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[BUG 1613333] Cut "power" / Emergency / Engineshutdown #1774

Open twpol opened 8 years ago

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Reported by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date reported Mon, 15 Aug 2016 15:48:08 GMT


Becauze in different country's the emergencysystem is others, i think that ORTS ignore the monitoringitems that have realtion with panto down/cut power by emergency...

Trains in country where i live, dont lower the pantograph or shutdown by emergencybrake, onley the power has been cut. (In real the must rearm with a Disjonteur or close circuit again)

For circuitsimulation (Disjoncteur, DUR...) they can be better add a keyboard command, with soundstream for the buttons and rearm. Now the panto up en down sounds are been played...

If the circuit is broken, onley the ventilation... must be schutdown (MSTS Bin stream 23/24)

Now the sounds of stream 45/46/66/67 are played too.

They other things is if the train brakes, the traction not cutes anymore, like in MSTS

If you do emergencybraking by youre own (emergenypushbutton) the traction stay on 100%, it gives wheelsleep or not fastest brake as result.

MY opinian too is that the locomotive or EMU onley must cuts power and lowered panto, if this have given in the monitoringcommando's:

DoesBrakeCutPower                   ( 1 )      !!!
BrakeCutsPowerAtBrakeCylinderPressure           ( 70 )     !!!

EmergencyStopMonitor (
    MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake ( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower ( 1 )                    !!!
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine ( 0 )              !!!
VigilanceMonitor (
    MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit ( 34 )
    MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit ( 30 )
    MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake ( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower ( 0 )                   !!!
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine ( 0 )             !!!
    MonitoringDeviceResetOnDirectionNeutral ( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetOnResetButton( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit( 5 )
    MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel( 350 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetLevel( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower( 0 )                   !!!
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine( 0 )             !!!
    MonitoringDeviceTriggerOnTrackOverspeed( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceTriggerOnTrackOverspeedMargin( 2 ) 
    MonitoringDeviceResetOnResetButton( 1 )



twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Mon, 15 Aug 2016 23:00:54 GMT

I'm currently rewriting a part of the default TCS script for the vigilance system. I am already integrating the ResetOnDirectionNeutral parameter.

For the parameters highlighted above : DoesBrakeCutPower is not implemented. BrakeCutsPowerAtBrakeCylinderPressure is not implemented. AppliesCutsPower should already work at least on electric locomotives. AppliesShutsDownEngine is not implemented.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Tue, 16 Aug 2016 23:01:24 GMT

Indeed, and can this be implemented please?

As cabvieweditor & engineer in this case, a engineer hopes that the train do what he have programmed in the ENG file offcourse.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Sat, 20 Aug 2016 05:39:57 GMT

The DoesBrakeCutPower and BrakeCutsPowerAtBrakeCylinderPressure parameters have been implemented in revision #3610.

The AppliesCutsPower and AppliesShutsDownEngine parameters still have to be implemented for Diesel locomotives.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Sat, 20 Aug 2016 11:08:08 GMT


I have test on a electric train, if you braking the "linevoltage" meter go to zero. pantograph is up. A electric train must be normaly set traction to zero if you braking.

Like in MSTS it was correct.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Sat, 20 Aug 2016 22:13:12 GMT

Ok, I will try something else.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 00:05:18 GMT

I have make a example in MSTS, with Belgian locomotive.



twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 04:42:15 GMT

Ok, please test with revision #3611.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 10:07:52 GMT

This was the example, i forgot add link to my message:

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 11:24:36 GMT


I have/will test with a Engine, bud he wil not give traction on X3611

Tested again on stable version, he give traction.

With a enine & TCS script , train drive, bud by brake, the traction not stops :-(

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 17:09:59 GMT

That's normal : the DoesBrakeCutsPower parameter is handled by the TCS. It works with the default TCS.

This behaviour is currently not integrated with the TCS France script.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 18:44:38 GMT

Ok, Bud by locomotive that use onley a script for the brake (PBL2), he dont depart.

brakes are release... maybe i have wrong ENG file data?



