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[BUG 1140792] KeyNotFoundException #1193

Closed twpol closed 11 years ago

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Reported by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date reported Sat, 02 Mar 2013 22:11:43 GMT
Tags crash

Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: A megadott kulcs nem szerepel a szótárban. a következő helyen: System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() a következő helyen: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) a következő helyen: ORTS.TrackCircuitSection..ctor(TrackNode thisNode, Int32 orgINode, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, Signals thisSignals) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals.CreateTrackCircuits(TrItem[] TrItems, TrackNode[] trackNodes, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, TDBFile tdbfile) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals..ctor(Simulator simulator, SIGCFGFile sigcfg) a következő helyen: ORTS.Simulator.Start() a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.Start(UserSettings settings, String[] args) a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.<>cDisplayClass6.

b3() a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.Main(String[] args)

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Sat, 02 Mar 2013 22:11:43 GMT
twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by cjakeman (cjakeman)
Date posted Sun, 03 Mar 2013 15:54:12 GMT

Hi Tepi,

Where can we download the route and the consist from?



twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Sun, 03 Mar 2013 16:25:08 GMT

Hi Chris,

You can download the route from this link:

And you can download the train from this link:

And the consist:



twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by r.roeterdink (r-roeterdink)
Date posted Thu, 07 Mar 2013 20:06:10 GMT

Fix committed, version 1473. Probable cause was missing track shape details in tsection.dat.

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Fri, 08 Mar 2013 13:42:11 GMT

Thanks! These are very good news. And when are you publishing this version? Maybe at this weekend?

Thank you in anticipation.



twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by Peter Gulyas (pzgulyas)
Date posted Fri, 08 Mar 2013 13:58:53 GMT

The latest compiled version is always available at

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Fri, 08 Mar 2013 14:10:56 GMT


I need a username and a password. What are these?

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Sat, 09 Mar 2013 16:13:11 GMT

Sorry, but in the X.1477 version still doesn't working this map. What is the problem?

Regards, Martin

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by r.roeterdink (r-roeterdink)
Date posted Sat, 09 Mar 2013 23:51:39 GMT

I don't know what the problem is. The method where the crash occurs has only two lines where a dictionary is accessed - in both cases data from tsection.dat. Both these access points are protected against trying to access a non-existent element. Yet the program still crashes. I have no idea why. As this is the only route which has problems at this location it must be something in the route data. Will investigate further.

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Sun, 10 Mar 2013 05:57:48 GMT

This problem is not the same problem. Now the openrails show this:

Warning: Skipped track section 365 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 365 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 365 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 365 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 370 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Error: System.IO.InvalidDataException: Track node could not be found in the track database. a következő helyen: ORTS.Traveller..ctor(TSectionDatFile tSectionDat, TrackNode[] trackNodes, TrackNode startTrackNode, Int32 tileX, Int32 tileZ, Single x, Single z) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals.AddSignal(Int32 trackNode, Int32 nodeIndx, SignalItem sigItem, Int32 prevSignal, TrItem[] TrItems, TrackNode[] trackNodes, Int32 TDBRef, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, TDBFile tdbfile) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals.ScanSection(TrItem[] TrItems, TrackNode[] trackNodes, Int32 index, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, TDBFile tdbfile, Dictionary2 platformList) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals.BuildSignalList(TrItem[] TrItems, TrackNode[] trackNodes, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, TDBFile tdbfile, Dictionary2 platformList) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals..ctor(Simulator simulator, SIGCFGFile sigcfg) a következő helyen: ORTS.Simulator.Start() a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.Start(UserSettings settings, String[] args) a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.<>cDisplayClass6.

b3() a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.Main(String[] args)

The last time could you play with this route? Because I didn't load.

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by r.roeterdink (r-roeterdink)
Date posted Mon, 11 Mar 2013 10:04:06 GMT

OK - thanks. So I have not yet lost my complete sanity. I don't have that route so I am working 'blind' here - checking and altering the code according to the error messages. Made further changes in version 1484 - could you please check if that helped?

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:12:37 GMT

Sure enough! I like to play with route, too. In the 1484 version this is the problem: Error: System.IO.InvalidDataException: Track node could not be found in the tra ck database. a következő helyen: ORTS.Traveller..ctor(TSectionDatFile tSectionDat, TrackNo de[] trackNodes, TrackNode startTrackNode, Int32 tileX, Int32 tileZ, Single x, S ingle z) a következő helyen: ORTS.Traveller..ctor(TSectionDatFile tSectionDat, TrackNo de[] trackNodes, TrackNode startTrackNode, Int32 tileX, Int32 tileZ, Single x, S ingle z, TravellerDirection direction) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals.AddSignal(Int32 trackNode, Int32 nodeIndx, S ignalItem sigItem, Int32 prevSignal, TrItem[] TrItems, TrackNode[] trackNodes, I nt32 TDBRef, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, TDBFile tdbfile, Boolean& validSignal)

a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals.ScanSection(TrItem[] TrItems, TrackNode[] tr ackNodes, Int32 index, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, TDBFile tdbfile, Dictionary 2 platformList) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals.BuildSignalList(TrItem[] TrItems, TrackNode[ ] trackNodes, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, TDBFile tdbfile, Dictionary2 platfor mList) a következő helyen: ORTS.Signals..ctor(Simulator simulator, SIGCFGFile sigcfg ) a következő helyen: ORTS.Simulator.Start() a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.Start(UserSettings settings, String[] args) a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.<>cDisplayClass6.

b3() a következő helyen: ORTS.Program.Main(String[] args)

Sorry, but the Openrails last didn't create a log file so I copied from the terminal control program, so from the RunActivity.exe

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by tepimartin (tepimartin-deactivatedaccount)
Date posted Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:51:02 GMT

Bingo!!! I found the problem. So I reinstall this map and the trains many times, but the problem applied. Now I delete the GLOBAL folder and I do not owerwrites the original but I only copy from the zip's content. After I copy some trams, then I try play in openrails. And it managed to load!

Thank you for all your trouble!

And I take the opportunity. The hungarian trams don't work very well. I wrote for this problems in this bug: Can you visit, please?

Thank you in anticipation.

twpol commented 11 years ago

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Property Value
Posted by r.roeterdink (r-roeterdink)
Date posted Fri, 15 Mar 2013 23:41:06 GMT

As the problem has been resolved I have closed this bug report.