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[poll] control or baseline #247

Closed KaiWaldrant closed 1 year ago

KaiWaldrant commented 1 year ago

I think it's time to figure out what description we are going to use in all the openproblems repos: :+1: for control method :-1: for baseline method

@rcannood @scottgigante-immunai @mumichae @mxposed @dburkhardt

rcannood commented 1 year ago

Haha. Wouldn't call this an urgent issue, but it definitely needs to be resolved :)

I like being able to talk about positive controls and negative controls, so a :+1: from me.

Reminds me about a conversation with @slobentanzer about defining an ontology for all of the terms and concepts we use to talk about OpenProblems. I think that'd be a great idea.

KaiWaldrant commented 1 year ago

I know its not urgent, just a bit of fun on a saturday night :rofl:

slobentanzer commented 1 year ago

Still think that would be a cool thing to have. If you don't want to go full-blown semantic web immediately, we could also make drafts using the BioCypher framework (just defining some concepts in the configuration). Happy to brainstorm on that.

For instance, we could start by manually extending some subclass of EFO Information Entity.

scottgigante-immunai commented 1 year ago

I like being able to talk about positive controls and negative controls

Only concern about the term "control" is that in some cases (e.g. batch integration), a single baseline method can be a positive control for one metric, a negative control for another, and be totally irrelevant for a third.

slobentanzer commented 1 year ago


baseline method:
  is_a: method  # or whatever should be the superclass, e.g. from EFO

  is_a: baseline method

positive control:
  is_a: control

negative control:
  is_a: control

something like this? not sure whether the semantic structure is exactly correct, but in essence, this is what needs to be figured out, right? are strictly all instances of control instances of baseline method?

scottgigante-immunai commented 1 year ago

I'm not familiar with EFO but control would probably be a relationship between a baseline method and a metric -- so a baseline method is a positive control for a given metric.

rcannood commented 1 year ago

Hmm.. It's true that in some tasks, some components will be a positive or a negative control metrics, but will be irrelevant to others. How about adding that information to the metric itself? In this way, the no_denoising baseline or control method doesn't need to specify whether it's a positive control or a negative.

Contents of src/denoising/metrics/mse/config.vsh.yaml:

  name: "mse"
      - name: mse
        # ...
        positive_controls: [ perfect_denoising ]
        negative_controls: [ no_denoising ]

Contents of src/denoising/control_methods/no_denoising/config.vsh.yaml:

__merge__: ../../api/comp_control_method.yaml
  name: "no_denoising"
  # ...

something like this? @ slobentanzer Regardless of how we decide to resolve this issue, I'm sure we can already many items we can define. However, I guess we should move that to a separate discussion.

scottgigante-immunai commented 1 year ago

Yes, that could work!