Wagon ( HLE2727 Type ( Engine ) WagonShape ( HLE2727.s ) Size ( 2.950038m 5.519973m 19.10125m ) CentreOfGravity ( 0m 2.812418m 0m ) Mass ( 84t ) WheelRadius ( 0.625m ) InertiaTensor ( Box ( 2.950038m 5.519973m 19.10125m ) ) Adheasion ( 0.85 1.30 2.0 0 ) DerailRailHeight ( 4cm ) DerailRailForce ( "2.5m/(s^2)*68t" ) DerailBufferForce ( 200kN ) NumWheels ( 8 ) Friction ( 300.9N/m/s -0.1 1.3mph 2.23N/m/s 1.837 5.1N/rad/s 1 -1rad/s 0 1 ) comment ( -------- Attelage -------- ) Coupling ( Type ( Chain ) Spring ( Stiffness ( 1e6N/m 2e6N/m ) Damping ( 1e6N/m/s 1e6N/m/s ) Break ( 1e7N 1e7N ) r0 ( 10cm 40cm ) ) CouplingHasRigidConnection ( ) Velocity ( 0.1m/s ) ) Coupling ( Type ( Chain ) Spring ( Stiffness ( 1e6N/m 2e6N/m ) Damping ( 1e6N/m/s 1e6N/m/s ) Break ( 1e7N 1e7N ) r0 ( 10cm 40cm ) ) CouplingHasRigidConnection ( ) Velocity ( 0.1m/s ) ) Buffers ( Spring ( Stiffness ( 5e6N/m 5e6N/m ) Damping ( 1e6N/m/s 1e6N/m/s ) r0 ( 0m 1e9 ) ) Centre ( 0.5 ) Radius ( 1 ) Angle ( 0.5deg ) ) comment(-------- Freinage --------)

BrakeEquipmentType                          ( "Triple_Valve,Distributor,auxilary_reservoir,emergency_brake_reservoir" )
BrakeSystemType                             ( "Air_twin_pipe" )
MaxBrakeForce                               ( 72.08kN )
MaxReleaseRate                              ( 30 )
MaxApplicationRate                          ( 15 )
MaxAuxilaryChargingRate                         ( 20 )

BrakeDistributorTrainPipeAuxResPressureDifferenceForApplication     ( 1 )
BrakeDistributorEmergencyApplicationPressure                ( 0 )
BrakeDistributorEmergencyApplicationRate                ( 20 ) 

BrakeCylinderPressureForMaxBrakeBrakeForce              ( 51.4 )

BrakeDistributorFullServicePressure                 ( 51.4 )
BrakeDistributorMaxAuxilaryResPressure                  ( 73 )
BrakeDistributorEmergencyResPressure                    ( 73 )
BrakeDistributorReleaseRate                     ( 15 )
BrakeDistributorApplicationRate                     ( 20 )
BrakeDistributorTrainPipeControlRatio                   ( 2.27 )
BrakeDistributorNormalFullReleasePressure               ( 73 )

TripleValveRatio                            ( 2.27 )
Lights  ( 27
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Total lights: 27                ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Light update MSTSBin by: Stoomfan   ** )
    comment ( ** <email address hidden>        ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Update: 07-02-2007          ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )

    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Light switch (default: H) On (Dim)  ** )
    comment ( ** Number of lights: 5             ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    Light   (
        comment( Front Sphere of light )
        Type    ( 1 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 2 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 2 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( 80ffffff )
                Position ( 0.0 2.0 8.6 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 125.0 )
                Angle ( 15.0 )

    Light   (
        comment( Front Light White Right Dim)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 2 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( 80ffffff )
                Position ( -0.9974 1.909 9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Front Light White Left Dim)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 2 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( 80ffffff )
                Position ( 0.9974 1.909 9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Rear Light Red Right )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 4 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 3 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffff0000 )
                Position ( -1.0036 2.163 -9.274 )
                Azimuth ( 180 180 180 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Rear Light Red Left )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 4 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 3 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffff0000 )
                Position ( 1.0036 2.163 -9.274 )
                Azimuth ( 180 180 180 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Light switch (default: H) On (Dim)  ** )
    comment ( ** Reverse                     ** )
    comment ( ** Number of lights: 4             ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    Light   (
        comment( Front Light White Right Rev)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 2 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 5 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( 80ffffff )
                Position ( -0.9974 1.909 -9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 180 180 180 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Front Light White Left Rev)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 2 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 5 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( 80ffffff )
                Position ( 0.9974 1.909 -9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 180 180 180 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Rear Light Red Right Rev)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 4 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 4 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffff0000 )
                Position ( -1.0037 2.163 9.274 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Rear Light Red Left Rev)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 4 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 4 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffff0000 )
                Position ( 1.0037 2.163 9.274 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )

