classification methods

K-neighbours classifier22 uses the "k-nearest neighbours" approach, which is a popular machine learning algorithm for classification and regression tasks. The assumption underlying KNN in this context is that cells with similar gene expression profiles tend to belong to the same cell type. For each unlabelled cell, this method computes the k labelled cells (in this case, 5) with the smallest distance in PCA space, and assigns that cell the most common cell type among its k nearest neighbours.

Logistic Regression23 estimates parameters of a logistic function for multivariate classification tasks. Here, we use 100-dimensional centred and scaled PCA coordinates as independent variables, and the model minimises the cross entropy loss over all cell type classes in the training data.

MLP24 or "Multi-Layer Perceptron" is a type of artificial neural network that consists of multiple layers of interconnected neurons. Each neuron computes a weighted sum of all neurons in the previous layer and transforms it with nonlinear activation function. The output layer provides the final prediction, and network weights are updated by gradient descent to minimise the cross entropy loss. Here, the input data is 100-dimensional centred and scaled PCA coordinates for each cell, and we use two hidden layers of 100 neurons each.

scANVI25 or "single-cell ANnotation using Variational Inference" is a semi-supervised variant of the scVI26 algorithm. Like scVI, scANVI is a variational autoencoder, which models cellular count data as a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution conditioned on cell batch, size factor and latent representation. Additionally to scVI, scANVI also leverages cell type labels in the generative modelling. In this approach, scANVI is used to predict cell type labels of the unlabelled test data from cell latent representations.

scArches+scANVI27 or "Single-cell architecture surgery" is a deep learning method for mapping new datasets onto a pre-existing reference model, using transfer learning and parameter optimization. It first uses scANVI to build a reference model from the training data, and then freezes the reference model parameters and fine-tunes so-called adaptor weights that relate only to the test portion of the data. It then uses the latent cell representations to predict cell labels via scANVI.

Seurat reference mapping28 is a cell type label transfer method provided by the Seurat package. Gene expression counts are first normalised by SCTransform before computing PCA. Then it finds mutual nearest neighbours, known as transfer anchors, between the labelled and unlabelled part of the data in PCA space, and computes each cell’s distance to each of the anchor pairs. Finally, it uses the labelled anchors to predict cell types for unlabelled cells based on these distances.

XGBoost29 is a gradient boosting decision tree model that learns multiple tree-based weak learners. Tree-predictions are aggregated in a weighted manner to produce a label prediction. Here, input features are normalised gene expression values.

Proposed control methods

Majority vote is a baseline-type method that predicts all cells to belong to the most abundant cell type in the dataset.

Random Labels serves as a negative control, where the labels are randomly predicted without training the data.

True Labels serves as a positive control, where the solution labels are copied 1 to 1 to the predicted data.

Proposed Metrics

Performance metrics include global accuracy, as well as weighted and unweighted F1 scores to balance prediction and recall over cell types and let the user assess cell type imbalance performance.

Accuracy measures the correct predictions in relation to the total predictions.

The F1 score measures the performances of the classification taking into account the precision and the recall of the model. This is preferred over the accuracy when the dataset is unbalanced. Here, we use a weighted average F1 score, where the F1 score for each cell type is weighted by the number of cells of this cell type.

Macro F1 score is a simple average of F1 scores per each of the cell types. It penalises methods that make mistakes on cell types with few cells.

rcannood commented 1 year ago

This task was migrated from by the migration team and can be found at src/tasks/label_projection