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[BUG 1586702] Passenger cars door animation #1731

Closed twpol closed 8 years ago

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Date reported Sat, 28 May 2016 22:02:04 GMT

When train in motion doors on some cars the door flip open and close. I uploade video on youtube here the link to video.

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Sun, 29 May 2016 21:09:06 GMT

Probably the .s files of these cars don't use the correct names for the door animations. Where can one of these cars be downloaded?

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Date posted Tue, 31 May 2016 00:38:49 GMT There you go

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Mon, 06 Jun 2016 10:33:45 GMT

There is in my opinion an error in the hierarchy/animations. There is a part, which is called ROD02, that has an animation. This part is part of the main body of the wagon, and has as subparts the wheels. Due to the fact that this part is animated with the motion of the wagon, also the wheel subparts become animated. In the attached .s file I have removed the animation of that part, and now the doors open correctly. Please check. It is the .s file for tsrPass_Beriozka_SZD-cupe.wag.

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Date posted Tue, 07 Jun 2016 06:47:41 GMT

Thanks, it worked. There are couple cars like that but diferent repaints. Can you tell me which line in .s file needs to be fixed? so i can do the rest. Thanks again.

And for some reason the developers of do not support their projects for Open Rails. They support MSTS Bin and make projects msts bin compatible. A lot of people on forums ask them to do it, but they wont listen.

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Thu, 09 Jun 2016 15:11:36 GMT

At line 107323 replace this anim_node ROD02 ( controllers ( 2 tcb_rot ( 1 tcb_key ( 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) linear_pos ( 1 linear_key ( 0 -1.1483e-006 1.98307 -0.000222849 ) ) ) ) with this anim_node ROD02 ( controllers ( 0 ) )

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Thu, 09 Jun 2016 15:14:26 GMT

I'm sorry that Russian developers don't support OR for their projects. The compatibility degree within MSTS and OR is very high, so that there is very few additional work, if any, to get OR compatible models.

twpol commented 8 years ago

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Date posted Thu, 09 Jun 2016 17:45:49 GMT

And their models are awesome. I hope they will in the future. There are many regular forum users suggested that they should, turned into arguments many times and many of us got banned by administrators, including me for one week. Some developers opened their site

But thank you for that fix.