    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Light switch (default: H) On (High) ** )
    comment ( ** Number of lights: 3             ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    Light   (
        comment( Sphere of light )
        Type    ( 1 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 3 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 2 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        States  ( 1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 0.0 2.0 8.6 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Radius ( 200.0 )
                Angle ( 15.0 )
    Light   (
        comment( Front Light White Right Bright)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 3 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( -0.9974 1.909 9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Front Light White Left Bright )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 3 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 0.9974 1.909 9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Light switch (default: H) On (High) ** )
    comment ( ** Reverse                     ** )
    comment ( ** Number of lights: 2             ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    Light   (
        comment( Rear Light White Right Rev)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 3 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 5 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( -0.9974 1.909 -9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 180 180 180 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Rear Light White Left Rev)
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 3 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
            Penalty ( 1 ) 
            Unit ( 5 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 0.9974 1.909 -9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 180 180 180 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )

    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Emergency Lights                    ** )
    comment ( ** Number of lights: 4             ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    Light   (
        comment( Front wit rechtsvoor knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 0.9973993 1.908925 9.197099 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( 0.9973993 1.908925 9.197099 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Front wit linksvoor knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( -0.9934006 1.909425 9.199899 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( -0.9934006 1.909425 9.199899 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Achter wit rechtsachter knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 3 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 1.0054 1.908725 -9.2022 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( 1.0054 1.908725 -9.2022 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Achter wit linksachter knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 3 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( -0.9877005 1.909325 -9.2026 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( -0.9877005 1.909325 -9.2026 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    comment ( ** Emergency Lights                    ** )
    comment ( ** Reverse                     ** )
    comment ( ** Number of lights: 4             ** )
    comment ( ***************************************** )
    Light   (
        comment( Front wit rechtsvoor knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 5 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 0.9973993 1.908925 9.197099 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( 0.9973993 1.908925 9.197099 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Front wit linksvoor knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 5 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( -0.9934006 1.909425 9.199899 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( -0.9934006 1.909425 9.199899 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Achter wit rechtsachter knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 4 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 1.0054 1.908725 -9.2022 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( 1.0054 1.908725 -9.2022 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( Achter wit linksachter knipperend )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
                            Control ( 2 ) 
                            Penalty ( 2 )
            Unit ( 4 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   2
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( 00000000 )
                Position ( -0.9877005 1.909325 -9.2026 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( -0.9877005 1.909325 -9.2026 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    comment ( *********************************************************** )
    comment ( ** AI lights, as inspired by LegoTrain <email address hidden> ** )
    comment ( ** Number of lights: 4                         ** )
    comment ( *********************************************************** )
    Light   (
        comment( AI Front Light White Right )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
            Control ( 1 )
            Service ( 2 )
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( -0.9974 1.909 9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( AI Front Light White Left )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
            Control ( 1 )
            Service ( 2 )
            Unit ( 2 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffffffff )
                Position ( 0.9974 1.909 9.197 )
                Azimuth ( 0 0 0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( AI Rear Light Red Right )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
            Control ( 1 )
            Service ( 2 )
            Unit ( 3 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffff0000 )
                Position ( -1.0036 2.163 -9.274 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
    Light   (
        comment( AI Rear Light Red Left )
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
            Control ( 1 )
            Service ( 2 )
            Unit ( 3 )
        FadeIn  ( 0.5 )
        FadeOut ( 1 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   1
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.0 )
                LightColour ( ffff0000 )
                Position ( 1.0036 2.163 -9.274 )
                Azimuth ( 180.0 180.0 180.0 )
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.5 )
        comment ( *********************************************************** )
        comment ( ** OverheadWireFlashFwd                        ** )
        comment ( ** Number of lights: 1                         ** )
        comment ( *********************************************************** )
    Light   (
        Type        ( 0 )
        Conditions  (
            Headlight ( 0 )
            Unit ( 0 )
        FadeIn  ( 0 )
        FadeOut ( 0 )
        Cycle   ( 0 )
        States  (   8
            State   (
                Duration ( 4.0 )
                LightColour ( 11000000 )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.90 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffaaaaff )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 1.3 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 15.0 )
                LightColour ( 11000000 )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.90 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffaaaaff )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.90 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 7.0 )
                LightColour ( 11000000 )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.90 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 1.0 )
                LightColour ( ffaaaaff )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 1.1 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.05 )
                LightColour ( 11000000 )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.90 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )
            State   (
                Duration ( 0.05 )
                LightColour ( ffaaaaff )
                Position ( 0.0 5.8 5.25)
                Azimuth ( 0.0 -180.0 180.0)
                Transition ( 0 )
                Radius ( 0.90 )
                Elevation ( 0 -90 90 )

