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QICK: Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit
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Read jump point and error of direct downconversion #236

Closed JayChien04717 closed 4 months ago

JayChien04717 commented 4 months ago

Hi meeg and QICK team, I face two problem on readout signal.

First, when I using DAC direct ouput high frequency and using a external LO to do down conversion. After using ADC to readout. All instrument are 10MHz reference locked. 螢幕擷取畫面 2024-02-21 111153 螢幕擷取畫面 2024-02-22 091827

It seems phase are not locking cause when I increase average the signal amp decrease. Also repeat the acquire_desimate, the IQ signal are not fix.

Second is jump point,. 螢幕擷取畫面 2024-02-21 104659 We change another connection to doing up conver and down convert (This way can keep phase lock). When we doing broad band spectrum scanning. There are some unreasonable data point. We try to change LO frequency, LO power and ADC readout frequency. But it still happened 螢幕擷取畫面 2024-02-21 110719 螢幕擷取畫面 2024-02-21 110956

If need more data to check please tell me. Very thanks for your help.


meeg commented 4 months ago

Hi, sorry for the delay, I was on vacation last week.

First part: in principle this scheme, with analog mixing on the ADC side but not the DAC side, should work. However:

Second part: it's very strange that the signal seems to periodically go to -2, even though in the good measurements the amplitude is fluctuating (in other words, the bad points always look the same regardless of the frequency). This doesn't look like any problem I recognize. I would suspect some bug in your Python code. Can you inspect the values you are getting at the bad points in the sweep - both the averaged values you are plotting, and the prog.di_buf/prog.dq_buf?

JayChien04717 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your reply Ya, I found that the frequency has slightly difference with my setting. So I try to conver dac frequency freq to reg and convert back to frequency and let ADC to recieve this value. But it still not very precisely when I using oscilloscope to check. I think it's the reason why the pase isn't lock. Because I want to reduce the rf component using. I didn't use 5 nyquest zone to readout cause our signal is too noise and I guess 5 nyquest zone can't get the enough amplitude. But I will try later.

I will check prog.di_buf/prog.dq_buf later. Thanks for your seggestion. And I will close thie issue if there is no other problem.