Sound ( "../../Common.Snd/HLE11-12-20-21-27/HLE27-ENG-V2.sms" ) ) Engine ( HLE2727 Wagon ( HLE2727 ) Type ( Electric ) MaxPower ( 4150kW ) MaxForce ( 234kN ) MaxContinuousForce ( 234kN ) MaxCurrent ( 1600A ) WheelRadius ( 0.625m ) Sanding ( 1e9mph ) NumWheels ( 2.2 ) MaxVelocity ( 165kmh ) CabView ( "HLE27-HASLER-MUX-V3-TBL+.cvf" ) HeadOut ( 1.7392 3.03 7.4951 )

comment(-------- Script TCS --------)

ORTSTrainBrakeController ( PBL2BrakeController.cs )
ORTSPowerOnDelay ( 0 )
ORTSAuxPowerOnDelay ( 2 )
ORTSCircuitBreakerClosingDelay ( 8 )

comment(-------- Compresseur principal --------)

AirBrakesAirCompressorPowerRating           ( 2.5 )
AirBrakesAirCompressorWattage               ( 11000 )
AirBrakesAirUsedPerPoundsOfBrakePipePressure        ( 1.2 )
AirBrakesCompressorRestartPressure          ( 100 )
AirBrakesHasLowPressureTest                 ( 0 )
AirBrakesIsCompressorElectricOrMechanical       ( "Electric" )
AirBrakesMainMaxAirPressure             ( 115 )
AirBrakesMainMinResAirPressure              ( 1 )
AirBrakesMainResVolume                  ( 56 )
    AirBrakeMaxMainResPipePressure                      ( 115 )

comment(-------- Frein de locomotive --------)

EngineBrakesControllerMinPressureReduction      ( 4.5 )
EngineBrakesControllerMaxPressureReduction      ( 4.5 )
EngineBrakesControllerMaxApplicationRate        ( 15 )
EngineBrakesControllerMaxReleaseRate            ( 30 )
EngineBrakesControllerMaxQuickReleaseRate       ( 30 )
EngineBrakesControllerMinSystemPressure         ( 0 )
EngineBrakesControllerMaxSystemPressure         ( 73 )
EngineBrakesControllerMaxPressureDropInNormalApplication ( 73 )
EngineBrakesControllerFullServicePressureDrop       ( 51.4 )
EngineBrakesControllerDirectControlExponent         ( 1 )
EngineBrakesControllerHasProportionalBrake      ( 0 )

comment(-------- Frein de train --------)

TrainBrakesControllerMinPressureReduction       ( 4.5 )
TrainBrakesControllerMaxPressureReduction       ( 4.5 )
TrainBrakesControllerMaxApplicationRate         ( 15 )
TrainBrakesControllerMaxReleaseRate             ( 30 )
TrainBrakesControllerMaxQuickReleaseRate        ( 30 )
TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyApplicationRate       ( 15 )
TrainBrakesControllerMinSystemPressure          ( 0 )
TrainBrakesControllerMaxSystemPressure          ( 73 )
TrainBrakesControllerMaxPressureDropInNormalApplication ( 51.4 )
TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyBrakeTimePenalty      ( 0 )
TrainBrakesControllerFullServicePressureDrop        ( 73 )
TrainBrakesControllerDirectControlExponent      ( 1 )

comment(-------- Frein électrique --------)

    DynamicBrakesMinUsableSpeed             ( 20 )
    DynamicBrakesMaximumEffectiveSpeed          ( 248 )
    DynamicBrakesMaximumForce               ( 200kN )
    DynamicBrakesResistorCurrentLimit           ( 2000 )
    DynamicBrakesCutInSpeed                 ( 15 )
    DynamicBrakesMaxAirBrakePressure            ( 51 )
DynamicBrakesFadingSpeed                ( 20 )
    DynamicBrakesDelayTimeBeforeEngaging            ( 0.5 )
DynamicBrakesMaximumSpeedForFadeOut             ( 1200 )
    DynamicBrakesEffectAtMaximumFadeOut         ( 0 )
    DynamicBrakesHigherSpeedCurveExponent           ( 13.5 )
    DynamicBrakesLowerSpeedCurveExponent            ( 0.9 )
    DynamicBrakesNumberOfControllerNotches          ( 0 )

DoesBrakeCutPower                   ( 1 )
DoesHornTriggerBell                     ( 0 )

EmergencyStopMonitor (
    MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake ( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower ( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine ( 0 )
VigilanceMonitor (
    MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit ( 46 )
    MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit ( 40 )
    MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetLevel ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake ( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetOnDirectionNeutral ( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetOnZeroSpeed ( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit( 5 )
    MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel( 151 )
    MonitoringDeviceResetLevel( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine( 0 )
    MonitoringDeviceTriggerOnTrackOverspeed( 1 )
    MonitoringDeviceTriggerOnTrackOverspeedMargin( 2 ) 
    MonitoringDeviceResetOnResetButton( 1 )
EngineControllers (
    Throttle ( 0 1 0.125 0
        NumNotches ( 11
            Notch ( 0 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.06 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.135 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.255 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.38 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.51 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.64 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.76 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.88 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.94 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 1.00 0 Dummy )
    Brake_Train ( 0 1 0.025 1
        NumNotches ( 5
            Notch ( 0 0 TrainBrakesControllerReleaseStart )
            Notch ( 0.2 0 TrainBrakesControllerHoldLappedStart )
            Notch ( 0.25 1 TrainBrakesControllerGraduatedSelfLapLimitedHoldingStart )
            Notch ( 0.9 0 TrainBrakesControllerContinuousServiceStart )
            Notch ( 0.95 0 TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyStart )
    Brake_Dynamic ( 0 1 0.12 0
        NumNotches ( 10
            Notch ( 0 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.12 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.24 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.35 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.45 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.56 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.67 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.80 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 0.85 0 Dummy )
            Notch ( 1.00 0 Dummy )
    Brake_Engine ( 0 1 0.025 0
            NumNotches ( 3
                Notch ( 0    0 EngineBrakesControllerReleaseStart )
        Notch ( 0.2  0 EngineBrakesControllerHoldLappedStart )
                Notch ( 1    0 EngineBrakesControllerEmergencyStart )
    DirControl ( -1 0 1 1 )
    Combined_Control ( 0 1 0.5 0.5 throttle dynamic )
    EmergencyStopResetToggle ( 0 1 0 )
    EmergencyStopToggle ( 0 1 0 )
    Sanding ( 0 1 0 )
    Wipers ( 0 1 0 )
    Vigilence ( 0 1 0 )
    Horn ( 0 1 0 )
    AWS ( 0 1 0 )
    Vigilance ( 0 1 0 )
    Overspeed ( 0 1 0 )
    ShutsDownEngine ( 0 1 O )
    PantographToggle1 ( 0 1 0 )
    PantographToggle2 ( 0 1 1 )
    PantographsToggle_4 ( 1 1 1 )
    Headlights ( 0 0.25 1 0 )
    BellToggle ( 0 1 0 )
    CABToggle ( 0 1 0 )
    BailOffButton ( 0 1 0 )

Sound ( "../../Common.Snd/HLE11-12-20-21-27/HLE27-CAB-V5-TBL+.sms" ) Name ( "NMBS-SNCB HLE 2727" )

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 19:14:01 GMT

If you activate the DoesBrakeCutsPower parameter, you need to set a BrakeCutsPowerAtBrakeCylinderPressure value.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 19:58:01 GMT


I have see in this ENG file :

BrakeCutsPowerAtBrakeCylinderPressure ( 70 )

was missing, now the train departs as well, bud i think 70 PSI is not good

by brake, traction stays, by full & Emergencybrake too.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 20:39:14 GMT

70 PSI is too much. It's the brake cylinder pressure that is used in order to determine if we are braking, not the brake pipe pressure.

For example, the Acela has 15 PSI => 1% at the brake controller activates the traction cut-off.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Stijn (stijndecaluwe)
Date posted Sun, 21 Aug 2016 21:04:58 GMT

This values are comes out , MSTS ENG file, bud i have change to 15, and yes, now it works fine.

Youre tips, i add to a Word.doc too for use in al my ENG files & WAG files.

twpol commented 8 years ago

Imported from

Property Value
Posted by Cédric GNIEWEK (sharpeserana)
Date posted Wed, 07 Sep 2016 03:42:30 GMT

Due to the implementation of DoesBrakeCutPower, a lot of locomotives have no traction. See

Fixed in revision 3617 : added a default value for BrakeCutsPowerAtBrakeCylinderPressure.